AchievEment Data

The data below is for the last four years of published data. There is no data for the academic years 2019/20 and 2020/21 due to COVID.

You can visit the government pages for both schools that show published data including performance data and attendance. The government chose not to publish data in 2022


Year 6

Children achieving the expected standard in Reading (test) Writing (TA) GPS (test) and Maths (test)

Reading - 89% of pupils achieved the expected standard compared to 73% nationally and 76% in London. Previously this result was 89% (2022 & 2019) and 77% (2018). This result is better than 87% of schools. 

Writing - 94% of pupils achieved the expected standard compared to 71% nationally and 75% in London. Previously this result was 87% (2022) 86% (2019) and 82% (2018). This result is better than 98% of schools

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - 85% of pupils achieved the standard compared to 72% nationally and 78% in London. Previously this result was 85% (2022) 89% (2019) and 85% (2018). This result is better than 81% of schools.

Maths - 83% of pupils achieved the expected standard compared to 73% nationally and 78% in London. Previously this result was 92% (2022) 77% (2019) and 82% (2018). This result is better than 71% of schools.

Combined - 78% of pupils achieved the standard in all three areas of RWM compared to 59% nationally and 65% in London. Previously this result was 82% (2022) 71% (2019) and 69% (2018). This result is better than 88% of schools. 

*data was finalised in Spring 2024 with small increases in all areas

How does this compare nationally?

The data for combined Reading, Writing and Maths places the school significantly above average in the 88th percentile or in the top 12% of all schools in England. 

Progress from KS1 to KS2 was also significantly above average placing the school in the top 20% of all schools.

Reading 80th PR (top 20%)

Writing 96th PR (top 4%)

Maths 84th PR (top 16%)

Year 4 - MTC

Multiplication Check 

37% of Raglan Pupils in Year 4 achieved full marks of 25 out of 25 (previously 60% in 2022)

The average Raglan score was 22 (previously 23 in 2022)

YEar 2

Children achieving the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths (Teacher Assessment)

Reading - 77% of Raglan pupils achieved the standard compared to 68% nationally and 71% in London. Previously this result was 75% (2022) 77% (2019) and 75% (2018). This result places the school significantly above average in the 76th percentile or in the top 24% of schools in England. 

Writing - 69% of Raglan pupils achieved the standard compared to 60% nationally and 64% in London. Previous this result was 69% (2019) 77% (2019) and 71% (2018). This result places the school significantly above average in the 72nd percentile or in the top 28% of schools in England.  

Maths - 76% of Raglan pupils achieved the standard compared to 71% nationally and 73% in London. Previously this result was 73% (2022) 78% (2019) and 76% (2018). This result places the school in the 63rd percentile or in the top 37% of schools in England. 

YEar 1 phonics

Children achieving the expected standard

90% of Raglan pupils in Year 1 achieved the expected standard compared to 79% nationally and 81% in London 

Previously this result was 82% (2022) 83% (2019) and 82% (2018)

This places the school in the 84th percentile or top 16% of all schools in England. 

Early Years

Level of Good Development

75% of Raglan pupils achieved a good level of development in 2023 compared to 67% nationally and 69% in London

Previously this result was 78% (2022 & 2019) and 79% (2018)


Year 6

Children achieving the expected standard in Reading (test) Writing (TA) GPS (test) and Maths (Test)

Reading - 89% of pupils achieved the expected standard compared to 74% nationally and 78% in London. Previously this result was 89% (2019) and 77% (2018). 

The result is significantly above the national average and in the top 20% of schools.

Average progress for Reading in 2022 was +2.3 (national 0) Progress is significantly above the national average and in the top 20% of schools

Writing - 87% of pupils achieved the expected standard compared to 70% nationally and 72% in London. Previously this result was 86% (2019) and 82% (2018)

The result is significantly above the national average and in the top 20% of schools.

Average progress for writing in 2022 was +3.1 (national 0) Progress is significantly above the national average and in the top 20% of schools

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - 85% of pupils achieved the standard compared to 72% nationally and 78% in London. Previously this result was 89% (2019) and 85% (2018)

Maths - 91% of pupils achieved the expected standard compared to 71% nationally and 77% in London. Previously this result was 77% (2019) and 82% (2018)

The result is significantly above the national average and in the top 20% of schools.

Average progress for Maths in 2022 was +4.0 (national 0) Progress is significantly above the national average and in the top 20% of schools

Combined - 82% of pupils achieved the standard in all three areas of RWM compared to 59% nationally and 64% in London. Previously this result was 71% (2019) and 69% (2018)

The result is significantly above the national average.

Year 4 - MTC

Multiplication Check 

This test was new for 2022 and 60% of Raglan Pupils in Year 4 achieved full marks of 25 out of 25.

The average Raglan score was 23

We are awaiting the data for the national average and London average.

YEar 2

Children achieving the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths (Teacher Assessment)

Reading - 75% of Raglan pupils achieved the standard compared to 67% nationally and 70% in London. Previously this result was 77% (2019) and 75% (2018)

Writing - 69% of Raglan pupils achieved the standard compared to 58% nationally and 63% in London. Previous this result was 77% (2019) and 71% (2018)

Maths - 73% of Raglan pupils achieved the standard compared to 68% nationally and 71% in London. Previously this result was 78% (2019) and 76% (2018)

Combined - 62% of pupils achieved all three standards compared to 54% nationally and 59% in London. 

YEar 1 phonics

Children achieving the expected standard

82% of Raglan pupils in Year 1 achieved the expected standard compared to 75% nationally and 78% in London 

Previously this result was 

2019 - 83%

2018 - 82%

Y1 Phonics Check - Raglan v National v London

Early Years

Level of Good Development

78% of Raglan pupils achieved a good level of development in 2022 compared to 65% nationally and 68% in London

Previously this result was 

2019 - 78%

2018 - 79%

2022 Data - Raglan v National v London