Latest News
Thursday 13th February
Half Term
After a busy half-term but one that will not be forgotten, we will close for the half-term break at the end of Friday. We return on Monday 24th February.
Clubs Cancellations
On Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th March, several clubs are cancelled due to the dance shows. These are
Monday 3rd March
3/4 Boys Football
3/4 Netball
5/6 Tag Rugby Alpha
Tuesday 4th March
5/6 Boys Football
5/6 Netball
3/4 Girls Football
If you need a place at Raglan Wrap Club on these days, please contact as we will temporarily extend places to support parents on these two days.
Children performing in the dance shows may be in clubs on the two evenings. As they need to be back in school at 5pm, they will be able to stay through. Please contact the PE team at if you need this support for your child.
New national guidelines were introduced in September, further strengthening the expectations around school attendance, including an increase in penalty notices (fines). Our attendance has generally been good over the years and is currently around 96%. Around 9% or 67 pupils are currently being monitored for attendance below 90%.
We have never felt the need to introduce or use penalty notices, but with the new guidance, these will now feature in our policy and this was approved by governors at the end of last term. The new guidance states that 10 sessions (5 days) of unauthorised absence within 10 weeks meets the threshold for the penalty notice. However, we will continue to use all our other current strategies to bring about improvements in attendance for an individual or family. We are required to send a formal letter to every parent and these will be sent after half-term.
Nursery Places
If you have a child who will be aged 4 next academic year, then you can apply for a place in our school Nursery. Applications can be made via Enfield Council and they close on 15th February, so please ensure you have applied on time.
Book Swap Donations
Thank you for the donated books so far. We are collecting children's books for a book swap on Friday 7th March which will be our World Book Day (day after the official one). See the news on 7th February for more details below. You can donate one book or more anytime from now until Wednesday 5th March.
There is a growing trend of children in KS2 wearing a long-sleeved black baselayer with a short-sleeved white polo on top. This is not part of our uniform policy and we will be getting the children to change after half-term. Please send them in a royal blue jumper or cardigan if they are cold. We are in a traditional phase with our uniform and the new policy will be adopted in full in September 2025. Further details can be found here
Music Update
Epping Forest Band joint concert
1st March St Stephen's Church
Our Chamber choir, Wind band and Brass ensemble will be joining the Epping Forest brass band on Saturday 1st March at St Stephen's church for a wonderful evening concert (7.30pm)
This concert is a wonderful opportunity for our children to perform with other 'grown up' musicians and we are charging £5 ticket to raise funds to support future Music projects at Raglan. Tickets are available on the door.
The Epping band will also perform with highlights from Wicked and the composer John Williams.
Booking for music lessons for the Summer term is now open
This is a reminder that the booking for the Summer term 2025 for EMS instrumental lessons and Instrument hire is OPEN. The deadline to apply is Sunday 10th March 2025.
Parents/Carers can book by visiting
A more detailed email has been sent to parents/ carers in Y1-6
DancE through the decades
Tickets for the two evening shows have now sold out. There are plenty of spaces in the matinee performance. However we do have parents needing evening tickets so if you have booked 3 tickets and do not need them all, please cancel online or contact us with the details so we can do that for you. We will also be contacting a small number of parents who have booked more than 3. You can book tickets here
Monday 3rd March at 5.30pm
Tuesday 4th March at 1.45pm and 5.30pm
Some of the new non-fiction books that match our curriculum.
New Books
Thanks to a generous grant from Q2, a digital banking solutiuons company we have been able to upgrade the non-fiction library. The children were very excited to take a first look at over 350 new books that arrived this week. All are part of Accelerated Reader too, so the children can take a quiz on the new books.
There has also been some wall art installed in the library. This grant was signposted by a parent, so a big thank you for the link.
Playground Developments
Work will take place during the half term to finish the Key Stage 1 playground development. This will include new lines on the new surface and two other seating and activity areas. Work for KS2 will be taking place during the Easter break.
This work has been funded mostly by the sale of the site house and topped up by RSA funding thanks to the hard work and support of our school community. We were able to go further than we thought and install four new activity areas and the Year 5/6 wall art.
Digital impressions for the new seating and activity areas for KS1, Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 playgrounds.
Friday 7th February
I am delighted to share the wonderful news regarding our recent OfSTED inspection, in which the Junior School was graded Outstanding in all areas. This remarkable achievement comes just six months after the Infant School received an Outstanding rating. This outcome is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our pupils, staff, and the entire school community. We have transformed our schools over the past decade from Requires Improvement and this recognition reflects our commitment to excellence and inclusivity.

Key Highlights from the OfSTED Report:
Pupil Experience: Pupils thrive in our school environment, feeling safe and respected. They consistently demonstrate kindness and uphold our school values, enriching the lives of others through various initiatives, including our 'language of the month' activities and visits to places of worship.
High Expectations: Our curriculum is ambitious and exceeds national expectations. Pupils engage deeply with their learning, achieving exceptional results in national assessments and being well-prepared for their future educational journeys.
Extra-Curricular Opportunities: Pupils have access to a wide range of extra-curricular activities, from fencing to choir, which enhance their learning experiences. Many also take on leadership roles, such as ‘Eco-councillors’ and ‘Sports leaders’, fostering a sense of responsibility and active citizenship.
Expert Teaching: Our staff are committed to professional development, ensuring they possess expert subject knowledge. This enables them to present information clearly and effectively, addressing any misconceptions that arise during lessons.
Reading Focus: Reading is central to our curriculum. We regularly assess pupils' reading needs and provide timely support, ensuring they develop accuracy and fluency. Our assemblies celebrate their reading achievements, and we encourage a love for literature through carefully chosen texts.
Support for SEND Pupils: We pride ourselves on the exceptional support provided to pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Our staff receive regular training to understand and meet diverse needs, ensuring full inclusion in all aspects of school life.
Outstanding Behaviour and Attendance: Our pupils exhibit exemplary behaviour, supported by clear expectations and systems. Attendance is a strength, as we work collaboratively with families to emphasise its importance.
Personal Development: Our comprehensive personal, social, health, and economic education curriculum equips pupils with essential life skills, promoting physical and mental well-being.
You can read the full report here, which will be published on the OfSTED website in the next few days. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support. Together, we will ensure that both schools remain a nurturing and inspiring place for our pupils to learn and grow.
Martin Kelsey-Hatton (Executive Headteacher)
Spelling Shed
All year groups from Year 3 to Year 6 are now using Spelling Shed which is an interactive way for them to learn their spellings. Children will be taught a spelling rule in the week and set assignments related to the spelling rule to complete at home. This will be through fun games.
Please encourage your child to access Spelling Shed each week. Little but often is the best approach (e.g. 5 minutes, 3 times a week).
Book Swap for WBD
We will be having a "Book Swap" for World Book Day again this year. We encourage all pupils to bring in a book they would like to donate in return for picking a book. You can of course donate more than one book if you are having a sort out, as this will help ensure every child at Raglan goes home with a book on the day. Our World Book Day will be on Friday 7th March) but please donate your books from now and by Wednesday 5th March.
We would also like some help to sort the books as there will likely be up to 1000 to check and put into age groups. So if you can help on Thursday 6th March from drop off for a couple of hours, please let the office know. This will involve collecting books from classrooms and checking and sorting books ready for the swap.
Big congratulations to our Y5 pupils for their uplifting Big Gospel showcase performance, which was a culmination of their singing project with Marsha and Ainsely from Big Gospel.
Everyone involved gained a sense of enjoyment and personal satisfaction from singing in this concert. It was a unifying, energising and inspiring performance.
Monday 3rd February
Meet the Teacher
We are in the process of reviewing when and how we report to parents in a formal capacity. At the moment there are two Meet the Teacher sessions and a termly progress report. This term we will be combining the Meet the Teacher meeting and the release of the latest assessments. These meetings will be held on Wednesday 19th and 26th March, 15:30-18:30. Further details on the booking process will be shared after half term. If you have any concerns that can not wait then please contact your class teacher.
Sponsor our Show
Preparations are well underway for the Dance Show coming up in March. Around 150 pupils are taking part in a show covering Music and Dance from the Decades. This is a project with a choreographer and dance teacher costing around £4,000 and we use a combination of money from our sport premium funding and donations from parents and sponsorship/advertising to cover the remaining costs. If you know of a business that would like to advertise in our programme or sponsor the show, then please get in touch. The show is expected to have an audience of around 500 across three performances in March.
Important dates coming up
Friday 14th February - School closes for half term at the end of the day
Monday 24th February - School reopens
Wednesday 19th March - Meet the Teacher 15:30-18:30
Wednesday 26th March - Meet the Teacher 15:30-18:30
Friday 4th April - School closes for Easter Break at the end of the day
Tuesday 22nd April - School opens for Summer Term
School Shop
More items have been added to the school shop on top of the school sweatshirt, book bag, PE bag and water bottles. These include:
School cardigan at £9.99 (all sizes)
Raglan Rattlesnakes & Rebels Football £12.50 (junior)
Raglan Rhinos Rugby Ball £12.50 (junior)
Raglan Roses Netball £12.50 (junior)
You can order from the School Shop on Arbor via your account and delivery will be on a Friday via your child. Or you can call in on Fridays from 2.30-3.30 at the Raglan Road office door and pay by debit/credit card.
Co-parenting Support
Navigating a co-parenting arrangement can be a challenge. There are a couple of online courses running that may help with this. Please see the flyer for details

Friday 31st January
We are delighted that the school has once again been awarded the School Games Platinum Award for the opportunities we offer our pupils in competitive sports. There was also an Equal Access Award from England Football in recognition that we offer equal access to football. A big well done to Mr Flett and his PE team who continue to work hard and provide great opportunities.
Year 3 Visitors
Today the police came in to visit Year 3 to do an assembly linked to the work they have been doing in P.D.W (Personal Development & Wellbeing). They spoke about how to ring 999, what to do in an emergency and when you should call 999.

There are further parent sessions for those who have children who are struggling with attending school due to emotional reasons. These sessions are online and run by the Educational Psychology Service in Enfield. Please see the flyer for the dates and how to sign up
Thursday 23rd January
The inspection of the Junior School finished yesterday after a couple of intense days. Thank you for your kind message of support and for completing the parent/carer survey. This was overwhelmingly positive and is in the public domain so you can view the information here. As Headteacher, I don't get to see the comments, but the lead inspector did share some of those both positive and negative and these were discussed.
The report will be with us within 18 working days and once approved will be published within 30 working days. The inspection was graded and included a close look at five subjects on day one and a lighter look at four subjects on day two to see if they were at the same standard. They spoke with many pupils and also groups of staff and leaders. We look forward to sharing the report with you in due course.
Scarlet Fever
There have been three cases of scarlet fever over the last few days, so please watch for the signs and symptoms. You can find more information about scarlet fever here -
Please let us know if your child has a diagnosis of scarlet fever so we can closely monitor this and inform the local public health team accordingly.
Public Health Websites
Enfield Council has just launched two new public health websites for kids and teens in Enfield which may be of interest to the children, young people and families you work with.
Children, young people and families in Enfield can now access two new dedicated websites which will provide health messages and advice through interactive tools and creative marketing materials. The Health for Kids and Health for Teens websites cover age-appropriate subjects that promote health and wellbeing, with the aim of educating and supporting the development of children at every stage of growing up.
Enfield Council have worked in partnership with Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust to ensure that children, young people and families in Enfield can easily access trusted information about their health at any time of day.
Health for Kids
Health for Kids is aimed at primary school children, aged four to 11 years old and their grown-ups. The kids’ section ( contains four exciting worlds of fun and games to help kids learn about their health. For grown-ups (, it covers important features of a child’s health and development, including healthy minds, healthy bodies, health issues and where to get professional help and support
Monday 20th January
OfSTED Inspection
OfSTED inspectors will be in the Junior school for the next two days. The school was last inspected in November 2019. As we are a federation, not a primary school, the schools are inspected separately. The inspection will be graded.
Parents in the juniors have been notified and we would encourage parents/carers to complete the Parent voice survey which is a key part of the evidence. The link is here Please note this closes tomorrow at 11am.
Thank you for your support
Art Challenge - KS2
We shared the Infant Art Challenge and now here is the KS2 (Junior) challenge for this term. Please see the details and encourage your child to participate.
Raglan Sports CUp Teams
We're delighted to present the Raglan Sports Cup squads for Spring 2025. 291 pupils will be competing for their house in netball, football, tag rugby and/or hockey every week this term. Austen and Elgar were our Autumn Term champions with Austen winning Autumn 2 by just 1 point!
Tuesday 14th January
Clubs - Pick up point & Times
Please note the pickup times and points for our clubs and which gate to use. We do not open all the gates for clubs as junior clubs are in progress and finish later.
Please follow the guide as to which gate to use. As our clubs finish at different points we can not open all the gates at 4.10pm like the end of the school day.
The Wellington Road Gate is open throughout and the KS1 playground gate will be opened at 4.10pm
The Amberley Road Gate opens at 4.30pm Monday to Thursday and 4.20pm on a Friday
The Raglan Road Gate will remain closed for clubs
Clubs - Spaces
We are trying to fill the remaining places in the clubs and working through the waiting lists. Once the clubs have started we will finally know who has not taken up their place which creates a space for someone else.
There are spaces in the following:
French (Y3456 Wednesdays) The French Club is being taught by Speak Like a Native. However, this is now under the school's pricing and terms and conditions. This means a fee of £30 for the term, a saving of over £40 compared to booking directly.
Tennis (Y345 Wednesdays) Please note that we may be able to extend the tennis to Year 5, so let us know if that is of interest.
Zumba (Rec Mondays)
Please contact if any of these are of interest.
Travel for Life
The local authority have produced a leaflet for Raglan abou ways of getting to school and reducing the numbver of car journeys. The vast majority of pupils live within a 5/10 minute walk/scooter or cycle distance to school.

Behaviour Support for Parents
There are two new opportunities to seek support for parent and family behaviour support. Please see the workshop and drop-in sessions in the flyers below.

Friday 10th January
A Welcome to New STaff
We have welcomed four new members of staff this week. Mr Luke Spary is now leading 6AP, now called 6LS following the departure of Mr Pennock. Miss Hazal Yildiz will be taking over from Miss White (R1) who will be starting her maternity leave soon. We also have two new teaching assistants Miss Huband and Miss Everett. Welcome to them all. Mrs Smith (Teacher) will also be starting her maternity leave today and wish both her and Miss White the very best over the coming weeks.
Art Exhibitions
This week we had two Art Exhibitions showcasing the work of Year 1 and Year 3 from last term.
Year 1 have been looking at the work of Kandinsky which inspired their own artwork. Meanwhile, Year 3 have been developing their clay skills based on their study of Ancient Egypt. Art sketchbooks were also available for the many parents and carers who came to take a look.
A big thank you to our Art & Design specialist teacher Mrs Ashall for her amazing work with the children.
Reception Places - September 2025
A reminder to our nursery parents that you MUST apply for a Reception place by 15th January 2025. You mustn't miss the deadline or your application will not be processed in the first round and many schools will be full. There is no automatic place for Raglan Nursery pupils into Reception as this is the start of statutory schooling and all applications will be treated equally as required. We have a page on our website for further information and you can visit the Enfield Council website here, who deal with admissions.

Clubs start next week. We are still waiting on a handful of parents/carers to register for the club(s) we have offered. Until you do this your child will not be named on the club register for next week and we will start to offer the place to other children on the waiting list. Please let us know if you no longer want the place so we can remove it from Arbor.
If you would like to recognise the work or actions of a member of staff, please fill in one of our postcards which can be found at the office. These are then shared in our staff bulletin and also displayed in school.
If you can't make it into school you can post a Shout Out on the online form here
Lost Property
Lost property will be on display in the Infant Hall on Wednesday 8th Jan 15:00-15:30 and Thursday 9th Jan 08:30-09:00 This is for both schools excluding Nursery who deal with their own lost property.
6th January 2025
Welcome Back
Happy New Year and welcome back to school for the Spring Term 2025. There are 12 weeks this term, with a one-week break in the week commencing 17th February. There are no INSET days this term and the term ends on Friday 4th April. Term dates can be found on our Term Date page
Clubs start next Monday, January 13th. We are still waiting for some parents to confirm and pay for the clubs they have been offered. If you no longer want the place, please let us know so we can offer it to a pupil on the waiting list. There are some spaces left in French on a Wednesday for Y3456, please get in touch if you would like your child to join.
Over the holiday period we had some work done which you may have noticed on arriving at school today. The KS1 playground has been resurfaced and will have new markings added later this term. We had some new wall art installations for the junior building and also along the fence in the Year 5/6 playground which has enhanced those spaces.
Coming up later term we will be installing some new activity areas in each playground. This is being paid for by the council following the sale of the site house.
Wall art included: a new history timeline to match our curriclum; a new world map and biomes display; wall art to uplift the non-fiction library; and a 50m long piece for the fence in Y5/6 with a focus around PE and Sport.
As we start the new year please remember to respect our neighbours and keep all our children safe by parking responsibly in the local area. This means
no parking on corners
no parking across the pavement
no stopping or parking on the zig zags or the zebra crossing or outside the school gates
no blocking the driveways of residents (even for a few minutes)
Should anyone wish to report illegal parking in the future NSL can be called direct on 020 3856 0036 (line available 24 hours for enforcement daily between 8am and 9pm). Alternatively, the Parking team here at the Council can be emailed at or called on 020 8379 6406 between 9am and midday Monday to Friday. The more reports they receive the more likely that they will schedule visits to our school to monitor.
19th December
Thank you to everyone for their support this term. If you are celebrating have a lovely Christmas! We look forward to seeing all the children again on Monday 6th January 2025.
Best Wishes
Martin Kelsey-Hatton
Composer of the month
Congratulations to the winners of the composer of the month competition. The children were challenged to present research on two baroque composers in the form of an advent calendar. The entries were amazing. Well done to all those who took part.
Year 2 Artwork
Year 2 have been busy with their artwork based around the fire of London. You can check out the slide decks below made into a video with the children singing London's Burning in a round.
Composer of the Month winners
Read All About it! 🗞️
Our Sports Journalists have been hard at work all term reporting on everything sports at Raglan. You can read their Autumn newspaper here
Austen and Elgar win the Raglan Sports Cup
Congratulations to Elgar (Autumn 1) and Austen (Autumn 2) who are the Raglan Sports Cup Champions for this term. Well done to all 263 children that have been competing for their houses in football, tag rugby and netball after every week.
A big thank you to Miss McCabe and her Wrap Club team for organising another fantastic Wrap Club party.
Wednesday 18th December
End of TERM
A reminder to parents in the Infant School that the Year 1/2 playground will be closed on Thursday and Friday. Please scroll down below for where to drop off and pick up. Staff will be outside to assist.
We finish on Friday at 1.30pm (Infants including Nursery), 1.40pm (Juniors) and 4.30pm (Raglan Wrap Club)
We reopen on Monday 6th January 2025
Staffing Update
This week we will say goodbye and good luck to Mr Pennock who is moving to another Enfield School as Deputy Headteacher. We are delighted for Adam who has been at Raglan for 7 years mostly in Years 5 & 6. We wish him well in his new role. We will be welcoming Mr Luke Spary who will be joining the Raglan team in January and taking over in 6AP. Miss Drew will be stepping up as the Leading Teacher for Year 6.
Mrs Plume (SENCo) has agreed to do some additional days for us in the Spring Term as we make a second attempt to recruit a new SENCo for the school.
We also have two new Teaching Assistants joining the school and we will welcome Alice Everett and Ailsa Husband in January.
Final Videos
The last two videos have now been edited and uploaded. These are the Year 4 performance of No One Wraps Like and Elf and the Nursery Songs.
A big thank you to Miss Hart for editing all our videos this year. ALl the videos from the last few weeks can be found on Gallery Page
Nursery SONGS
Art Work
Take a look at the fantastic artwork from Year 5 and Year 6 who have been having lessons with our specialist Art & Design teacher Mrs Ashall. There are some really good outcomes which you can see on the slide decks.
If you want to see more artwork you can check out the Art & Design site here
Christmas Assembly
We went to the local church St Stephen's to host our Christmas Assembly. As well as telling the Christmas Story we had songs from the nativities and musicals by Reception, Year 2 and Year 4.
The chamber choir opened the assembly with a beautiful rendition of This WInter's Night
RSA Thank yoU
A big thank you to everyone for supporting the various RSA events this term. This included the Hamper Draw where over 50 hampers were won! The top hamper included an iPad! The Secret Gift Room was a success and a thank you for all the helpers who wrapped and supported over the two days. We have finished off with the Year 3 and 4 discos today! Easter and Summer discos are planned for other year groups.
Year 6 Sports Tour to Cardiff
50 of our most sportingly engaged pupils will be heading to Cardiff in June for our annual Sports Tour. The 3 day tour includes sessions with Cardiff Dragons (Netball), Glamorgan (Cricket), Cardiff Rugby and Cardiff City (Football).
We expect the tour to be popular again so there is a selection criteria to ensure places are allocated fairly. Year 6 Parents/Carers have until Wednesday 8th January to declare their child's interest in attending.
For more information and to declare interest please visit the PE and Sport Cardiff Page here
Monday 16th December
Y1/2 Playground Closure
Over the holiday we will be having the Year 1/2 playground resurfaced. Some preparation work needs to begin before the end of the week so we can finish on schedule.
This means the Year 1 and 2 playground will be closed on Thursday (after 9am) and all day Friday.
Please note the following arrangements for drop off and pick up:
Thursday Morning Drop-Off
Normal for all pupils.
Thursday & Friday Afternoon Pick Up
Nursery - use the Nursery slope or Hub to enter and exit
R1 & R3 - as normal on both days
R2 - pick up from Infant Dining Hall
R4 - pick up from the Reception door next to R1
Year 1 pick up from the Year 5/6 playground from 3pm (1.30pm on Friday)
Year 2 pick up from the Year 3/4 playground from 3pm (1.30pm on Friday)
Friday Drop-Off
Nursery - use the Nursery slope or Hub to enter and exit
R1 & R3 - as normal on both days
R2 - drop off at the Infant Dining Hall
R4 - drop off at the Reception door next to R1
Year 1 & 2 drop off either the main office door, infant hall (millennium garden) or the emergency exit in the Year 5/6 playground.
All clubs are now on Arbor so please check and register any clubs you have been offered and where there is a fee this should be paid to secure your space. If you no longer want the place, please let us know, as we have some waiting lists for those wanting the spaces. Email with any queries.
No One Wraps Like an Elf
Year 4 put on three great performances of a new Christmas musical called No One Wrap Like An Elf. With catchy songs they did it proud and a cast of 120 sang their socks off! A big thank you to parents who supported with costumes and props. Also thank you for your donations on Ticket Source which raised £41.00 which will go towards extra curriculuar activities.
CHristmas LuncH
We had a fun Christmas lunch on Friday, a big thank you to the Catering Team who produced over 800 meals! Thank you to everyone who donated crackers we ended up with more than enough, so thank you!
The annual Santa Run took place on Friday with over 1200 laps run of the track so well done to all those who had a go despite the gloomy weather.
Church Reminder
Tomorrow we will be holding our Christmas Assembly at St Stephen's Church and we will be walking down to the church in two groups.
Unfortunately, there isn't enough room for parents. A final reminder that if you don't want your child to attend then please let us know here
Videos from our performances
Two more videos have been completed for your viewing.
A midwife CRISIS
By Year 2
10H, 1AD and Rainbow Room
1ZS and 1ND
Progress Reports
We are starting to email the progress reports, so look out for those in your inbox. The guidance notes are below/ We have been reviewing how we assess and report progress and will be making some changes in 2025. Further details to follow.
If you have any concerns about your child's report or want to follow up the report with a meeting, please contact your class teacher.
Tuesday 10th December
Here are videos from the performances last week which include the Winter Music Concerts and Baarmy Bethlehem which was performed by classes in Reception.
Baarmy bethlehem
By R2 & R4
Baarmy bethlehem
By R1 & R3
WInter Music Concert Matinee
WInter Music Concert Evening
WInter Music Concert SOLOISTS
Wednesday 4th December
A reminder that our School Shop is available on Arbor and we have stocked up on sweatshirts for the new academic year.
We are currently testing some cardigans and t-shirts to add to the shop later this term.
FInally a reminder that there should be no jewellery worn by pupils other than a small stud earring and these should be covered or removed for PE.
View the School Uniform Requirements by clicking here