
Christmas 2024

As always it's a busy time at Christmas with performances from several year groups including 

Nursery SONGS

Baarmy bethlehem

By R1 & R3

Baarmy bethlehem

By R2 & R4


10H, 1AD and Rainbow Room


1ZS and 1ND

A midwife CRISIS

By Year 2


WInter Music Concert Matinee

WInter Music Concert Evening

WInter Music Concert SOLOISTS

Running Order: 03:30 - Year 1; 09:40 - Year 2; 15:40 - Year 3; 20:35 - Year 4; 25:54 - Year 5; 31:33 - Year 6; 36:28 - Junior Dance Festival Group; 39:00 - Finale

A night at the movies

Here is the promised video of the dance show from last week. The video does not run in order as we have grouped each year group for ease of watching. 

Nursery Songs

YEar 4 - Bah Humbug

Year 1 Song & Sign

Year 2 - Superstar

The Twinkly Nativity

R1 & R3

December 2023


R2 & R4

December 2023


Matinee Performance

December 2023


Evening Performance

December 2023

Y4 Violin

December 2023

See how the Year 4 pupils are getting on with their first term of learning the violin. 

Sport Video 22/23

A summary of a year in PE and Sport at Raglan.


July 2023

Year 6 performed Matilda for their end of year performance. They did an amazing job!

The recording can be viewed here

SUmmer Concert Matinee

July 2023

Summer Concert Evening 1

 July 2023

Summer Concert EVENING 2

July 2023

Year 5 Ukulele

Summer 2023

Music Platform

Some children in KS2 performed individually at the Music Platform Concert in May. It was lovely to see their progress and hard work. 


Raglan has a windband this year and they had their first performance at a Music Festival with other schools today. They did amazingly well and the event was a great opportunity to showcase their hard work. We will be seeing them again in the Music Concerts next term.

World Book Day

March 2023

We had a great day celebrating books and World Book Day! As well as having a non-uniform day the children took part in WBD activities and did some shared reading with older/younger children. They also puzzled over a special edition of The Masked Reader created by the staff. Every child went home with a book thanks to hundreds of donations. We enjoyed a Royal Celebration Assembly with the appearance of HM The King. I'll let you work out who that was! 

Snow Day Fun! 

December 2022

An unexpected downfall of snow brought some challenges but the children had a fun time in the snow. A big thank you to all the staff for turning in under challenging circumstances. 

Whoops-A-Daisy Angel by R2/R4

Whoops-A-Daisy Angel by R1/R3

Song & Sign by Year 1

I'm Gonna Shine by Year 2

Nursery SOngs

Green Class

Nursery Songs

Blue Class

Nursery Songs

Red Class

Winter Concert - Afternoon Performance

Winter Concert - Evening Performance 

Tune In Project

Lights, Camel, Action by Year 4


September 2022

Year 6 started their final year in primary with a long weekend to PGL in Suffolk. The action-packed weekend kept them busy with climbing, abseiling, raft building, zip wire, Jacob's Ladder and the infamous Giant Swing. 

The children (and staff) were very tired by the end of it, but a good time was had.  

Lion King

July 2022

Year 6 did an amazing performance of The Lion King which was a version designed for primary schools but has all the familiar songs from the Disney classic. 

The children all made an animal mask as part of their preparations for the performance. We also had an artist come and make the large elephant and giraffe puppets that were part of the show. 


July 2022

PGL returned to the calendar although in Summer rather than our usual September visit. They had 3 days and 3 nights at the centre in Suffolk which is situated in the amazing grounds of Bawdsey Manor on the coast. There were a range of activities including climbing, abseiling, buggy building, archery, rifle shooting, orienteering, a coastal walk (and dip in the sea) and the infamous Giant Swing. The children were amazing throughout the long weekend and our thanks go to the staff volunteers who made it possible. The next visit to PGL is in September for the new Year 6. 

PGL Video

See the thrills and spills of the Year 6 PGL visit to Bawdsey Manor

Cuffley Camp

June 2022

Year 4 had their first residential at Cuffley Camp in Hertfordshire this term and was enjoyed very much. This was a two-day, one-night stay at the camping site and included a range of outdoor activities. The children had opportunities to climb, build buggies, solve problems and have a campfire. For many, it was the first experience away in a big group without family but will help them prepare for future adventures such as the longer residential in Year 6.