At The Raglan Schools we aspire to deliver a History curriculum that is rich, varied and accessible to all pupils. We strongly value History and recognise its importance within our school’s curriculum, therefore we have a dedicated weekly time that helps us to raise the profile of History across our school. Our intent is to ensure all pupils leave primary school with a curious mind and a strong understanding of time, chronology and how the past has influenced the present. We have a knowledge-based curriculum that allows children to learn more, understand more and remember more.
From EYFS through to the end of KS2, we build on pupils’ historical comprehension by developing their sense of self, making connections between past and present and building on their historical enquiry skills.
At the beginning of each unit, children are given the opportunity to retrieve knowledge from previous units that have been taught. Within each lesson, children are given the opportunity to recall knowledge from the previous lesson. Children practise new vocabulary to ensure they are using words accurately and in context and new knowledge is introduced in small steps to avoid cognitive overload.
We carefully plan key questions that provide our pupils with opportunities to retrieve and recall information, such as specific vocabulary. Higher order questions provide challenge and help to secure the disciplinary knowledge gained in all lessons. Pupils are also encouraged to generate questions of their own.
Our curriculum is progressive. Prior knowledge is built upon year by year, securing pupils’ understanding of the past. For example, pupils understand how settlers and civilizations have existed simultaneously in Britain and around the world. They are given the opportunity to explore the lives and impacts of different groups of people, with different cultures, religions and beliefs.
Teachers check for understanding throughout lessons in a variety of ways, such as cold-calling, ‘asking 5 children not 1’ and using mini white boards to show their answers. Children are encouraged to not opt out. Misconceptions are addressed when necessary and are used as an opportunity to inform and adapt teaching practice. Independent or group tasks are adapted based on the needs of pupils.
CUrriculum Enrichment
Gunpowder Mills visit - Year 1
Southend visit - Year 1 (links to Seaside's in the past)
Tower of London visit - Year 2
Celtic Harmony visit - Year 2
British Museum visit - Year 3
Ancient Greece Day - Year 3
Mithraeum virtual workshop - Year 4
Anglo-Saxon workshop - Year 5
Mexicolore workshop - Year 6
Imperial War Museum visit - Year 6