We want all our pupils to aim high and demonstrate the strong values that will make them good citizens and great contributors. We provide a curriculum that aims for pupils to master the basics whilst offering a broad range of subjects to develop their knowledge and skills whilst releasing their creativity and curiosity.

School Prospectus

Nursery Prospectus
WHat do Parents say?
Our annual survey captured the views of parents with 361 responses representing 463 pupils across both schools.
Our surveys and that of OFSTED consistently give high satisfaction ratings across both schools. In the latest survey for OfSTED:
99% of pupils feel safe
99% of pupils are happy
98% of parents said their child can take part in after-school clubs and activities
98% of parents would recommend the school
You can also visit the OFSTED Parent View pages for both the schools:
The schools are inspected separately with the last inspection being in July 2024 in the Infant School. You can read the report here. For full OfSTED details click here

What does OfSTED SAY?
The schools are inspected separately with the last inspection being in January 2025 in the Junior School where the school was graded Oustanding in all areas.
The Infant School was inspected in July 2024 and has an overall rating of Outstanding having secured that grade in all areas including Early Years.
For full OfSTED details click here

A RICH & Ambitious Curriculum
We have specialist teachers in PE, Music and Art which leads to excellent outcomes by the end of Key Stage 2. The children have many opportunities as they get older to join clubs and teams and participate in extracurricular activities. Take a look at the videos of three of our subject areas.
PE & Sport
We love PE and Sport at Raglan and as the children get older more opportunities arise for them to develop their skills and team play.
The school has many after school clubs in Sport and the KS2 children compete weekly in the House Cup across a variety of different sports. Many children go on to represent the school at a local and national level.
Music & Performance
We are a very musical school at Raglan with many opportunities to sing and play as children go through the school.
Although many of our usual musical performances were disrupted by COVID, we managed some great concerts and musical plays in 2019-20
ARt & DEsign
We appointed a specialist Art teacher in 2018 who teaches all the children from Year 1 to 6 over the course of the year.
The teacher also works with class teachers in EYFS to make suggestions on developing those key skills at early age.
Take a look at the Art Gallery for 2019-20
Admission to Raglan Infant School or Raglan Junior School is managed by the local authority. Visit the Admission page for more information
School Day
Nursery opens at 08:30 and closes at 15:30
Years R-6 opens at 08:40 and closes at 15:10 (Infants) and 15:20 (Juniors)
Therefore the statutory school week is 32 hours and 30 minutes for the Infants and 33 hours and 20 minutes for the Juniors. This meets the DfE proposed minimum expectation of 32.5hrs in primary schools.