Physical Education


We passionately believe that PE and sport are unique in their ability to develop the 'whole' person. Our aim at Raglan Schools is to empower students with the physical literacy, confidence, resilience and motivation to pursue a lifelong love of physical activity and sport.  

We passionately believe that competitive sport and 'opportunities for ALL' can co-exist in a busy school environment and we are proud of the opportunities we offer our pupils both with the school day and after school


The Raglan PE team comprises two Sports Coaches and two PE Apprentices and is led by an established and experienced Head of PE (QTS).

In Nursery and Reception, pupils follow a holistic curriculum that develops the fundamential movement and coordination skills that they'll need throughout their lives.  In KS1 the pupils learn to perform the fundamental skills of catching, passing, dribbling, finding space, throwing, jumping, balancing, running and moving rhythmically that they will need to participate in physical activity and sport in the future.  Throughout KS2, our pupils have opportunities to develop and apply these skills within a sport and performance focused curriculum including Gymnastics, Dance, Netball, Football, Hockey, Tag Rugby, Table Tennis, Tennis, Cricket, Rounders, Athletics and Outdoor Adventurous Activities.  

As a school we promote physical education and development by providing opportunities for children to be active throughout the school day.   During Breakfast Club, pupils are offered physical activities led by one of our sports coaches, at 8:30 every morning our KS2 pupils are encouraged to participate in our Run For Raglan initiative which has seen our pupils complete over 300,000 laps of our 392m track on the field since March 2018.  Our Active Playtimes and Lunchtimes provide opportunities to participate in structured ball games,  physically challenge themselves on one of our three Trim Trail areas and provide our KS1 pupils the chance to “Run For Raglan.” 

Curriculum Enrichment

Alongside our curricular provision we offer an extensive programme after-school sports clubs, ranging from Tag Rugby to Dance with over 500 pupils attending at least one sports club every week.  A key part of this provision is our inter house competition, The Raglan Sports Cup, where over 250 pupils from Y3,4,5 and 6 compete for their houses in team sports every week every week. We also offer over 120 pupils from Y1-6 the opportunity to attend weekly lunchtime dance workshops in preparation for our annual "Raglan Rhythmix Show" and throughout the year we strive to offer our pupils as many inter school sporting opportunities as possible, almost 100 in total, and involving over 300 different children. At the end of Year 6, we offer 50 of our most sportingly engaged pupils the opportunity to attend the Cardiff Sports Tour, competing in Cricket, Netball Football and Tag Rugby against Welsh Schools as well receiving training sessions from professional coaches.

Our academic year culminates with four competitive and inclusive sports days, finishing with Year 5/6 Sports Day at Lee Valley Athletics Centre. 

Long term Plan

Long Term Plan PE 2023 - 2024

Medium Term Planning

Medium Term Planning PE 2024/25