
The Raglan SchoolS



A warm welcome to the website of The Raglan Schools, a federation of Raglan Infant and Raglan Junior schools in Enfield. I am proud to be the Executive Headteacher of both schools leading the education, care and guidance of 930 pupils aged 3 to 11 years. 

We have a happy thriving school with great children and staff, who all strive to do their very best. We aim for all children to develop their skills to a high standard in Reading, Writing and Maths, alongside a broad and balanced curriculum enriched with opportunities to thrive and be creative. 

"Pupils delight in being part of the Raglan community. They are safe here and treat fellow pupils with respect and kindness. Pupils behave extremely well at all times. They take every opportunity to bring the school values to life and enrich the lives of others." Ofsted January 2025

We have specialist teachers in Music, PE, Computing and Art & Design leading to excellent outcomes and a wide variety of opportunities within the curriculum and beyond. With around 45 after-school clubs a week, we offer a range of opportunities for children to follow their interests and develop their skills. 

Since the federation was formed in 2011, the schools have been going from strength to strength, working hard together creating a seamless learning journey from Nursery through to Year 6. The Infant School was graded Outstanding following an inspection in July 2024. The Junior School was also graded Outstanding in all areas following an inspection in January 2025. Standards are high and by the end of Year 6, achievement is above the national average.

We have a thriving community including a proactive Governing Body and a parent-led charity, the RSA (Raglan Schools Association) who are successful in raising money and supporting the federation's initiatives. The Raglan Wrap Club provides extended care from 7.30am to 6pm and The Hub is our community space offering learning opportunities for parents and pre-school activities. 

​If you are a visitor to our website, perhaps a parent looking for a prospective school, I hope you will gain a flavour of our community. Of course, the best way to find out is to pay us a visit. 

Martin Kelsey-Hatton B.Ed. Hons (Cantab) NPQH MCCT

Executive Headteacher

Executive Headteacher - Mr Martin Kelsey-Hatton

Raglan_Summer_Magazine_2024 (2).pdf

Check the latest edition of Raglan News, our Magazine rounding up the last academic year


We have developed a series of short videos to help parents which we are calling Raglan Bitesize. We have a whole page of videos so click on the link to go to the page. 

Term dates for 2025/2026 can be found here