Latest News

19th December

Thank you to everyone for their support this term. If you are celebrating have a lovely Christmas! We look forward to seeing all the children again on Monday 6th January 2025. 

Best Wishes 

Martin Kelsey-Hatton

Composer of the month

Congratulations to the winners of the composer of the month competition. The children were challenged to present research on two baroque composers in the form of an advent calendar. The entries were amazing. Well done to all those who took part.

Year 2 Artwork

Year 2 have been busy with their artwork based around the fire of London. You can check out the slide decks below made into a video with the children singing London's Burning in a round. 

Composer of the Month winners 





Read All About it! 🗞️

Our Sports Journalists have been hard at work all term reporting on everything sports at Raglan.  You can read their Autumn newspaper here

Austen and Elgar win the Raglan Sports Cup

Congratulations to Elgar (Autumn 1) and Austen (Autumn 2) who are the Raglan Sports Cup Champions for this term.  Well done to all 263 children that have been competing for their houses in football, tag rugby and netball after every week.

A big thank you to Miss McCabe and her Wrap Club team for organising another fantastic Wrap Club party.  

Wednesday 18th December

End of TERM

A reminder to parents in the Infant School that the Year 1/2 playground will be closed on Thursday and Friday. Please scroll down below for where to drop off and pick up. Staff will be outside to assist. 

We finish on Friday at 1.30pm (Infants including Nursery), 1.40pm (Juniors) and 4.30pm (Raglan Wrap Club)

We reopen on Monday 6th January 2025 

Staffing Update

This week we will say goodbye and good luck to Mr Pennock who is moving to another Enfield School as Deputy Headteacher. We are delighted for Adam who has been at Raglan for 7 years mostly in Years 5 & 6. We wish him well in his new role. We will be welcoming Mr Luke Spary who will be joining the Raglan team in January and taking over in 6AP. Miss Drew will be stepping up as the Leading Teacher for Year 6. 

Mrs Plume (SENCo) has agreed to do some additional days for us in the Spring Term as we make a second attempt to recruit a new SENCo for the school. 

We also have two new Teaching Assistants joining the school and we will welcome Alice Everett and Ailsa Husband in January. 

Final Videos

The last two videos have now been edited and uploaded. These are the Year 4 performance of No One Wraps Like and Elf and the Nursery Songs.

A big thank you to Miss Hart for editing all our videos this year. ALl the videos from the last few weeks can be found on Gallery Page  


Nursery SONGS

Art Work

Take a look at the fantastic artwork from Year 5 and Year 6 who have been having lessons with our specialist Art & Design teacher Mrs Ashall. There are some really good outcomes which you can see on the slide decks. 

If you want to see more artwork you can check out the Art & Design site here

Still Life Y5 24

Year 5

Still Life Art Work

Y6 The Blitz 24

Year 6

The Blitz

Christmas Assembly

We went to the local church St Stephen's to host our Christmas Assembly. As well as telling the Christmas Story we had songs from the nativities and musicals by Reception, Year 2 and Year 4. 

The chamber choir opened the assembly with a beautiful rendition of This WInter's Night

RSA Thank yoU

A big thank you to everyone for supporting the various RSA events this term. This included the Hamper Draw where over 50 hampers were won! The top hamper included an iPad! The Secret Gift Room was a success and a thank you for all the helpers who wrapped and supported over the two days. We have finished off with the Year 3 and 4 discos today! Easter and Summer discos are planned for other year groups. 

Year 6 Sports Tour to Cardiff

50 of our most sportingly engaged pupils will be heading to Cardiff in June for our annual Sports Tour.  The 3 day tour includes sessions with Cardiff Dragons (Netball), Glamorgan (Cricket), Cardiff Rugby and Cardiff City (Football).

We expect the tour to be popular again so there is a selection criteria to ensure places are allocated fairly.  Year 6 Parents/Carers have until Wednesday 8th January to declare their child's interest in attending.

For more information and to declare interest please visit the PE and Sport Cardiff Page here

Monday 16th December

Y1/2 Playground Closure

Over the holiday we will be having the Year 1/2 playground resurfaced. Some preparation work needs to begin before the end of the week so we can finish on schedule. 

This means the Year 1 and 2 playground will be closed on Thursday (after 9am) and all day Friday. 

Please note the following arrangements for drop off and pick up:

Thursday Morning Drop-Off

Thursday & Friday Afternoon Pick Up

Friday Drop-Off


All clubs are now on Arbor so please check and register any clubs you have been offered and where there is a fee this should be paid to secure your space. If you no longer want the place, please let us know, as we have some waiting lists for those wanting the spaces. Email with any queries. 

No One Wraps Like an Elf

Year 4 put on three great performances of a new Christmas musical called No One Wrap Like An Elf. With catchy songs they did it proud and a cast of 120 sang their socks off! A big thank you to parents who supported with costumes and props. Also thank you for your donations on Ticket Source which raised £41.00 which will go towards extra curriculuar activities. 

CHristmas LuncH

We had a fun Christmas lunch on Friday, a big thank you to the Catering Team who produced over 800 meals! Thank you to everyone who donated crackers we ended up with more than enough, so thank you! 


The annual Santa Run took place on Friday with over 1200 laps run of the track so well done to all those who had a go despite the gloomy weather. 

Church Reminder

Tomorrow we will be holding our Christmas Assembly at St Stephen's Church and we will be walking down to the church in two groups. 

Unfortunately, there isn't enough room for parents. A final reminder that if you don't want your child to attend then please let us know here  

Videos from our performances 

Two more videos have been completed for your viewing. 

A midwife CRISIS

By Year 2


10H, 1AD and Rainbow Room


1ZS and 1ND

Progress Reports 

We are starting to email the progress reports, so look out for those in your inbox.  The guidance notes are below/ We have been reviewing how we assess and report progress and will be making some changes in 2025. Further details to follow. 

If you have any concerns about your child's report or want to follow up the report with a meeting, please contact your class teacher. 

Reports Explained - Parent Guide for EYFS 2023 (public)

EYFS - Autumn/Spring 24/5

Reports Explained - Parent Guide for Y1-6 2023 (public)

Years 1-6 - Autumn/Spring 24/5

Art Club (KS2)

The art club in the juniors have been exploring the theme of Owls and produced work using a rangd of media. Take a look at their work on the slide deck. 

Owls Art Club 24

Tuesday 10th December

Raglan Wrap Club

There is a proposed change of arrangements for bookings for next term and in the future. This change of policy will be put to governors on Wednesday evening and if approved, the following arrangements will be in place:

Since we increased capacity there were fewer issues in the Autumn Term. We are also working hard to get the clubs sorted before booking opens. 

It is also proposed that late fees will be increased to £10 which applies to Short Wrap (16:30) and Long Wrap (18:00) When parents/carers don’t arrive on time this can have an issue with ratios as we have to ask members of staff to stay on past their contracted hours. After 18:00 the £5 per 5 minutes still applies.  There are always some exceptional circumstances and the Wrap Manager will refer any of these cases to the Executive Headteacher where applicable.

Christmas Assembly

Our Christmas Assembly for the children will be held at St Stephen's Church on Tuesday, December 17th. We will walk the children there in the morning across two sessions. The assembly includes retelling the Christmas Story with songs from the Reception, Year 2, and Year 4 musicals. It will also feature some of the choirs. If you don't want your child to attend then you can withdraw them by completing the Google form here or emailing the office. 

Coming Up

A Midwife CRisis

Year 2 did brilliantly well in two performances of A Midwife Crisis. Their singing was great and all the narrators and actors did a good job! A big thank you to the parents and carers who supported with costimes and getting the children ready. Also thank you for the £53 donated via TicketSource towards our extra curriuclar programme. 


Here are videos from the performances last week which include the Winter Music Concerts and Baarmy Bethlehem which was performed by classes in Reception. 

Baarmy bethlehem

By R2 & R4

Baarmy bethlehem

By R1 & R3

WInter Music Concert Matinee

WInter Music Concert Evening

WInter Music Concert SOLOISTS

Friday 6th December

Clubs Reminder

Just a reminder that the club form closes on Monday, so please send your requests by then.


Santa Run


We will have the annual Santa Run next Friday 13th December, the same day as the jumper day. This is an extra Run for Raglan with Santa hats! 

Coming Up


Reception classes took to the stage this week with two performances of Baarmy Bethlehem. They looked amazing and the singing was great and put everyone in a very festive mood. Well done to all and a big thank you to the staff for all their hard work putting it together. Thank you also to the parents and carers for their support in getting things ready. Also for your kind donations which raised £132 for our extra curricular activities. 

Gymastics Success

Our gymnasts performed brilliantly at the Enfield Gymnastics festival this week.  Highlights included Raglan winning gold and silver in the Y3/4 competition as well as team gold in the Y5/6 Open category.   

A huge thank you to Mrs Tungatt for all her hard work preparing the children for the events and ensuring Raglan entered every category.

Wednesday 4th December

Tickets Reminder

If you intend to come to a performance please book your ticket online. All the links are on our EVENTS PAGE. 

We are limited with space with our numbers so the tickets are set to a maximum of 2. However, we are finding that 30-40 people are not turning up to each performance. So far 120 people have not turned up but have booked tickets for the Winter Concerts. These could have been used as extras, which is a shame. So please only book what you need and cancel any tickets you don't intend to use. 

Coming Up

CHristmas Lunch

This is on Friday 13th December and the menu is shared below. Just so you know, there is no jacket or pasta option on this day. (A vegan version of the cauliflower is available if you order in advance on Arbor, where menu has been amended).

You can pre-book as usual and the meal is free for all pupils except for nursery pupils which are charged at £2.50.


We welcome donations of Christmas Crackers for our lunch. If you want to donate a box please drop it into the office or classroom. 

Dress Down Day THIS FRIDAY

Friday is a dress-down day in return for a donation to the luxury hampers. The RSA Hamper Draw will see around 50 people win hampers which have additional prizes added from supporters of the school. Don't forget to get your tickets back to school by Monday 9th December for the big draw! 


The online form closes on Monday 9th December so please complete that on time. There was a mismatch with Spanish Club between the booklet and the form. We are sticking with the dates on the form and have changed the booklet. 


The children have worked hard this term which showed in the Winter Concerts which were very enjoyable. It was good to see the progress made by the groups and ensembles. A big thank you to Miss Hart and Mrs Campaniello for their hard work putting it all together. 

Thank you for the donations totalling£149 for these concerts. The money will help support our extra-curricular programme including Music. 

Performances included solos plus the guitar group, three recorder ensembles, Year 1 choir, Year 2 choir, junior choir, chamber choir, string ensemble, brass ensemble and wind band.

Friday 29th November

coming up


Christmas lunch will be on Friday 13th December and it is nice when every child has a cracker to pull. If you would like to donate a box of crackers, please bring them into school next week. 

The RSA are putting together around 50 hampers next Friday 6th December. If you are free to help in the morning between 9am and lunchtime please email

Clubs 2025

We are launching our Spring 2025 clubs today with the intention of sorting all the places before we break. There are 53 clubs across Reception to Year 6. There are some new clubs this term including:

We have new providers to try Fencing and Zumba for the first time. Speak Like a Native will deliver French as part of our programme rather than an external club. 

Clubs are either free or a flat fee of £30 for the term. Terms and Conditions apply.

Key Dates

Clubs and Activities Spring 2025 (Draft)

Keep your child safe online

The local authority has launched a guide for parents and carers to offer support and advice to keep children safe online. Online safety is built into the curriculum each term at school so the message to pupils is continuous and at an appropriate level for their age. As a school, we do not permit children to bring smartphones into school. We also support the initiative to encourage parents not to give primary-aged children a smartphone at all. Further work on supporting parents and carers will take place next term.

Keep Your Child Safe Online Guide 2024 (1).pdf
Keep Your Child Safe Online Poster 2024 (1).pdf

Thursday 28th November

Changes to Welfare

We have been lucky enough to have two welfare assistants for many years, but we will say goodbye to Mrs Nicolas this Friday. Going forward there will be one welfare assistant across the two schools with a change of role and responsibilities. We have 30+ members of staff trained in first aid, so more staff will be assisting in the lower levels of first aid and those children feeling unwell. This will allow the welfare assistant to focus on medication, and care plans and support children with medical needs. Mrs Wick will be on duty Monday to Wednesday and Mrs Buttigieg will be on duty Wednesday to Friday and each day at Wrap Club after school. 


All clubs finish this week on Friday. Please ignore any dates on Arbor as some errors were made setting up the 50+ clubs at the start of the year. Next week is Trials week for KS2 and we will also launch the Spring programme for clubs. Please remember to sign up for trials on the form sent by Mr Flett

Goodbye to X (Twitter)

We have decided to remove our school’s X (Twitter) account after 11 years of sharing tweets and posts with our school community. Sadly the platform no longer aligns with our values and has become a place to post racist, homophobic and other hateful comments without sufficient challenge or repercussions from the platform. It is no longer a site we want our school community to visit to see our content. 

We see the value in sharing content with our school community and beyond. This can still be done via our school website or our new Instagram account - raglanschools 


We have now placed a bulk order for school cardigans which will be on sale soon in the school shop on Arbor. These will be listed at £9.99. Thank you for your patience with this as we have been testing a few samples to make the right selection. Further details to follow. 

Cold Weather

As the weather declines we will get some frosty and icy days. Sometimes we will need to close the playgrounds in the morning as we are unable to make them all safe. If the Raglan Road Gate is closed then junior children can enter via the Raglan Road Door. If the Year 3/4 playground is closed, then children can enter via the Year 3 door in the Millennium Garden. The Year 1/2 playground is rarely frozen over, but if that is closed then we will point you in the right direction. 


Tickets are now available for Year 2 and Year 4 performances and Nursery Songs. These can be obtained from Ticket Source on the links below. Please note that all our performances require a ticket with pre-answered security questions. You can see them all listed below and on our Events Page

Winter Music Concert Matinees

3rd & 4th December

2pm start

Ticket Only limited to 2 

Winter Music Concert Evenings

3rd & 4th December

6pm start

Ticket Only limited to 2 

Reception present Baarmy Bethlehem

5th & 6th December

5th Dec, 2.15pm R1 & R3 6th Dec, 2.15pm R2 & R4

Ticket Only limited to 2 

Dress Down Day for Luxury Hampers

Fri 6th December

Children can dress down on this day in return for an item for the RSA luxury hampers raffle. Raffle Draw will be Monday 9th December. 

Year 2 present  A Midwife Crisis

9th & 10th December

2.15pm start

Tickets limited to 2 

Y4 Presents No One Wraps Like An Elf

11th & 12th December

11th Dec 2pm. 

12th Dec 6pm 

Tickets limited to 2 

RSA Secret Gift Room

12th & 13th December

The secret gift room is back again this year. 

Forms deadline is Friday 29th November

Christmas Lunch and Jumper Day

Fri 13th December 

Free for all pupils in Reception to Year 6

Donations of Chrsitmas Crackers welcome. 

Nursery Christmas Songs 

16-19th December

16th Dec 2pm Red    18th Dec 2pm Green 19th Dec 11am Blue

Year 1 present a  Sing & Sign Video


Year 1 will record a video this year of their songs including some sign language they have learnt

Christmas Assembly at St. Stephen's

17th December

At St Stephen's Church. This is for children only. If you don't want your child to attend, please fill in the form

RSA_Disco_Dec2024_YEAR 4.pdf

Thursday 21st November

Children In Need

A big thank you for the support given to our charity appeal for BBC Children In Need. 

We had a dress up and down day with donations to the charity plus a fun afternoon at the Games Fair where each class set up a stall to run a fun game and activity.

Overall we raised an impressive £1525.27

A big thank you to Miss Henison for organising our fairs and to everyone who donated. 

New Canopy and Outside Area for Raglan Wrap Club and draft plans for Y3/4 Playground.

New CanopIES

As reported earlier this year, the site house has been sold to Children's Services and is no longer part of our school estate. We do gain from the sale in the form of some school improvements and in half term we had the canopies in Reception replaced and a new caopy installed for the Wrap Club to create more of a usable space.

The next phase will be to resurface the Year 1/2 playground and add some more features/activity areas. 

We will also add more activity areas to the Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 playgrounds. We will also be installing the new Wall Art along the Year 5/6 fence to replace the bamboo which is an RSA-funded project. 

We are finalising the plans at the moment so it will be exciting to see those once installed. 


After-school clubs finish next Friday 29th November. Following this there will be some sport trials for next term and we will be releasing the information for all Spring Term Clubs. The aim is to allocate all the clubs before the break and start clubs on Monday 13th January. 

Tickets for Performances

We are starting to make tickets available for upcoming events. Please note that there is a capacity in each hall which means there will be 1 or 2 tickets available to each pupil performing. Tickets are now available for the Winter Music Concerts and Reception Nativities. Others to follow. 

If you are new to Raglan, please note we use Ticket Source to help us organise events due to the size and scale of what we do. You will need to book tickets in advance with the names of the people attending and answer the security questions. We will then scan your QR code on arrival for a quick check-in. 

Once again there is the option to donate something for your ticket. All the money goes to cover the costs of enrichment activities such as performances and extracurricular activities. 

Winter Music Concert Matinees

3rd & 4th December

2pm start

Ticket Only limited to 2 

Winter Music Concert Evenings

3rd & 4th December

6pm start

Ticket Only limited to 2 

Reception present Baarmy Bethlehem

5th & 6th December

5th Dec, 2.15pm R1 & R3 6th Dec, 2.15pm R2 & R4

Ticket Only limited to 2 

Dress Down Day for Luxury Hampers

Fri 6th December

Children can dress down on this day in return for an item for the RSA luxury hampers raffle. Raffle Draw will be Monday 9th December. 

Black History Month

We marked Black History Month in October with a range of activities and visitors. Thank you to those who volunteered to come speak with our children. Miss Henry has put together a slide deck with some photos and outcomes from the activities. A big thank you to her. 


Anti-Bullying Week

Last week was also Anti-Bullying Week. The pupils learnt about anti-bullying, the impact of bullying on others and how to report it. We had assemblies, listened to stories and our PDW (Personal Development and Wellbeing) lessons were focused on anti-bullying.  

Bullying can happen in all schools, including Raglan. Thankfully incidents of bullying are rare and we will always aim to deal with a case of bullying in a timely way. 

Bullying is defined in our policy as "behaviour by an individual or group, usually repeated over time, which intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally" 

Of course, children fall out and sometimes argue and even hurt each other and we deal with those incidents as they happen. They are not always considered as a bullying incident, which is often repeated, deliberate and targeted. 

RSA Update

The RSA Quiz Night was a sell out with 120 people battling it out for Quiz Champions. In the end, Charlie's Angels were triumphant and a fun night was had by all raising £1,300

A few things are happening over the next few weeks:

Cut Your Carbon

Friday 15th November

Children in Need

Thank you for your support with the Children In Need charity day. We dressed down (and up) and the children organised games and activities at the Games Fair this afternoon. 

We are still counting all the donations, but we think we have passed £1000 which will go to the charity. 


We said thank you and farewell to Mrs Arter, who has been at Raglan for over 20 years as a Teaching Assistant. We will also be saying goodbye to Mrs Nicolas who has been at Raglan for over 22 years in various roles but currently as a welfare assistant. Both have shown amazing commitment and dedication to the Raglan Community and we thank them for their service and wish them well on their next adventure. 

Enfield FoodBank

After completing our Cereal Box Challenge on Monday, Enfield Foodbank collected all the boxes to take back to their depot. They were very impressed with our efforts and send a big thank you to our school community. 

Quiz Night TONIGHT

There are a few tickets left for this evening's quiz night held at school. Mr Kelsey-Hatton will take the Quiz Master's chair once again for a fun evening of quizzing. Bring your own food, drink and everything you need for the evening which starts at 7pm and finishes by 10pm. Contact for last minute tickets!


We were unable to appoint a new SENDCo last half term. This is a challenging post to fill and time was against us. We will try again in Spring. 

In the meantime, Mrs Houlihan (Assistant SENCo) will take the lead with some additional help so we can continue our work and ensure we meet all our statutory obligations. 

Enfield Council has issued a newsletter for parents and carers who have children with SEND. This is to improve communications and keep parents informed about the Local Area SEND Offer. 

FINAL Version of SEND Team News Letter 12.11.2024 (V3) (1).pdf

Monday 11th November 

Cereal Box Challenge for Harvest

Today we completed our challenge to collect as many boxes of cereal as we could for our local Food Bank. Before we send them off, we set them out through all our corridors and halls to see how far they stretched! 

the challenge was a lot of fun and although we had to give them a few nudges along the way we made it from the Juniors to the Infants! 

Thank you for your support. 


Today we marked Remembrance Day with a 2 minute silence at 11am. Our school councilors have also been selling poppies and other items to raise money for The Royal British Legion. 

Quiz Night This FRiday

Quiz night - Grab some friends, coordinate your snacks and drinks, ready for the Quiz Night this Friday 15th November. It's a fun evening of general knowledge and subject rounds with a cash prize in the Red or Black Interval game. 

Tickets available via Classlist or email



Today is the last day for ordering with FREE postage to school. After today there will be a charge for P&P to your home. 

Wednesday 6th November

Welcome Back 

Welcome back after the break, this is Autumn 2 leading up to the Christmas Break. Please note the key dates for November and December on the calendar. 

We have also set out the performances for the end of term which is a very busy time for us with over 1,500 tickets to organise. We have set out the dates below and on the EVENTS page and tickets will be available on Ticket Source in a few weeks. 

Winter Music Concert Matinees

3rd & 4th December

2pm start

Tickets available soon limited to 2 

Winter Music Concert Evenings

3rd & 4th December

6pm start

Tickets available soon limited to 2 

Reception present Baarmy Bethlehem

5th & 6th December

5th Dec, 2.15pm R1 & R3 6th Dec, 2.15pm R2 & R4

Tickets available soon limited to 2 

Dress Down Day for Luxury Hampers

Fri 6th December

Children can dress down on this day in return for an item for the RSA luxury hampers raffle.

Year 2 present  A Midwife Crisis

9th & 10th December

2.15pm start

Tickets available soon limited to 2 

Y4 Presents No One Wraps Like An Elf

11th & 12th December

11th Dec 2pm. 

12th Dec 6pm 

Tickets available soon limited to 2 

RSA Secret Present Room Collections 

12th & 13th December

The secret present room is back again this year. 

Deadline is 29th November.

Christmas Lunch and Jumper Day

Fri 13th December 

Free for all pupils in Reception to Year 6

Donations of Chrsitmas Crackers welcome. 

Nursery Christmas Songs 

16-19th December

16th Dec 2pm Red    18th Dec 2pm Green 19th Dec 11am Blue

Year 1 present a  Sing & Sign Video


Year 1 will record a video this year of their songs including some sign language they have learnt

Christmas Assembly at St. Stephen's

17th December

At St Stephen's Church. This is for children only. If you don't want your child to attend, please fill in the form

STaff LeaVing 

We have two long-serving members of staff who will be leaving us this month. Mrs Arter (Teaching Assistant) and Mrs Nicolas (Welfare Assistant) have been at Raglan for over 20 years in various roles. Both have given years of hard work and commitment to our school community and I would like to thank them for all their contributions. We will be saying thank you and presenting them with a gift on Friday 15th November so if anyone wishes to contribute please call the school office or send in a marked envelope.  


With the dark evenings rolling in the Sports Cup Clubs will now finish at 4.30pm from next week. 

Cereal BOX Challenge

We will be completing our challenge on Monday 11th November. We have collected 671 boxes of cereal so far and we will be setting them out through the corridors like a 'domino rally' starting in the junior hall and finishing in the infant dining hall. We are short of around 100 boxes to make that work so any remaining donations would be welcome by Monday. Afterwards, the cereal will be collected by the Enfield Food Bank. 

Children in NEED

Next Friday 15th November we will fundraising for Children In Need with a dress-down day in return for a donation of £1. The children are also organising a Children in Need Games Fair. Each class will have a stall and a game for others to play. Everything is 20p a go so having 20p coins is useful for this event. 

RSA Update

The RSA held their Annual General Meeting before half term and it was great to hear of all the positive outcomes from last year. We also said thank you to the outgoing chair Katherine Champlain and a new chair was elected. A big thank you to Sharon Walters who has stepped into the role. The RSA is getting ready for a busy half-term with the Secret Present Room and Luxury Hamper Draw. We kick off next week with the Quiz Night! After three successful years, we are taking a break from Santa's Grotto but we hope that will return next year. 

Community News

We are happy to share information about local events and activities that may be of interest to our school community. We do not endorse these activities, so please make your own checks as to their suitability for your family.  The latest updates include:

Visit the Community News Page here 

Thursday 24th October

Cereal Box Challenge UPDATE

Our school community has so far donated around 400 boxes of cereal, which is great. Thank you! Once we have completed our challenge we will be sending the boxes to the local Food Bank. Please remember the cereal boxes should be full and unopened.

We had planned to do the challenge this Friday, but with the flu immunisations taking place, it will not be possible. So we will complete the challenge when we return after half term which will also give us more time to collect even more boxes and closer to the 1000 box target. 

Photographs are Ready!

We recently had Churchbury Photographers in school to take all the individual photos and around 120 families attended the early morning sessions for siblings. Photos are now ready if you wish to purchase online. You will need the code sent home on the day. Contact the office if you don't have a code. 

Orders placed by 11th November will be delivered FREE to school, after that a delivery charge will be applied. 

Reporting Absence CHANGE

We will be turning off the Google form this Friday. You can now report absences on the day via your Arbor App and Portal. This is the best way to report an absence as it will populate our registers saving lots of time in the office. 

Flu Immunisations THIS FRIDAY

These take place throughout the day on Friday (25th October) for those who have given consent. If you have opted for the injection rather than the nasal spray then you will need to come with your child at 08:45 to the Infant Hall. 


This week, we had a visitor from the NSPCC who led assemblies in Years 2, 5 and 6. The assemblies supported the children's learning on 'Speak out, Stay safe!' The children learnt where to get support if they have any worries and who their safe adults are. 

Families Unit for Years 1 and 3

After half term Years 1 and 3 will start their units on Families in their PDW lessons (Personal Development and Wellbeing). Objectives from these units cover the compulsory requirements of Relationships Education. You can see more information on our website plus the teaching slides from last year and the vocabulary used. There are no major changes, but the lesson slides may have some minor updates and will be refreshed after the break. You can visit the RSE Page Here

RSA Coffee MOrning and AGM

Just a reminder that the RSA will be holding a coffee morning and their AGM (Annual General Meeting) on Friday 25th at 09:00.

The RSA needs to appoint a new chairperson to take over from Katherine Chaplain who is stepping down from the role due to relocation. You can find the key documents for the meeting below. 

Quiz night - Grab some friends, coordinate your snacks and drinks, ready for the Quiz Night on Friday 15th November. It's a fun evening of general knowledge and subject rounds with a cash prize in the Red or Black Interval game. 

Tickets available via Classlist or email

AGM agenda 2024-2.pdf

AgM Agenda

Minutes AGM October 2023.pdf


RSA - Audited Accounts 2023-24.pdf


Year 4 Virtual TriP

On Monday, Year 4 attended London Mithraeum Bloomberg SPACE's Interactive Virtual School Workshop about Roman London. They virtually toured  London Mithraem temple, an Amphitheatre and the Roman Baths at Billingsgate. Each class were sent a box of replica artefacts to use and explore during the session. The children really enjoyed the hands-on experience and learning more about the Romans who would have used these different buildings. 


Parents are now able to renew and book music lessons and activities for Spring 2025 from the Music Store:

The deadline for booking lessons and instrument hire is Sunday 1st December. 

Lessons are available during school time on the following instruments:

Year 1 (Piano, Keyboard)

Year 2 (as above plus violin)

Year 3 (as above plus clarinet, viola, guitar, drum kit)

Year 4 (as above plus flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, trumpet, trombone, french horn, baritone)

Year 5 (as above plus saxophone)


If you receive help with school expenses and your child is already having lessons, all forms issued for the Autumn term remain valid for the rest of the academic year. 


The Young Shakespeare Company came to Raglan this week to perform Shakespeare's Macbeth to Year 5. 

Year 5 will be using this to support their Literacy work next half-term. The children loved the performance and were amazed by the plot twists. 

"I really liked it and I liked that we got to join in. It helped me to understand the story" - Grace 5DH 

"I loved it, it was amazing" Yasmin 5TG 

"The actors were so enthusiastic" 

Bhakti 5TG 

Monday 21st October 

Cereal Box Challenge for HaRvest

As part of our work on Harvest this year we will be asking for donations of boxes of cereal which will go to our local food bank. Before we send off the cereal we have an exciting challenge, to collect as many boxes as we can and create a domino rally through the corridors.  

We would welcome donations this week and we will try complete our challenge by Friday!

Boxes of cereal donated to the Food Bank should be full and unopened 

Sport Update

Congratulations to the Ravens and the Rebels for their hard work last week. 

See more sport updates here 

Sport for News Update 11 Oct

Community News

We are happy to share information about local events and activities that may be of interest to our school community. We do not endorse these activities, so please make your own checks as to their suitability for your family.  The latest updates include:

Visit the Community News Page here 

Secondary Applications closing soon

A reminder to Year 6 parents and carers that applications for secondary schools close on 31st October. You MUST complete your application by this date or you will not be included in the first round of allocations. More details on our secondary admissions page here  

Half Term & TrAINING DAY

School closes on Friday at the usual time and next week is Half Term. A reminder that the children return on Tuesday 5th November. Raglan Wrap club is open for the whole day on Monday 4th November which is a training day for staff. Please contact or book directly via Magic Booking.  

Friday 11th October 

Meet the Teacher

This is a reminder to book your appointment for Wednesday 16th or 23rd October. Most of the first date is now booked, but please check on your Arbor App/Portal.

Active Uniform

Pupils should come to school in their active uniform on PE Days only. This does not apply to days they have club, so please send in the kit on those days. Details on the uniform can be found here  

Scooters and Cycles

Please ask your children to walk their scooter or cycle once they arrive on the school grounds. This helps keep everyone safe from accidents. 

RSA Chair 

The RSA are looking for a new chairperson which has been led for several years by Katherine Chaplain. A big thank you to Katherine for her amazing service to Raglan over the years as a supporter, committee member and chair. The next meeting is Friday 25th October at 08:40

The chair is a key driver for the charity and liaises with the school to coordinate events and activities. If you would like a chat about the role please contact Katherine at The position will be voted on at the AGM on the 25th October

The rules for charities mean that without a Chairperson in place, the charity would have to close, so we are hoping that someone is going to put their name forward. This position cannot be filled by a member of staff and must be a parent in line with the guidance.  

Coming Up

Olympic Mural 

In the last week of the Summer Term we created a new mural for the junior hall. Before it is installed, you can have a closer look. It will be on dispaly in the junior hall during the Meet the Teacher evenings. 

Olympics Mural Exhibition 24

Sport Update

It's been a busy week of sport and celebrations were in order for the Raglan Rattlesnakes who picked up a trophy this week in Enfield Cluster League. 

At Raglan we celebrate Children as Leaders in different ways and we are pleased to announce this year's Sports Captains and Journalists. 

Sport for News Update 11 Oct

Scholastic Book Club

Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Go to to browse the latest books and order online. For every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20p in Scholastic Rewards.

Leaflets will be coming home from school soon so look out for those. However, please note all orders need to be placed online. 

Please place your order online by November 8th, 2024.

Books are delivered FREE to school after the closing date of 8th November. 

monday 7th October

Meet the Teacher

Our parent evenings are coming up in the next few weeks on Wednesday 16th and Wednesday 23rd October 15:30-18:30. This is an opportunity to meet the teacher and find out how well your child has settled into the first term and what are the next steps in learning. 

You can book your own appointment through the Arbor Parent App or Portal. These appointments will be available from today Monday 7th October at 18:30. Please note that there are enough appointments for one per child so if you require a second because of separated parents, you will need to contact the class teacher to make an arrangement. Parents and Carers of children with an EHCP can have separate and longer appointments outside of these days if required. Please get in touch with your class teacher to arrange. We will also be contacting parents/carers of pupils who are in care or have previously been in care to arrange a separate meeting to agree a personal plan. 


Our SENCo, Mrs Plume will be taking early retirement from the end of December so we have recently advertised this position to try and recruit for January. Mrs Houlihan remains in post-part-time as assistant SENCo. We will obviously say thank you and goodbye to Mrs  Plume in due course. 

Mrs Kaur (Leading Teacher KS2) will start her maternity leave today and we wish her well for the coming weeks and months. 


The clubs have now settled after three weeks and we have allocated a further 42 places from the waiting lists. Most clubs are now full and we have closed the lists for this term. 

We are always looking out for potential future clubs for our children so if you have any connections or you have something to offer yourself please do get in touch. We don't have any more large spaces available but classroom-based clubs would be good. 

Raglan Wrap Club

There have been enough bookings for the upcoming training day on Monday 4th November, so this day will go ahead. If you would like to book this day then you can do so via Magic Booking. 


A reminder that individual photographs will take place on October 10th (Infants) and 11th (Juniors). These are done throughout the school day. If you would like to have a family/sibling photograph then you can drop into the halls between 8am-9am on either day.

Children who have PE on these days should come in uniform and bring their active uniform with them to change into.

Cereal Box Challenge for HaRvest

As part of our work on Harvest this year we will be asking for donations of boxes of cereal which will go to our local food bank. Before we send off the cereal we have an exciting challenge, to collect as many boxes as we can and create a domino rally through the corridors.  We will launch this with the children this week and then ask for donations over the two weeks of this half-term. 

Year 2 at the TOWER of London

This week, Year 2 visited the Tower of London. This was a fantastic opportunity for the children to experience the Tower of London first hand. They participated in a Knights and Castles workshop where they learnt all about the training a knight would endure and about castle life at the Tower. They had the opportunity to see the famous Crown Jewels and climb the many stairs of the 1,000-year- old White Tower at the castle. It really was a great 2 days!

Wednesday 2nd October 

Flu Immunisation

A reminder that the immunisation team will be at Raglan on 25th October to administer flu nasal sprays to those who have consented. Only pupils who have been given consent by their parents/carers will be able to have the nasal spray on this day. 

This is available to all pupils from Reception to Year 6. Parents of nursery pupils have to go via their GP.

If you are opting for the injection rather than the spray, a nominated adult will need to attend with your child from 08:30 on the same day. 

Refer to the email sent to you on 13th September.


The annual individual photographs will take place on October 10th (Infants) and 11th (Juniors). These are done throughout the school day. If you would like to have a family/sibling photograph then you can drop into the halls between 8am-9am on either day. 

Community Update

There are some updates on the community news page including 

Key Dates in October

PGL Weekender!

117 children and 13 staff travelled to Suffolk for a long adventurous weekend at PGL. The children has a great time completing 10 different outdoor activities including canoeing, climbing, archery and the challenging giant swing. 

The 4-day, 3-night weekend challenges the children to develop their independence, social skills and places them out of their comfort zone with the challenges. We saw some amazing achievements and overall it was a very successful weekend. 

Of course, none of this happens without our staff volunteers and trip leader Mr Flett which helped the weekend go smoothly. 


The RSA are looking for a new chairperson which has been led for several years by Katherine Chaplain. A big thank you to Katherine for her amazing service to Raglan over the years as a supporter, committee member and chair. 

The chair is a key driver for the charity and liaises with the school to coordinate events and activities. If you would like a chat about the role please contact Katherine at The position will be voted on at the AGM on the 25th October

Quiz night - Grab some friends, coordinate your snacks and drinks, ready for the Quiz Night on Friday 15th November. It's a fun evening of general knowledge and subject rounds with a cash prize in the Red or Black Interval game. 

Tickets available via Classlist or email



Our latest magazine is now available in print. You can grab a free copy from the office whilst stocks last.

Raglan_Summer_Magazine_2024 (2).pdf

Thursday 26th September

Headteacher Welcome

Martin Kelsey-Hatton provides an introduction to the year ahead as well as some reflections on last year and some reminders for this year.

Below are the videos for each phase including information on the curriculum being taught and other useful information. 

YearS 1 & 2

Key Stage 1

Years 3 & 4

Key Stage 2 Lower

Years 5 & 6

Key Stage 2 Upper

Clubs Update

We have been working through the waiting lists for clubs starting with pupils who do not have any clubs yet. Most of the clubs are now full, but we will keep a close eye on any pupils who don't turn up or drop out. 

Please note that Tag Rugby for Year 3/4 and Tag Rugby Alpha Y5/6 on Monday 30th September are cancelled as staff are away on the PGL Resenitail with Year 6. 

Secondary Admissions 

We've added two more letters/posters to the secondary admissions page including 

Click here to visit the page  

Nursery & Reception Places for September 2025

Just as we have settled all our new pupils, attention now turns to prospective parents looking for places in September 2025. We have now published further information for parents, including a welcome video from the Headteacher and a list of tours over October, November and December. 99% of Raglan's parents recommend the school so do pass on the information to family and friends. We have a dedicated page on our website so please visit the page by clicking here

Parental letter re BHM

Black History month

Just a reminder to sign up and help out with volunteering for our Black History Month focus week. If you are interested in volunteering, please click here to complete a short form by the end of the week. Your involvement, whether big or small, will be greatly appreciated and will help bring this celebration to life.

Free Lunch

Just a reminder that all school meals are free to all pupils in Reception and Years 1 to 6. Some parents are trying to pay for meals which is not required. Charges are for Nursery only as the funding does not cover that age. 

The new menus can be seen here. You can book the actual meal on Arbor or children can choose at registration. 

Please contact the school if there are specific dietary requirements. 

Aspens Autumn 24-25 main menu.pdf

English Lessons

St Anne's School are running some English lessons for adults who are speakers of other languages. 

There may be some charges but this depends on your circumstances. 

St Anne's School ESOL Poster (1).pdf

Friday 20th September


We have now uploaded all the clubs for both schools and any allocated clubs should be showing on the Arbor Parent App where you need to register and in some cases pay for the club. Even if the club is free please register your child as that is you accepting the club and their name will then appear on the register. 

We have two waiting list forms for those who missed the deadline or who want to take up any spare places or cancellations.

Speak like a native have no bookings for Wednesday French or Tuesday Mandarin so those will not go ahead. There are some children booked onto Monday French for Years 1 and 2 but not enough to make it viable. If you want to book this please visit on the like  below

Secondary Admissions 

We have updated our webpage with the slides from the meeting on Tuesday and have uploaded some information we have received directly from some schools including Winchmore, Southgate and Edmonton County. 

Please visit the Secondary Transfer Page 

geography GOLD

The school was awarded a Gold Quality Mark for Geography following assessment from the Primary Geography Association. Mr Molloy has been leading on this assessment and collated all the required evidence required to meet the standard for Silver, but in fact Gold was awarded. The school has been working on Geography over the last few years including a new curriculum alongside History. We have also changed some of our school visits to support the Geography curriculum.  

Austen Triumph

Austen were the overall winners of the Raglan Cross Country Championships. The annual event involves junior pupils running in teams of 4 around the school field in the form of a relay. The sun was shining and Austen were the overall winners once all the points were calculated. Congratulations to them! 

Olympic Week Art

At the end of the Summer Term in the final week we had a focus on Art through the theme of the Olympics. You can see some of the outcomes in this presentation. A big thank you to Mrs Ashall who also created a whole school piece of art which will installed in the Junior Hall to replace the London 2012 installation. 

Olympic Week Artwork (public) 2024

RSA Update

The RSA held their first coffee morning today with a good turn out from parents. Please see the latest information from the RSA. 

They are still seeking class reps for 1ZS and 5SB. Get in touch if you can help.

RSA Information 2024-3.pdf

Information including the ASDA Cash Pot Scheme. Please download their app to support! 

Dates for the coming term and beyond. More to follow but some dates have now been set. 

RSA Committee Positions-4.pdf

Information about the RSA Committee and the vacancies that need filling at the AGM coming up in October.

Monday 16th September

Curriculum Maps 

Our Curriculum is available on our website which includes all long term plans in each subject so you can see the journey each subject takes as the children move through the schools. 

We also have so Curriculum Maps for each school that sets out what the children are doing each half term. You can find these below. 

Nursery Curriculum Map Slides 2022 (public)


Reception Curriculum Map 2022 (public)


Year 1 Curriculum Map 2022 (public)

Year 1

Year 2 Curriculum Map 2022 (public)

Year 2

Y3 Curriculum Map 2023 new (public)

Year 3

Y4 Curriculum Map new (Public) 2023/2024