At The Raglan Schools, we aim to deliver an accessible Personal Development and Wellbeing (PDW) curriculum, which includes PSHE (Personal Social and Health Education) and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education), that ensures our pupils become independent and responsible members of society, equipping them with the skills to face the challenges of an ever-changing world. Pupils will gain fundamental knowledge and understanding that will enable them to make informed decisions about their health, relationships and well-being.
Our PDW curriculum has been built with the aim of giving pupils the skills to cope with the physical and emotional changes that happen during their time at Raglan and beyond, as well as the ability to tackle moral, social and cultural issues. British Values are promoted through the overarching aims and objectives of PDW by supporting pupils to become responsible and respectful members of modern Britain. Weaving through the heart of our PDW teaching and Raglan community is a commitment to enhancing and promoting our core Raglan Values: determination, respect, friendship, courage, equality, excellence and inspiration.
PDW at Raglan is split into the three key themes of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. These three themes have equal importance within our teaching, and topics are revisited year on year, deepening pupils' understanding and building upon prior knowledge. Key skills and knowledge are outlined and taught at an age-appropriate level. The curriculum is based on the framework from the PSHE Association with more detailed long and medium-term planning developed by the subject leadership team. Woven throughout the PDW curriculum are the core online safety objectives, built upon and revisted through the year.
PDW is taught in all classes on a weekly basis by the class teacher. In Key Stages 1 and 2 teachers deliver lessons in a way that ensures pupils feel safe and encourages participation by using a variety of teaching approaches, with opportunities to develop critical thinking and relationship skills. In EYFS, PDW is taught through the area of learning of ‘Personal, Social and Emotional Development’, which is in the Development Matters and the Early Learning Goal. This is through weekly circle time sessions, as well as daily adult intervention to support the children with making relationships, building their emotional wellbeing and enhancing their self-help skills. As a whole school, we provide contextual, first-hand opportunities and experiences through visitors, workshops, assemblies and trips to enhance their learning at school.
PDW is assessed through the use of ‘Key Questions’. Pupils are given the opportunity to retrieve key knowledge and vocabulary at the end of a unit by responding to a synoptic task, giving teachers the ability to assess their understanding. PDW is adapted for EHCP pupils and they will be supported to access the curriculum through personalised planning to suit their individual needs.
SRE, which includes Sex Education, is taught within the PDW curriculum, using the Christopher Winter Project resources to support planning. SRE is taught in Years 4, 5 and 6 at an age-appropriate level. Year 2 use the PANTS resources to teach about privacy and their bodies. Parents in Years 4, 5 & 6 will be informed when these sessions are taking place and their options for opting their child out of sex education lessons.
Curriculum Enrichment
NSPCC - 'Speak Out' Assemblies
Year 5 Mini Medics Workshop
Poppy Appeal
School council selling Poppies for Remembrance Day
Visit from Kate Osamor Local MP
Anti-Bullying Week
Mental Health and Wellbeing Week
Big Wheel and Walk Week
School Council
Eco Council
Visitors from the community e.g. Paramedics
Calling for help workshop
Children In Need