
The Raglan Schools is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. A DBS check will be undertaken for all staff and regular volunteers.

Safeguarding Pupils

Safeguarding is the general term for Child Protection, Safer Recruitment, Health & Safety and other matters relating to keeping pupils safe. We take the safety of our pupils very seriously and closely follow guidelines to ensure that all adults working with our pupils meet essential criteria before being employed.

Child ProteCTION

We have a duty of care towards children and will always report concerns to the appropriate authorities when we have a concern following our policy.  

We may need to share information about your child on a need-to-know basis.  All staff are required to report potential concerns.  The child protection process takes measures to safeguard vulnerable children and young people who are at risk or suffering from physical, emotional or sexual abuse, and/ or neglect.  We are also obliged to refer any concerns if we think children may be at risk of harm.  I

If you are concerned that any child is either being abused or is at risk of abuse, talk to someone immediately who will inform one of our Safeguarding Team 

Safeguarding Team

Martin Kelsey


Designated Safeguarding Lead

Anna Williams

Lead Governor for Safeguarding

Claire Daly


Lisa Bennett

AHT Early Years

Candice Ferrand


Corrine Giles


Shahir Khan


Jo Pettifor

AHT Inclusion

Health & Safety

All staff are responsible for ensuring that our environment and our activities are safe and that we follow our Health & Safety policy. This includes visits out of school, which are properly risk assessed before they take place. The Heath & Safety Team is made up of staff and governors and meets half termly

Lead for Health and Safety Tony Mizon (Site Manager)

Lead Governor for H&S Lisa Chadwick (Chair of Resources)

H&S Team Gordon Buck, Lisa Chadwick, Martin Kelsey (Headteacher) and Terrance Cheung (SBM)

Staff Representative Terrance Cheung (School Business Manager)


As technology advances children are making more regular use of the Internet both in school and at home. The Internet brings many advantages to learning but with more use, it is important that children, parents and staff are fully aware of the need for safe use of the Internet. The school has a policy and guidance. Visit our Online Safety Page for some useful links to websites for parents.

Lead for Online Safety Nic Hughes (Specialist Teacher for Computing)