Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
There are two parts to RSE
Relationships Education is delivered through Personal, Development and Wellbeing (PDW) lessons to all pupils in Years 1 to 6. This is compulsory for all pupils.
Sex Education is delivered separately to Years 4, 5 & 6. Parents can choose to withdraw their child from Sex Education lessons.
There are obvious links with the Science policy and curriculum which covers the parts of the body and changes in the body. This is delivered at an age-appropriate level from Years 1 to 6.
The school was an early adopter of the Relationships and Health Education guidance and developed a policy in 2019 following consultation with parents and a working group of staff, governors and parents. The policy was initially separate from Sex Education so parents did not confuse the two things, but it has since been combined into one policy.
More recently in 2023, we have consulted again on moving some aspects of the Sex Education units to Year 4 to cover puberty and menstruation which are recommended to do before changes take place.
Below you can see the consultation feedback and our current policy for RSE alongside resources and suggested texts that we use.
Schools are expected to consult with parents and carers regarding the RSE Policy. Here you can see the outcome to two consultations in 2019 and 2023.
Relationships Education
Here you can see the overview for Relationships Education as set out in the policy. We have also highlighted the unit on Families that generates the most questions.