
Religious Education is an integral aspect of the diverse curriculum we provide here at The Raglan Schools. It is our intent that through the teaching and learning of Religious Education, children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding will develop. We will promote respect and open-mindedness towards people of all faiths and beliefs and will encourage reflection through enquiry-based learning. Children will also develop a greater sense of self and belonging by building on their own knowledge and experiences and sharing this with their peers. This will enable them to understand and appreciate the cultural practices and beliefs of religions in local, national and global communities.

Our curriculum develops knowledge, skills and understanding by covering two main targets:


Parents and Carers have the right to withdraw their child from RE Lessons. To do so they must put this in writing to the Headteacher. Pupils who are withdrawn will be given other work to do independently or will be situated in another class during the lesson. 


At Raglan, Religious Education (RE) is taught to every registered pupil, except those withdrawn by their parent/guardian, and is taught in a manner which meets the aims of the Enfield agreed syllabus. In Early Years and Key Stage 1 lessons are delivered following the Local Enfield agreed syllabus. In Key Stage 2, lessons are delivered following the HEP syllabus which has been carefully aligned to meet the same aims of the local Enfield agreed syllabus. Each class spends roughly 5% of their curriculum time on RE which broadly equates to one hour per week (including time spent on educational visits, visitors, and opportunities). Pupils are taught about Christianity and the other principle religions (Sikhism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism). 

Curriculum Enrichment

We aim to ensure that all Year Groups visit a place of worship during the school year.

We also provide teaching resources for all teachers to discuss worldwide celebrations and festivals for the main religious communities.

Please click here to see an example of this. 

Long term Plan

LTP RE 2024/2025 NEW

Medium Term Planning

MTP RE 2024/2025