

Raglan has a thriving clubs programme each term offering over 50 clubs each week covering a range of subjects and interests. Some are provided by the staff and others by external providers. We also host some private providers that can be booked via those organisations.  

Our clubs programme is usually over-subscribed so we take requests and then allocate clubs to try and reach every child who wants to attend a club. 

Our clubs are not for childcare. Children attending should have an interest and enthusiasm to be there. Please see Raglan Wrap Club for before and after-school childcare.

Many of our clubs are free and where there is a charge it is a fixed price for all clubs, currently £30 for 8-10 weeks depending on the length of the term. There is no charge for pupils who received the FSM benefit (Not universal free meals for all pupils)

If you need information or support with Clubs please contact

SPRING Term 2024

Clubs have now been allocated for the Spring Term.

Clubs and Activities Spring 2024 (Public)

How do I book a club?

Each term we will publish a list of clubs available, which is usually around 50 clubs. Attending a club is beneficial in many ways for children so we have a system that means we can try and find a club for each child rather than first come first served. 

Parents complete an online form to make requests for the clubs they would like and then we allocate the clubs starting with the first choice for each child. In 90%+ of cases children get their first choice.

registering your child for a club

After we have allocated clubs to children they will appear on the Arbor Parent Portal/App. Parents can then register their child in the club and pay any fees that are due. 

What are the club fees?

To make our clubs as inclusive as possible we have a flat fee of £30 for the term. This is excellent value for money as most privately run clubs are £70-£120 per term. Even though some clubs cost the school more than others we have the same fee for every club where there is a charge. 

There are terms and conditions which are 

Terms and Conditions 

By registering a club place and paying a fee, please note the following T&Cs

The fee for clubs is now £30 for the term for 7-10 weeks (depending on the length of term)

Please note


If you receive support with school expenses (FSM Benefit) then we will pay for the first club where there is a fee. If you are not currently eligible, check our page on HELP WITH SCHOOL EXPENSES

What if my child already goes to Wrap Club?

If your child is already booked into Raglan Wrap Club on the same day each week as an after-school club, then you don't need to pay the club fee of £30. Email to let us know and we will pay your club fee for you. 

After the clubs have finished they will be take to Wrap Club. 

Why are some clubs free?

We have some funding for clubs especially sport and we use our Sport Premium Grant from the government to pay for the Raglan Sports Cup in the Junior School. We also make our choirs free as this is a popular and valuable part of life at Raglan. 

My child didn't get all the clubs they wanted

Even though we have over 50 clubs a week, the capacity isn't enough to meet all the demands. Always ensure the club you want the most is your first choice. We now operate a waiting list system for any spare places that come up. Look out for the online form to request a spare place if it comes available. 


We are using Arbor for the first time with clubs. Here are some notes on common issues with the new Arbor/Clubs system. 

Firstly, when you log in and go to Activities>Clubs you will see two sections 

<Name> is Registered for these Clubs this shows which clubs have been registered. 

<Name> CAN be registered for these Clubs shows which clubs are allocated but not yet registered/paid for

In some cases, a club appears in both sections. This is a problem we are looking at, but as long as the club is in the top section, this shows you have registered. If you open it, it will say Congratulations you have registered.  

What has confused some of us is the green REGISTER button still being available and some parents have taken this as needing to redo the registration. You don't need to do this again. The system is designed to add future memberships, so next term we could add more sessions to the same club. 

If you have registered but not yet paid the fee (if applicable), then your child's name will not be on the club register. This needs to be paid to secure the place. You can check if any money is due on the dashboard.