Frequently Asked Questions

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How many children are in each class?

Raglan is usually oversubscribed so all of our classes are usually full with a maximum of 30 pupils in each class. Occasionally and exceptional circumstance is made for an additional pupil. 

Raglan's PAN (pupil admission number) is 90 in Nursery  (3 classes) and 120 (4 classes) in all other year groups. 

How many children have a different language?

The vast majority of pupils have good levels of English although around 30-50% of the year group will have another language which may be the language spoken at home. Children who arrive with limited English make good progress with their language. 

Do you teach Languages?

Children in Key Stage 2 learn Spanish which is part of the KS2 curriculum requirements. We also offer language clubs to Years 1-6 in Spanish. 

Do you have a breakfast and after school club?

Yes, Raglan Wrap Club is open from 07:30 and closes at 08:40 and again from 15:10 to 18:00. You can visit the Wrap Club Page here

How much time to EYFS children spend outside?

During the day the children in Nursery have some carpet sessions with the teacher and after that they are free to flow around the classroom or outside. The amount of time spent outside varies with each child and their preference but the staff will keep an eye on their choices so they can ensure there is a good balance of activities. 

Do you have after school clubs?

We usually have around 45-50 clubs each week, which makes Raglan a very active and busy school for extra-curricular activities. We do want as many pupils as possible to attend a club so we allocate these fairly to those who make a request. Some clubs are free where we have funding and for others there is a flat fee of £30 for the term which has around 7-10 sessions. More information here

Where do Pupils go after Raglan?

Children go to many different schools from Raglan, no one school dominates this. You can read more on our Secondary Admissions Page - click here

How do you manage behaviour?

Behaviour at Raglan is usually very good and children are mostly polite and respectful and willing to learn and play. We do have a clear behaviour policy which promotes the good behaviour and Raglan Values and manages the not so good behaviour when it occurs. The school has a zero tolerance to bullying where a pupil is being targetted more than once. You can read more in our Behaviour and Anti-Bullying policy on our website

What Happens at Drop Off

Nursery and Reception pupils are dropped off at the door to their classroom. All other pupils in Years 1-6 enter via their year group door and take themselves to class. Staff are on duty to assist. 

How many Staff in each class?

This varies depending on the age and also the needs within the class. All our classes have a qualified teacher (QTS). Nursery classes have additional adults to comply with the ratios for under 5s. Reception classes have a full time teaching assistant (TA) and in some cases another TA to support a pupils with SEND. From Year 1 to Year 6 the number of TAs varies from 0-2 depending on the needs within the class. 

WHat are the settling procedures?

Before the children start we have two stay and play sessions, one before Summer and one in September. If your child is new to Raglan, they will also have a 1:1 meeting with the teacher. 

For nursery and reception starters we phase the children in a small group at a time and usually starting with a half day. Beyond that if the child is ready for a full day then they can start that or we will work with you to draw up a plan. 

From experience most children settled soon after their parent leaves. We would always call you if they continue to be upset despite our best efforts! Often parents can be more anxious than the children when they start school. Staff are on hand all day to ensure children are happy and thriving. 

Can they bring a snack?

For children in Nursery, Reception and Years 1 and 2 the government scheme provides a piece of fruit everyday. If a child has an after-school club they can bring a snack for that. 

What are the lunch options?

At the moment, all pupils from Reception to Year 6 can have a free hot lunch everyday. This is funded by the Government (Infants) and the Mayor of London (Juniors). Children in Nursery can pay to have a hot lunch if they wish. Of course all pupils can bring a packed lunch if they wish.