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Raglan_New_No.3_Summer (1).pdf

Summer Magazine

Our Summer magazine has now been published, with a look back at the last academic year including 

Thursday 20th July


The end of term is fast approaching. We will finish on Friday at 1.30/1.40pm. Raglan Wrap Club will close at 4.30pm. We will be saying goodbye to several members of staff as shared previously, but we also have Mrs Moret to add to the list who having moved home recently has decided to work closer to home for that essential work-life balance! Catherine has been a TA at Raglan for nearly 20 years and associated with the school prior to that. We wish her well in the future. 

Thank you to all the parents and carers for your support this year. I wish all those leaving Raglan tomorrow the very best going forward. 

Reading Books

Every year we lose hundreds of school reading books, left or lost at home. Please do check and return any books that belong to the school by the end of term. Thank you! 


The recording of Matilda is now available in Our Gallery. There are a few programmes remaining which can be purchased from the office at £5 (Card only)

Year 6 YearBook

We presented Year 6 with their Yearbook full of memories from their time at Raglan. Extra copies are available for £5 from the school office (Card only) 

SPORT 2022-23

The annual celebratory video of all things PE and Sport and Raglan. A huge thank you to Mr Flett and the PE Team who continue to provide amazing opportunities for our pupils. 

Sports Teams 2022/23

As a school, we try and take advantage of all the borough-wide sporting events that take place each year and this year an amazing 286 pupils have had the opportunity to represent the school in a sport. There have been many successes including winning the Athletics Borough Championships for the first time in many years and also pupils from Raglan representing Enfield at the London Youth Games finishing runners-up in the Tag Rugby Finals. 

Monet's Garden Nursery 2023

Nursery Artwork

Children in the Nursery have been mixing colours to create colourful pictures inspired by Monet.


The children have been enjoying STEM week so far which has included a variety of activities and workshops. 

Today the Code Show came to Raglan with some amazing older technology from the 70s-90s including a BBC Micro first appearing in primary schools in the early 80s.

There are more workshops tomorrow and it is open to viewing after school for parents.  

Thursday 13th July

Progress Reports 

Progress reports will be in bags today or tomorrow so do look out for those. For Years 1, 2 and 6 there will be an additional report which is the statutory assessments. 

EYFS 2023 Report Guidance Summer (public)

EYFS Summer

Year 1 2023 Report Guidance Summer

Year 1 Summer

Year 2 2023 Report Guidance Summer

Year 2 Summer

KS2 2023 Report Guidance Summer

Y3-6 Summer

Wednesday 12th July

Moving Up

Today was our moving up day when pupils went to their new classroom and most met their new teacher for September. Class changes were previously announced on 30th June (see below)


The end of term is fast approaching but we have an exciting last week ahead with STEM week taking place with many activities, workshops and visitors. As part of STEM week, we have many visitors who will be working with the children.


Among them is the CODE show which is a historical computing exhibition. Children will have the opportunity during the week to use and program a range of vintage computers spanning 5 decades. They will also have a 1985 Sinclair C5 electric vehicle promoting STEM areas, identifying that electric vehicles are not a new phenomenon.

The exhibition will also be open after school on Wednesday and Thursday for you to visit with your children and maybe relive some of your own childhood computing and gaming memories. It is probably of interest to Y1-6. 

The exhibition will be in the INFANT hall from 3:20 on both days for an hour. As it could get busy, we are asking that you attend broadly as shown below. 

End of Term

School finishes on Friday 21st July at 1.30 pm (Infants) and 1.40 pm Juniors. Wrap Club closes at 4.30 pm on this day. School reopens to pupils on Monday 4th September. 


This is just a polite reminder to be courteous and respectful to our neighbours in the local area. We have received numerous complaints over the last few weeks about litter, parking and excessive noise. Raglan is a busy place and we all have to work together to manage the busy drop-off and pick-up times of day. 

INfant Sports DAY

We had a joyful sports day on Monday morning with pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Over 500 parents were in attendance who enjoyed a morning of fun competition. Mandela were the overall winners of the morning. 

Y5/6 Sports Day

Year 5 and 6 pupils enjoyed a day at Lee Valley Athletics Arena for the annual Sports Day. This was a mix of fun team events in the morning and a more formal track and field programme in the afternoon. Several Raglan Records were broken with some fantastic performances. Austen were the overall winners for Year 5/6. 


Year 6 received a standing ovation at their opening performance of Matilda. The musical is very challenging for this age but we are ambitious and felt they could succeed and we were absolutely right! There are some stand-out individual performances but as a year group, they have all played their part and produced a great show including the backstage crew, lighting and sound crews. These will be lovely memories for the future. 

Raglan Sp&Fr.pdf

Language Clubs

Hola! Bonjour!

Speak Like A Native is all about fun with languages and we're delighted to re-open our Spanish & French clubs at Raglan so that your children don't miss out on the opportunity to learn a language. 

*Get two FREE activity packs and a session-by-session breakdown with your booking!*

Go to type in your home postcode, then click 'search'.

Watch our video to find out more about our method and play two fun language games

Tuesday 4th July

Strikes Update

There are no changes to what we have published so please check whether your class is open tomorrow. There is no recorder club tomorrow. 


Clubs finish next Monday 10th July. The extra Monday is to catch up from the bank holiday.

Raglan Wrap Club 

Bookings for the Autumn Term will open on Tuesday 11th July at 18:30. The club remains very popular and is aimed at working parents who have childcare requirements. This is a live booking system, which will update with the number of places available. 

EMS Music Lessons

To book parents can visit The deadline is Sunday 9th July. 

If anyone is having trouble booking EMS are there to help; please contact them before 12pm on Friday 7th July on 020 8807 8881 or email


Bookings for ensemble membership will remain open throughout the holidays into September.


For further information and guidance please read our FAQs:

Music SUccess 

The Music Team would like to commend the following musicians who took part in the EMS Piano competition auditions on 26th June. The EMS adjudicators mentioned how competent each of our pianists were and that each musician played fluently and did Raglan proud! Four have reached the finals which will be held next week in front of an audience. 

Below are the recordings from the Summer Music Concerts last week. 

SUmmer Concert Matinee

Summer Concert Evening 1

Summer Concert EVENING 2

Year 1 Southend

Year 1 made a trip to the seaside when they visited Southend this week. The main part of the visit was to visit the Sea Life Centre linked with their learning, but they managed to find time to explore the beach. 

LotM July - Twi Intro

Language of the month

This Month the language is Twi, spoken in Ghana

Find out more on the slides 


Secondary Schools 2024

Information for admission to secondary schools in September 2024 has been released. This includes dates for open days. This will be for current Year 5 pupils. 

Monday 3rd July

SPORTS DAY (Infants)

The weather forecast is not looking very good for tomorrow with heavy rain in the early hours leading to showers during the day. This is a big event with 800 people, so we have therefore taken the decision to cancel tomorrow and try again on Monday 10th July when we hope for better weather. Those who have ordered a packed lunch from school will still have that lunch as it has been ordered. The rest of the menu may be restricted tomorrow but we will ensure everyone is fed.

Club Cancellations 

There are some club cancellations this week due to staff absence and strikes. Emails have been sent but here is the list as a reminder:

Friday 30th June

Class Arrangements 23/24

New Classes

The transition to new classes has started today with Year 1 and Year 4 meeting their new class and class teachers. 

Please see the letter for all classes for next year and information on the staff leaving us and new members of staff we will be welcoming to Raglan. 

I particularly want to mention Emma Allen who is leaving Raglan after 29 years as a teacher, an amazing career and commitment to the community. Emma is relocating and we wish her well for the future. There are other staff leaving at the end and they are featured in the letter. 

Today we say goodbye to Estelle Pearce in the school office who is taking up a new role. We thank Estelle for her hard work and wish her well. 

Sports Day Reminders

The Infant Sports Day is next week, please remember to register if you are attending. Lunch orders have now closed. 

Nursery sports are separate and parents do not need to register their attendance. 

Year 5/6 Sports Day at Lee Valley, please remember to 

Infant Sports Day

4th July from 10am

Reception, Y1 and Y2 will enjoy a morning of team sports

Y5/6   Sports Day

11th July from 10am

Held at Lea Valley Athletics Stadium. Details soon.  

Magical Music

There were three Music Concerts this week which showcased individual talents as well as four choirs, and brass, woodwind, clarinet, string and guitar ensembles. The children did amazingly well and Music continues to flourish at Raglan.

A huge thank you to Miss Hart and Mrs Campaniello who put their heart and soul into their work and the results speak for themselves. 


A reminder to Year 6 parents that tickets are available for Matilda which will be performed over two evenings and one afternoon. 

Monday is sold out but tickets remain for Wednesday matinee and evening. 


10th July, 6pm

Year 6 present Matilda in the first of 3 performances


12th July, 2pm

Year 6 present Matilda in the matinee performance


12th July, 6pm

Year 6 present the final performance of Matilda the Musical


School Fair 

The fair has been pushed back to 22nd September due to the strike action next week. Therefore some of the events planned leading up to the fair have also been postponed. 

One thing that will go ahead will be the raffle as some of the prizes expire before the new date of the Fair. 

A big thank you to the RSA committee, who have been working hard behind the scenes to prepare for this year's fair and also then make all the necessary changes. 

Next Week

Monday 3rd July 

Tuesday 4th July 

Wednesday 5th July

Thursday 6th July

Friday 7th July

Strike Info Letter to Parents 280623(public)

Strike Action 

There are two strike days next week on Wednesday 5th and Friday 7th July. The NEU remain in dispute with the government over pay, Unfortunately, no talks have taken place for several months. All unions are now re-balloting members for further action in Autumn. 

The strikes next week will cause some disruption and we will be partially closed. Please see the list letter.  

Thursday 22nd June

Training Day

Just a reminder that tomorrow (23rd June) is the final training day so school will be closed. We open again on Monday which will also be the Year 3 & 4 Sports Day, so please be ready for that!

Next Week -

Monday 26th June

Tuesday 27th June

Wednesday 28th June

Thursday 29th June

Friday 30th June

Lunch & Trips

Parents are reminded to keep up to date with lunch payments. Early issues this half term have been resolved so please ensure your account is not in debt. 

With trips, we do rely on voluntary contributions from parents. We do support pupils who are in receipt of Free School Meals (not universal infant meals)  with these costs. We have noticed, which could be a result of challenging times, that contributions have reduced this year. The recent Y5 trip has a £600 shortfall for example and the total shortfall for all year groups is nearly £5,000 this year. We will likely need to review the trips for next year and some may disappear from the plan to reduce these costs. Unfortunately, coach costs have soared making some visits costly. 


We have a very busy clubs programme which means hundreds of children are still in school after school. We do ask that parents/carers and pupils not in a club, leave the site promptly at the end of the day so these clubs can start and be safe. Parents are not allowed to stay on the premises to wait or watch clubs. 


MYME will be leading a sleep workshop this term. This workshop is aimed at parents who may benefit from learning more about sleep. The aim of the workshop is:

• To learn about the importance of sleep and understanding about sleep

• To think about how we can help our children with sleep hygiene and healthy

bedtime routines

• To learn strategies which can help our children with bedtime and sleep routines.

The group will be run by School Wellbeing Practitioners from My Young Mind Enfield (MYME) who work within Enfield CAMHS. 

This workshop will be held online via Microsoft Teams on Friday 30th June at 12pm. Please contact the school for the link to the virtual meeting. 

Y6 Enterprise

Year 6 enetered the world of business when setting up their mini-enterprise projects. Not only did they plan, budget, make and advertise their business, they had a productive day selling their items to the school. This year they also create their own websites on Google SItes. Money raised is spent on their fun day towards the end of term. 

Blue Cycle Training Flyer.pdf


We are grateful to Peter at Blue Cycle Training for leading our Year 4 cycle training and also running a club for Year 3. The school believes this is a key skill for pupils and invests in this training to ensure all pupils can ride a bike. We have attached details for Blue Cycle Training if you are interested in what they have to offer outside of school.

Y5 Royal Observatory

This week Year 5 visited the Royal Observatory Greenwich to support the work they have been doing in class on 'Space'. We got to watch a planetarium show and learn more about the Earth, Sun and Moon. 

Monday 19th June

Strike Action

The NEU has announced two further strike dates this term which are Wednesday 5th and Friday 7th July. Based on previous strike days, this will likely mean the school will partly close on these days. We won’t know until nearer the time and will try and give as much notice as we can. Teachers are not obliged to tell us their intentions, but generally they have been letting us know and we have been able to give notice to parents.  

Our plans for July are always busy and inevitably we have key events on these two days which will need to be moved.

Summer Fair (7th July) - Following discussion with the RSA and outside providers this event will be moved to Friday 22nd September. Whilst it would have been good to keep it this term, there are no spare days and outside providers are already booked up weeks and months in advance. The teachers also play a key role in staffing the fair and there are unfortunately there are not enough parental volunteers to go ahead without their help. We are trying to secure a change of date for the Maypole Dance Workshops/Performance which were also planned to coincide with the Fair. The Steel Pan performance planned for the fair will now be recorded and shared with parents. 

Move Up Day (5th July) - This was the day all classes move up to meet their new teacher and we had booked in the new teachers to visit on this day. This has now been moved back a week to Wednesday 12th July. Where this is not possible for some teachers, we will make alternative arrangements. In a change to our usual communications, all parents will be notified of new teachers and new classes (Y1/4) on 30th June. 

Year 6 Transition Day (7th July) - We are waiting to hear from the secondary schools that have a transition day on this Friday. This is out of our control and we hope that they can still continue, but it will depend on each individual school’s circumstances.

We will update you when we have any further information.

Cardiff Tour

The Sports Tour returned this Summer and 48 pupils from Year 6 attended a three day residential in Cardiff. The three days consisted of coaching from Glamorgan Cricket Club, Cardiff Rugby and Cardiff City Football Club as well as two tournaments against local schools. The children had a great experience and our thanks go to Mr Flett and the PE Team for their hard work to make it happen. 

Mobiles Y4 2023

Year 4 ART

YR Apples 2023

Reception ART

Y5 Still Life 2023 (public)

Year 5 Art


Pupils at Raglan took part in the first inter-school eSports competition focusing on Mario Kart. If you're new to the idea of eSports it's where teams compete together playing video games. Teams have to build their skills and work together as a team to be the most successful, this is just like any other sport.

Over the last few months we have been practicing and holding trials within school in order to find the best teams for the tournament. So last Friday, after weeks of practice, we took the best four teams, two from year six and two from year 3, to the competition. The other school we competed again also brought four teams of their own. 

We were up against St. Nicholas' Primary School from Stevenage and KIngs Cross Academy. It was a challenging and demanding event where all the teams had to demonstrate resilience. After playing in heats two teams from Raglan and two teams KIngs Cross Academy were promoted into the semi-finals.

Both Raglan teams were absolutely devastating in the semi-finals and both teams moved onto the finals where one was victorious. It was an exciting event and we will be back next year!


We will be hosting ArtzKidz this Summer, who will be providing three weeks of creative and fun days. Please visit their website for further information

Artzkidz summer 23 (1).pdf
Artzkidz Summer 23 (2).pdf

Thursday 15th June

Hot Weather

Please ensure your child is prepared for the hot weather. We  will make adaptations to the day where necessary but parents/carers can help us by

If your child is particularly fair and at risk from the sun then suncream can be sent in and we will support them to apply this themselves. Please remind your child not to share their suncream with other children. 

If your child suffers from hay hayfever and requires eye drops etc. please liaise with the welfare assistants at school. No medication should be kept in bags or lockers. If you do not want your child to go on the field then please speak with your class teacher.


Twenty parents responded positively to the question we asked about Mandarin lessons after school. We have now informed the company Speak Like a Native, who runs our French and Spanish clubs and we await their response. 


Staying on the theme of languages, we will now be rolling out Spanish as part of our MFL curriculum to all year groups in Key Stage 2. Previously we restricted this to Years 4 and 5 as there were significant pressures on the timetable trying to fit everything in. MFL is not part of the Key Stage 1 curriculum requirements but we do have after-school clubs if your child is interested in learning another language.  You can view the curriculum overview by clicking here 

Sex ed Consultation Feedback and Next Steps

Sex Education

The governors have approved the changes to the Sex Education units of work following a review and consultation with parents. This means that lessons will now begin in Year 4 later this term. There are meetings planned for parents with children in Years 4, 5 and 6 and further information will be shared on the website so parents can make an informed decision on whether they wish to withdraw their child. Other year groups are not affected by this change as Sex Education only takes place in Years 4-6. 

Team Winners of the 2023 Enfield Athletics Championships

Athletics Champions

The Raglan Runners made history this week when they won the Enfield Athletics event with 15 schools taking part. It is the fist time in around 20 years that the school has taken the trophy. There were some impressive individual performances and the relay teams were exceptional, winning 4 of the 6 relays and finishing 2nd and 3rd in the other two. Every place gains points, so the fact the school won by just one point meant those finishing outside the top three places play just as important role as the winners. Congratulations to the team and to Mr Flett and the PE Team. 

Sports Days

We have three Sports Days with each one looking different as the children get older. 

You must register to attend these events so we know who to expect on the day. 

These are big events with large crowds so please do follow the information that will be sent home for each event.

Y3/4 Sports Day

26th June from 10am

Year 3 & 4 will enjoy a mix of team competition and individual and team track and field events

Infant Sports Day

4th July from 10am

Come see Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 who will enjoy a fun morning of team sports 

Y5/6 Sports Day

11th July from 10am

This event is held at Lea Valley Athletics Stadium. with track and field events 

Monday 12th June

Clubs Cancelled this week

The list of clubs cancelled this week has been updated. The PE team are away on the Cardiff Year 6 residential Sports Tour. 

HUB: Pre-School Activities

We would like to apologise for a technical problem we had with Eventbrite that didn’t launch as expected on Friday which meant no tickets went live. We have now fixed the problem and they will be live this evening from 6pm. The first sessions will be 

Thursday 15th June - Song & Rhyme 

Friday 16th June - Stay and Play 

Monday 19th June - Messy Play


Mondays at 08:45 

starting 12th June

Music & Rhyme

Thursdays at 08:45 

starting 15th June

Stay & Play

Fridays 08:45 & 10:30 

starting 16th June

Friday 9th June 


We had some technical issues with ParentPay at the start of the week and some of these have now been resolved. Parents of children in KS2 who normally pay for lunches can now do so. We are still investigating charges made for pupils who are usually free school meals. We will update you when we know more. 

Key dates 

A reminder of the key dates coming up. You can also visit the EVENTS page to find links to tickets and further information once published. 

Pre-School Activities 

Our pre-school activities are back for 5 sessions this term including Messy Play, Song & Rhyme Time and Stay and Play. Please note these are free sessions but you do need to commit for the 5 weeks.

These are popular sessions so will book up quickly. Tickets are via Eventbrite from 6pm this evening.  


Mondays at 08:45 

starting 12th June

Music & Rhyme

Thursdays at 08:45 

starting 15th June

Stay & Play

Fridays 08:45 & 10:30 

starting 16th June

Year 2 Djembe Drumming

Our enrichment activities for Year 2 started this week with Djembe drumming. The children enjoyed their session and were amazed at the skills of our visiting musician. 

Rhinos Success

Having won the Tag Rugby in Enfield, the Rhinos went on to reptresent Enfield at the London Youth games and finished runners up. That's 2nd place across the whole of London so quite an amazing achievement. Congratulations to the team and to Mr Flett who has coached them through to the finals. 

Year 4 Steel Pans

Year 4 started their enrichment programme this week with a workshop on the steel pans. They will be having more workshops over the coming weeks and there will be an opportunity to perform at the Summer Fair later this term. 

Thursday 8th June

10269121 - Raglan Infant School - 102004 Final PDF.pdf


Following the ungraded inspection of the Infant School we are delighted to share the report with our community. The school remains good, however, there was enough evidence of improved performance to suggest the school could be judged outstanding if OfSTED were to carry out a graded inspection.

You can read more by clicking on the report

You can read our response to the inspection by clicking here.

Club Cancellations 

Next week 48 Year 6 pupils will head off to Cardiff for three days on the Sports Tour so there are some club cancellations next week as the PE team will be away. We have been able to cover some but the following are cancelled: (LIst updated 12/6/23)

Interested in learning Mandarin?

Speak like a Native has asked if Raglan would like to host a club for the children to learn Mandarin in September. If you are interested in this for next year please click on this quick link so we can gauge the level of interest. The club is externally run and subject to fees as outlined on their website. 

2023-05-26 - Consultation Letter Rev B (1).pdf

You can view the consultation and map by clicking on this document.

20mph Consultation

The Raglan Schools welcomes the proposed modifications to the speed limit in the neighbouring roads surrounding our premises. Currently, a consultation is in progress to prioritise road safety and encourage active travel, aiming to implement a permanent 20mph limit on all roads surrounding the schools as well as those leading to and from the main roads. With an enrollment of 930 pupils, our school witnesses over 1000 people entering and leaving the premises daily, making it one of the busiest schools in the borough. We are delighted that this proposal has finally progressed to this stage and encourage stakeholders to support it

LotM June- Croatian

LaNguage of the Month 

This month the new language is Croatian

Thursday 25th May


We close on Friday for half term at the normal time and Raglan Wrap Club closes at 6pm. We look forward to seeing the pupils again on Monday 5th June. Please scroll down to see key dates for the next half term.

Polite Reminders

The staff at Raglan are a great team who work very hard for our community and the children. The vast majority of parents are very respectful and courteous towards the staff and we thank you for that. Recently a small number of incidents have shown that not all parents/carers behave that way which is both upsetting for staff and disappointing that it happens at all. If there are problems and issues then please address these the same way you wish to be spoken to. 

Clubs - When you sign your child up for a club, you agree to collect them on time. We know things go wrong now and again but for some, it is a regular occurrence. Please be on time. It is not fair to the members of staff or outside providers and it is also placing extra demands on the Wrap Club which is already busy.

Security - No parent should be inside the school building (other than the office area) without being escorted by a member of staff or signing in. Please go to the office or speak to a member of staff if you need help. 

Year 3/4 Playground - Parents and carers waiting here at the end of the day, please do keep your younger children at hand. This is a busy time and they should not be left free to play with the equipment or be mixed up with the 240 pupils that are trying to exit in a safe way. 

Thank You! 

Free Half-Term Cycling

There are free Half-term learn-to-ride and group sessions taking place at Kingsmead school this half term 30th 31st May 1st &2nd June. You can book here


There are also free Dr Bike sessions around the Borough, details also here

yNew Menus and catering company

I have written to all parents regarding our new catering company Aspens, who will be taking over after half -term. The new menus are shared below and I will outline further information on the changes in my letter. We have received a few enquires about halal which wasn't mentioned, but please be assured this remains an option with the menus.

Key points for the menu are 


  Summer Fair

Preparations are underway for the Summer Fair on Friday 7th July 3-6pm. This is the big event of the year and a major fundraiser for the RSA. Mrs Daly has recently written to parents seeking sponsorship from businesses, individuals or families and thank you to those who have responded so far.  You can support the Summer Fair in many ways both indirectly and directly on the day, so if you can help at all please do get in touch. 

Ways to help:

This type of event is great for our community but only works with community support. 


As part of their Art & Design work, Year 6 have made five spectacular sculptures inspired by Dale Chihuly using recycled bottles. 

These have been installed into different areas of the millennium garden so do go and see if you can spot them. 

Music Makers

Congratulations to our musicians who performed individually in a mini concert for parents this week. It has been great to see their progress and there are some talented muscians in the making. Well done to them, their tutors and to parents for supporting.  You can see their performance here 

Year 5 Mini-MeDics

This week Year 5 have been having first aid training to support the work they have been doing in their PDW (Personal Development & Well-being) lessons. They learnt basic first aid, the recovery position, how to apply bandages, CPR and choking. All children will be awarded a mini-medic certificate! 

Friday 19th May

Well DONE!

A big well done to our Year 6 pupils who sat their assessments (SATs) last week consisting of 7 tests in Reading, Grammar, Spelling and Maths. The Reading paper was the subject of a big debate in the news and staff and pupils felt it was a tough paper. We achieve well with Reading at Raglan, so we know that if our pupils found it hard, other schools would have had greater struggles. The papers are all sent away for marking and results will be out in July. Year 6 had their celebration day delayed due to the tests being pushed back for the coronation, so have enjoyed the bouncy castles today! 

Year 2 also completed tests in Reading and Maths this week, although much more low-key as is appropriate for 6 and 7-year-olds. Next, we have the Year 1 phonics assessments and Year 4 Multiplication Check. All are required (statutory) assessments.


We have now seen the draft report this week and hopefully, this will be published before half-term once we get the final copy. 

School Lunches

As previously mentioned we have a new caterer after half-term. There will be some changes as we make the changeover so please bear with us as we try to get up to speed. Parents of pupils in Years 3, 4 and 5 will receive a survey about next year when meals will be free for all junior pupils. We are trying to assess whether the extra take-up will be manageable or whether we need to make changes to the lunch arrangements. 

All parents in Years 3, 4 and 5 are asked to complete this VERY QUICK SURVEY 

Key dates 

A reminder of the key dates coming up. You can also visit the EVENTS page to find links to tickets and further information once published. 

Sports News

There was a success for the Raglan Rebels this week when they won their Enfield Cup Semi Final 2-0.

Our athletes also did amazingly well winning the Enfield Quad Kids event which is similar to a Heptathlon/Decathlon but with 4 events of Sprint, Run, Throw and Jump. It was the first time Raglan has won the event and was a great team effort

You can also follow all the Sports achievements on Twitter (@RaglanSchools)

Y2 Cave Art 2023 (public)

Year 2 Art

Year 2 have been working on their drawing skills in Art & Design. Check out their work in the online gallery slide show. We clearly have some amazing artists developing! 

You can visit the Art & Design website to view work from other year groups. 


A group of Year 5 pupils have been taking part in the Level 2 Bikeability training this week. This training was for advanced riders and focused on riding with more confidence, road safety and how to ride correctly on the road. 

Wednesday 17th May

 Hay fever Time

As the weather improves we are starting to use the field more regularly. If your child does suffer from hay fever then please remember to take/apply any medication before school to help them through the day. If you need to discuss your child then please contact one of the welfare assistants.  

Summer Music Concerts

Parents and Carers whose children are involved in the Music Concerts can now book tickets for the Summer Concerts. The afternoon concert has a different programme to the evening concerts which are both the same. Tickets are restricted to 2 per household. If we have spares we will let you know.

Summer Concert

27th June at 2pm 

Featuring: Guitar ensemble, 

Woodwind ensemble

Infant Choirs Y1 & Y2,

String ensemble and 

Intermediate recorders

Summer Concert

28th June at 6pm

Featuring: Chamber choir

Junior Choir, Wind band

Brass ensemble, Clarinet ensemble and

Advanced recorders

Summer Concert

29th June at 6pm

Featuring: Chamber choir

Junior Choir, Wind band

Brass ensemble, Clarinet ensemble and

Advanced recorders

Y6 Art Exhibition

Sculptures by Year 6 are being installed into the Millenium Garden and can be viewed on Tuesday 23rd May from 3pm

Raglan Bitesize

Raglan Bitesize is a series of video guides for parents on a number of different topics. Most videos are a quick 5-minute watch and you can find around 20 videos so far on our website here Today we feature a couple of guides for TTRS and Numbots, two online learning platforms for use at home. 


This Bitesize takes you through how to use TTRS which helps pupils to learn their multiplication tables in a fun way.


Here's a guide for parents/carers in Reception and Year 1 whose children are using Numbots

Half-Term Activities

Once again we are hosting two holiday activities over half term. Please see the links for more details 

Friday 12th May

Y4 Residential 

The second residential for 4MW and 4SK returned safely after a succesful 2-day, 1 night stay. The children appeared to have had a great time and the staff were impressed with the centre and the quality of the activities and provision. We are currently in discussions with dates for next year and hopefully this will become a regular feature for Year 4. 

Year 6 attend PGL for a residential over a long weekend usually in late September/early October and there is also a Sports Tour to Cardiff, Wales for Year 6 pupils who are engaged with sport. You can see all our residential visits here 


With several events coming up this term we have reactivated our Events Page on the website where you can see the Music Concerts, Sports Days and Year 6 Production. We will ask you to register on Eventbrite nearer the time for each event so we know who is coming to the site for safety and security reasons. The Summer Music Concerts will be in June and tickets are available from next Monday, limited to two per household. 

Mobile Phones 

We have noticed that children's mobile phones are creeping back into school, so this is a reminder that we have a no mobile phones policy which was introduced in 2019 following a consultation with parents and carers. At the point of the consultation, the staff were looking after 50 mobiles each day and incidents of online behaviour were increasing. Teachers have also been reminded of the policy and instructed not to take them in going forward. If your child is a lone walker in Year 5/6 then the school's first call system prioritises those children when they do not register at school. We do not recommend lone walkers below Year 6 although some Year 5 pupils are doing this, which should only be considered where the child is responsible enough to do so.

Raglan Wrap Club

Since we took over the wrap-around provision the club has grown and become successful and crucially it remains financially viable. Schools are not allowed to use their education funding to prop up wrap-around care, so the challenges are tough for some schools. 

Over the last year we have seen an increase in the demand for places and for the last two terms have reached capacity almost every day making the booking process quite a stressful event for some parents who need to guarantee their childcare arrangements. We extended the places by 20% but even this was not sufficient to meet demand this term. Whilst it might be easy to think that we can just keep extending to more places, we have to consider the safety and quality of the provision. We have considered splitting the club into two, but there are pros and cons to that idea and we feel it is best kept as one. 

Moving forwards,  we do have some plans in mind to move around some rooms which will allow us to add further spaces for September. This should help going forward unless demand increases further. We will be consulting with parents soon so we can review the booking process and take some feedback. 

Fees have been held for a number of years, but with costs rising significantly for staff and energy, there will be an increase in fees from September. Session prices will be £3.00 (breakfast), £5.50 (short wrap) £10.00 (long wrap). These will come into effect on 1st September 2023. 

School Lunches

There are changes coming to school lunches from June. Firstly, Enfield Catering is ceasing trading and we have had to find a new catering company to run the service. We joined 18 primary schools in a joint tendering process that was won by Aspens, who will start from next half term. The transition with so many schools will be challenging for them so we won't see a full launch until September. Hopefully, there will not be too much change but we will update you with any changes to the booking system and the menu once we know what is happening. 

The second change is that the Mayor of London is funding all KS2 pupils (Y3-6) to have a free hot lunch for one year starting in September. Whilst this is good news for parents and pupils this will be challenging for us if we have a significant increase in numbers as we are already stretched with feeding KS2 pupils within the lunch hour. We may be asking your intentions soon so we can plan ahead which may mean a staggered lunch period across the Juniors. 

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will continue to be part of the universal Infant meal programme so the only group not covered will be nursery pupils who will continue to pay. 

Raglan Term Dates 23:24 (no cover).pdf

Term Dates 23/24

The term dates are now confirmed for the next academic year. Children will return to school after the Summer break on Monday 4th September 2023.

As usual, children will attend for 190 days and staff for 195 days with 5 training days identified in orange. 

Due to the nature of the dates next year set by Enfield Council, we have decided to block three training days at the end of the year as in the past we have not found finishing the year on a 3 day week to be very productive. 

We will be sending you a postcard with the dates soon but if you a printable version then click here 

Polio Parent letter (1).pdf

Polio Campaign

We have been asked by NHS London to share the following information which encourages parents and carers to check the immunisations for their children. This includes polio which has been identified as a concern for London. 

Friday 5th May

Y4 Residential

Two classes attended the new residential visit for Year 4 this week and by all accounts they had an amazing time. The weather held for lots of outdoor activity and exploring over the two day one night stay. Two more classes will attend next week

Community News

We often share information from other organisations that may be of interest to some parents 

Enfield Libraries

Enfield Carers Talent

Fun day poster 2023 V4 (2).pdf

Enfield Carers Fun Day

raffle funday.pdf

Enfield Carers Raffle

Thursday 4th May

Coronation & Bank Holiday

Tomorrow we will mark the weekend's events with a Coronation Day, the children can dress in red, white and blue and they will enjoy a new book and learn about the coronation and King Charles III. 

A reminder that Monday is an additional bank holiday and the school will be closed.

Next Week

Monday - Bank Holiday, School closed

Tuesday - Year 4 Residential Visit 4SK/4MW (2 days)

  - Year 6 SATs start with Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation Test

  - Ark Farm visit to Nursery

Wednesday - Year 6 SATs, Reading Test

Thursday - Year 6 SATs, Maths Papers 1 and 2 

Friday - Year 6 SATs, Maths Paper 3 

Instrumental Lessons 

The music team are receiving a high volume of email enquiries regarding instrumental lessons and many of the answers are in the guidance below. Whilst we facilitate the lessons, arrangements are between parents and the Music Service.  

LotM May Website Portuguese

Language of the Month

This week's language of the month is Portuguese. We have a few speakers in school and of course as well as being the first language of Portugal it is spoken in other countries too such as Brazil. 

Friday 28th April

Strike Action 

There is a second day of strike action affecting the school next week on Tuesday 2nd May, please check the latest information for which classes are open and closed. 

Coronation Celebration Day

We will be marking the Coronation with a special day next Friday 5th May. We will repeat the successful red, white and blue dress down from last year so the children can wear any of those colours. There will be special assemblies and lessons to mark this historic day.

Next Week 

Clubs start dates and finish times and locations Summer 23


Some clubs will start next week bu with the bank holidays, strike action and residential visits taking place the start dates for clubs do vary so please check the information on your letter and on the information here. 

Please note an error on letters with Cycle Club (Y3) which now starts 9th May. 

There are around 45 clubs after school involving 647 pupils, around 74% of the school population including Nursery.  

If your child is interested in getting more involved with running, there is a completely FREE Enfield Town Park Run every Sunday morning.  More details can be found here -

London Mini Marathon

On Saturday, 100 of our Raglan Runners participated in the London Mini Marathon. There was a fantastic atmosphere as our pupils completed the last mile or 1.6 miles of the actual London Marathon course.  By completing the course, each runner earned £10 for their school, meaning we're set to receive a whopping £1000 to be put towards new PE and Sports equipment for the school.  We'll be asking the children for ideas on how the money should be spent.

A very special mention to Teddy in Year 4 who personally raised £1950 for Bone Cancer Research for his run on Saturday.

KS1 Football Festival

On Monday, we saw the next generation of Raglan Rebels and Rattlesnakes take part in a KS1 football festival on the field.  Teams from Woodpecker, Bush Hill Park, Brimsdown and Grange Park joined us on the field for a friendly football tournament.  It was great to see so many smiling faces playing football for their schools.

Kids Judge BETT

At the end of last term we were lucky enough to be invited to be judges for Kids Judge BETT, which is the Education Technology Exhibition held each year. 

Six children from year 6 were chosen and they had to look at and question lots of different educational technology companies and work with other schools to decide on what they thought the best things were at the event. It was a great day and the children worked brilliantly. We even got to see Michael Rosen who was helping give out the awards.


This week Year 3 pupils have been having level 1 bike training with Cycle Confident. They have been focusing on maintaining control, starting and stopping and how to be aware of their surroundings. This is a part of our effort to encourage more pupils to ride to school!

Tuesday 25th April

Strike Action 

A reminder that the school will be partially closed on Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May. Please note that there has been a change to R3. These arrangements are subject to change. 

Class Photographs

The class photos are now available for purchase from  Please use access code: RG23LN8

Orders placed online before 11th May can be returned to school free of charge, after this date a post and packaging charge will apply for home deliveries. Orders will enter production on 12th May and will be returned to school in one eco-friendly delivery. 


Letters will be sent home on Wednesday with the allocations for clubs this term. Please note the start date which varies for different clubs due to the bank holidays, strike days and staffing issues due to some staff attending the residential visits in Year 4. 

Next Week 

Raglan Spanish & French.pdf

Speak like a native

French and Spanish clubs take place at Raglan run independently by Speak Like a Native 

Friday 21st April


The Infant school had an ungraded two-day inspection this week to check that it was still GOOD. Thank you for your support with the Parent View survey which was overwhelmingly positive. The results can be seen on the website but not the comments. 98% of parents recommended the school and 99% of parents believe their child is happy and safe. 

I am not able to share any information on the inspection at this stage until it is published by OFSTED in around 6 weeks. A big thank you to the staff who continue to work hard to provide the very best education, experiences and opportunities we can as they move through the schools. 

Strike Info Letter to Parents 210423


Unfortunately, the dispute has not been resolved between the NEU and the Government so there are two more strike days coming up. 

We will be partly open and the letter shows which classes we are able to open on the two days - Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May. 

Trips planned for these days will go ahead. 

Clubs will start from 3rd May. 

Music & Rhyme

Mondays at 08:45 

starting 24th April


Wednesdays at 08:45 

starting 26th April

Stay & Play

Fridays 08:45 & 10:30 

starting 28th April

LotM April- Website Bemba

Language of the MonTH

This month the language is Bemba

Tuesday 18th April

OfSTED Inspection

We will have an OfSTED inspection in the INFANT school over the next two days. This is not unexpected as we were expecting them to revisit since the last inspection in 2018. As we are federated the inspections are carried out separately so this is for Infants only. 

In the letter below it invites parents to complete the Parent View survey online, these are the same questions we use in our own survey each year. This is the link for Parent View - please search for Raglan Infant School. 

We would appreciate your contributions to the survey it will only take a few minutes to complete. 

Most of the questions are applicable to Nursery too, but please note when answering question 11 for a maintained nursery school ‘subjects’ should be considered ‘learning and experience’.  

Thank you for your support. 

Inspection of Raglan Infant School - 19-20 April.pdf
School inspections - a guide for parents.pdf


Clubs are now being sorted now the form has closed. We will be allocating places and letting you know as soon as we can. Clubs begin from 2nd May. There will be some disruption to the start of clubs due to the bank holidays, strike days and residential visits. We will let you know when each club is due to start. 


It is potentially Eid on Friday and we wish all our families well if they are celebrating over the weekend. Please remember to report any absence for Friday online in the usual way - click here 

Key Dates

BIG BITE - Phonics

We have recently launched our Raglan Bitesize series of videos to help and support parents. We will feature one each week over the coming term. You can visit the Raglan Bitesize Page to see more. This week we have a BigBite, a slightly longer video explaining the approach to phonics 

RaglanSpFr (1).pdf

Language Clubs

Speak Like A Native is all about fun with languages and we're excited to open our French and Spanish clubs at Raglan this term, so your children don't miss out on the opportunity to learn a new language. 

*Get two FREE activity packs and a session-by-session breakdown with your booking!*

Go to type in your home postcode, then click 'search'

Friday 31st March


Progress reports have been sent home this week. These are quick progress updates following the meetings in February. The DfE require schools to issue one written report each year but we do a termly update to keep you up to speed as to how well your child is doing. The reports are the same as Autumn so the guidance is below. There is also a video on understanding Standardised Scores which show on reports in Years 2-6.

EYFS Report Guidance Autumn 2022

EYFS Autumn/Spring

Year 1 Report Guidance 2022

Year 1 Autumn/Spring

Y2-6 Report Guidance Autumn 2022

Years 2-6 Autumn/Spring

Standardised Scores


We have been updating our website pages, especially around the Curriculum to share more information and the long-term and medium-term plans. You can look at each subject or look at overviews for each year group. There are also pages on Beyond the Curriculum which covers our offer of activities to enrich the curriculum and extend the curriculum through clubs and activities. Visit the Curriculum section here 

Raglan Bitesize

We have been working on ways to support parents and carers and today we launch Raglan Bitesize on our website. Bitesize are short videos made by the teachers and cover different aspects of school and the curriculum. They offer advice on how to support at home as well as explaining methods and strategies used in our teaching. 

On our website under Curriculum, you will see Raglan Bitesize and we have published the first collection of videos. More are coming over the next few weeks and we aim to add to these in the future to provide a useful resource for parents and careers. 

A big thank you to the teachers for the work on this. You can visit the Bitesize Page on the link below 

Clubs and Activities Summer 2023 (Public)


Our clubs have now been published for Summer 2023 with many of the usual favourites and some new clubs for Summer.

Nursery have two clubs next term which run from 2.30-3pm, please read the information page for details. 

Our usual arrangements will apply so please submit your requests by Tuesday 18th April. 

Please read the booklet before you complete the form 

Flower Power Y3 2023

Flower POwer ART

Year 3 have been developing their art skills and you can see their latest work in the slideshow gallery. 

Other year groups can visit the Art Gallery Pages here 

Spring Newspaper 2023.pdf

Friday 24th March

Award for PE, SPORT & Physical Education

I am delighted to let you know that Raglan has been awarded the afPE Quality Mark with Distinction for demonstrating outstanding commitment to improvement in Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity.

Following a recent assessment and review day the quality mark was awarded by the Association for Physical Education and highlighted:

Alex Flett and the PE Team deserve congratulations for spearheading the drive to enhance the quality of teaching and learning, while also offering a vast array of opportunities for our pupils. This award is a testament to the collective effort of our entire school community, from the dedicated staff who consistently deliver quality lessons, to the enthusiastic children who wholeheartedly participate in their learning and clubs, and the supportive parents and carers who play an integral role in fostering our school's success.

There are not many primary schools that have a PE team led by a specialist teacher, but by leveraging the financial benefits of our federation and with the unwavering commitment of our leadership team and governors to fund and resource quality Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity, we have crafted a recipe for success.

Gospel Returns

Gospel singing returned to Raglan this week with a one day workshop and mini concert for Year 5. 

The children did really well, perfoming to a good standard with a particular shout out to the individuals who did the solo parts which is always a challenge! 

The workshop is a one off this year but we hope in future years to work with this new company more to bring back a longer project leading to the concert. 


Year 1 had great fun "test driving" their vehicles today after completing their design and build project in Design & Technology. 

Milk Bottle Challenge: The winners!

Art Exhibition

On Monday 27th March (3.15-4.15pm) and Tuesday 28th March (8.30-9.00am) we will be holding a special Milk Bottle Challenge Exhibition in the Infant Small Hall. This is open to the whole school community. Families and friends are invited to come and see all the colourful, characterful sculptures that the children have created. Here is a preview of the exhibits…

Y1 Art Club Starry Night 2023

Year 1 Art Club

Year 1 Art Club have been exploring colours and textures inspired by ‘The Starry Night’ by Vincent Van Gogh.

Check out their amazing work in the slide show. Remember you can see all our Art Galleries for other year groups on our website - click here 

Anxiety Workshop 1- The Raglans School (1).pdf

Anxiety Workshop

Around 30 parents joined an online workshop on the theme of Anxiety. I think it proved a useful session for those who joined. 

We have uploaded the notes from the session for those who may be interested. 

Sex Education Consultation 

A final reminder that this consultation closes on Monday 27th March (12 noon). We have received 45 responses so far. You can read more about the consultation below (see 15th March). When you are ready the online form can be found here. It will only take a few minutes. 

Key Dates 

Monday 20th March 

Class Photos Tomorrow

The photographers will be coming in tomorrow, Tuesday, 21st March to take class photos, with the exception of the following classes, 3DB, 4SK, 4JM, 2SS and 2SG, who will have their photographs on Friday, 24th March.

Please ensure children come to school wearing their full school uniform.  If your child has PE that day they should bring their PE kit in a bag and NOT come to school in their active uniform.

Raglan WraP Club

Bookings for Summer will open later today Monday 20th March at 6pm - please make a note of this if you are reliant on the service. If you have outstanding debt, the system will not allow you to book, so please make a payment to clear this in good time. Visit the login page here for Magic Booking

If there are any issues please contact 

HOLIDAY Activities

We will be hosting Artz KIdz and Pro-Elite this coming holiday. You can book direct with each provider on the links below. 

Children in Reception through to Year 6 who are in receipt of benefits-related Free School Meals (not universal Infant Meals) can attend a variety of activities over the Easter Break. Check out the website here for more information. 

Artz KIdz

Monday 3rd to Thursday 6th April


Tuesday 11th to Friday 14th April

Big Walk and Wheel Week

This week we are part of this year’s 'Big Walk And Wheel' week. Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel is the UK’s largest inter-school walking, wheeling, scooting and cycling challenge. It aims to inspire hundreds of thousands of pupils to get active on the school run. We are encouraging all pupils to walk or wheel to school at some point this week 20th-31st March.

ENd of Term DISCOs

The school discos kick off this week. Tickets can be booked through the RSA on Class List

If the disco is directly after school we will get the children changed in time. Please send their disco clothes to school in a named bag.

Wednesday 15th March

Anxiety & Wellbeing Workshop

On Tuesday 21st March MYME (My Young Minds Enfield) will be leading a workshop for parents on Anxiety and Well-being. This is a repeat of the workshop held at the end of the last academic year, which was well attended and received. The workshop will run for an hour, starting at 12pm. The session will be virtual on Microsoft Teams, click on the link to join. Click here to join the meeting

PARENTPAY Outstanding payments

We are coming to the end of the financial year so we would welcome parents/carers settling any outstanding amounts on their accounts. Most parents do pay for lunches in advance as is expected and we thank those who have made voluntary contributions to school visits and visitors. Visit ParentPay here

Instrumental Lessons - Booking closes Sunday

The deadline for parents to book music lessons for the Summer term is this Sunday 19th March, the Music Service is not able to take bookings after this date. All parents registered on the Music Store have received a reminder today. The Music Service are available to help and parents can contact them before the deadline on 020 8807 8881 or email if they need any support.

Raglan WraP Club

The club continues to be popular and on most days is fully booked. We have increased capacity to accommodate more pupils and there are plans to develop the outside area at the front of the school to provide a more usable outdoor space. 

Bookings for Summer will open on Monday 20th March at 6pm - please make a note of this if you are reliant on the service. If you have outstanding debt, the system will not allow you to book, so please make a payment to clear this in good time. Visit the login page here for Magic Booking

If there are any issues please contact 

Sex Education Consultation

Sex Education is currently taught in Year 5 (Puberty and Body Changes) and Year 6 (Reproduction) with an option for parents to view materials and withdraw their child from the lessons. In 2020 we consulted with parents and the majority of parents supported the recommendation that Sex Education remained in the curriculum at Raglan. 

Over the years it is becoming increasingly clear that puberty, particularly the beginning of periods, is happening earlier for some pupils. The DfE also recommends that children should know about changes before they occur. We are therefore considering moving a unit of work to the Summer Term of Year 4. The proposed scheme of work for Sex Education would therefore look like this:

Year 4 - How will we grow and change? - Pupils will be introduced to how their bodies will begin to grow and change during puberty and what menstruation is. 

Year 5 - How are our bodies changing? - Year 5 pupils will be learning about puberty in males and females and how their bodies will change, physically and emotionally. They will look at how personal hygiene routines change during puberty and how to seek advice and help during this time.  

Year 6 - What is reproduction? - Pupils will begin learning with a recap of puberty and menstruation. Year 6 will then learn the ways people can start a family and why people choose to start a family. They learn what sexual reproduction is and how it is between two consenting adults. Year 6 will learn about the responsibilities of being a parent. 

Parents would still be able to see the materials we use and also decide whether to withdraw their child from the lessons.  

We are now open to consultation to gather the views of parents, carers and staff before making a recommendation to the governing body. The consultation will ask if you agree with the changes or keep things as they are. Click on the link below. The survey is very short and will only take a couple of minutes to complete. The consultation closes on Monday 27th March (12 noon). 


Wednesday 15th & Thursday 16th March

Current Status 

Please note a change to 5CL on Thursday.

Full letter - click here  or scroll down to Friday News.

ENd of Term DISCOs

The discos are back after a long absence, it's time the children had some fun and a boogie! Tickets via Classlist on the links below

Monday 13th March 

PGL REsidential Weekend 

Today we have launched the PGL Residential Weekend for the current Year 5 for October 2023 when they start Year 6. The visit is a long weekend and will focus on outdoor adventure activities based at Bawdsey Manor in Suffolk. The venue is situated on the coast and offers a variety of activities to thrill and challenge Year 6. Further details can be found here

We have recently updated our Curriculum pages and you can find details of all our residential visits by clicking here 

Big Walk and Wheel Week

We’re excited to be a part of this year’s 'Big Walk And Wheel' week, taking place in March 2023. Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel is the UK’s largest inter-school walking, wheeling, scooting and cycling challenge. It aims to inspire hundreds of thousands of pupils to get active on the school run. We are encouraging all pupils to walk or wheel to school 20th-31st March.

Red NOse DaY

We won't be taking part in Red Nose Day as a school this year but we do encourage individuals and families who can, to donate this Friday 17th March. You can visit the website here. So far this year we have supported Children In Need and the Earthquake Appeal along with school fundraising for the RSA raising over £10,000 in total for charities. Thank You! 

Friday 10th March

Strike Action

There are TWO days of planned strike action next week on 

Wednesday 15th March 

Thursday 16th March

Please read the letter and see whether your class will be open or closed on these days. 

Strike Info Letter to Parents 100323 (public)

Visit from local MP

Local MP Kate Osamor visited Raglan today to tour the school and meet the children. In a Year 5/6 children there was a Q&A where the MP talked about her inspirations and aspirations. The children heard what it was like to be an MP and what the role entailed. Year 6 have been invited to visit the Houses of Parliament which we will follow up.

 Discussions also took place with Headteacher Martin Kelsey around funding and the challenges ahead including EHCP funding, the cost of energy and future pay increases. The school's budget is expected to increase by 3.6% in April but will be insufficient to meet the challenges of pay and energy in particular. The gas bill for the month of January was £13,000 when typically the cost of gas for the whole year has been around £25,000. 

Thursday 9th March

Let Girls' PLay

Wednesday was a fun day for the girls as we marked the Let Girls Play campaign aimed at encouraging girls into football and reminding schools into providing them with opportunities. At Raglan we are proud to say that many of our girls already get involved. 

You may have also seen on the news that the Sports Premium Grant to primary schools has been extended for another 2 years! Great news for our PE and Sport at Raglan. And whilst we are talking about PE, I want to give a big shout to our amazing PE Team who work tirelessly to provide all these opportunities. 

PE Team 

Mr Flett - Head of PE

Mrs Kuttin - Sports Coach 

Mrs Tungatt - Sports Coach 

Miss Duff - Sports Coach (P/t)

Mr Hughes - Sports Coach apprentice 

Mr Wick - Sports Coach apprentice 

Mr Garrad - Sports Volunteer

Veliler için Türkçe Kahve Sabahları

Turkish-speaking parents Coffee Morning

We will be hosting a weekly coffee morning on a Tuesday in The Hub. As well as meeting and chatting with other parents, there is support and strategies for supporting your child's learning and well-being. More details on the flyer. 

The Raglan Schools Leaflet (1).pdf

ENd of Term DISCOs

The discos are back after a long absence, it's time the children had some fun and a boogie! Tickets via Classlist on the links below

Tuesday 7th March

Let Girls Play!

On Wednesday, Raglan will be taking part in the "Let Girls Play - Biggest Ever Football Session." The national event aims to highlight the importance of schools offering equal opportunities in sport to boys and girls.  Sadly, only 61% of in England schools offer football in PE lessons to girls and only 40% of schools have a girls after-school football club.  We're proud to say that we have three girls' football clubs and over 90 girls playing football after school every week!


On Wednesday, we're encouraging girls to come to school wearing their Active Uniform or a football kit, if they have one.  Please don't feel any pressure to buy a football kit if your daughter doesn't already have one.  Our Raglan Rebels will be leading Raglan's "Biggest EVER Girls Football Session" on the field at lunchtime for any girls that would like to play.

Strike Action 

Last week 16 classes stayed open and 15 closed for the second day of strike action. Attendance was better than the first day at 87% for those open. Children with EHCPs were invited to attend school as a priority group and attendance was 59%. 

There are TWO strike days planned for next week Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March. If these go ahead then we expect the same approach as previously. We hope to let you know by this Friday what the arrangements will be. Year 6 are due to go to the theatre on Wednesday 15th and this trip will go ahead as planned. 


Raglan has a windband this year and they had their first performance at a Music Festival with other schools today. They did amazingly well and the event was a great opportunity to showcase their hard work. We will be seeing them again in the Music Concerts next term.

Friday 3rd March

World Book Day

We had a great day today celebrating books and World Book Day! As well as having a non-uniform day the children took part in WBD activities, did some shared reading with older/younger children and they puzzled over a special edition of The Masked Reader created by the staff. Every child went home with a book thanks to hundreds of donations. We enjoyed a Royal Celebration Assembly with the appearance of HM The King. I'll let you work out who that was! 

Thanks for your support  

Year 2 Visit to Celtic Harmony

On Tuesday 28th February Year 2 visited the Celtic Harmony Camp in Hertfordshire. It was a busy day packed with fun activities that allowed the children to fully immerse themselves in Stone Age life.

The activities were practical and packed full of historical facts. Children experienced a range of activities including making a fire, flint-knapping, hunting and gathering, building a den and even making cabbage soup! It really was a great day for all!

Year 5 Viking Workshop

Year 5 had a visit from a Viking! The workshop supported the work pupils have been doing in History and immersed them further into Norse culture. 

Pupils especially enjoyed seeing the armory the Vikings used and liked playing games Viking children would have played. 

Sports News

A huge well done to our Year 5/6 mixed netball team who won the Enfield tournament for the first time last Friday.  The boys and girls will now head to the London Youth Games to represent Enfield.

There was more success today for our Year 3/4 cross country runners at the Enfield Cross Country Championships.  Both teams gave it their all and the Raglan Boys team won the team gold!  Including Lucas finishing 1st and Jayden finishing 3rd out of over 100 runners

FInally, Mr Flett has written to parents regarding the Mini London Marathon, a fab opportunity for 100 pupils to take part in this world famous race. Check out the letter below.

Strike Action - Thursday 2nd March

We will update the classes open and closed if they change before Thursday

Wednesday 1st March

Strike Action

As far as we know there are no changes to the planned strike action so please check above to see if your class is open or closed. 

Musical Delight

Some of our talented musicians performed their solo pieces to their parents and staff at one of our Performance Platforms this week. The short recital is an opportunity for musicians to perform for a small audience. It really was delightful and great to see their progress. 

The deadline for Summer instrumental lessons with Enfield  Music Service is 16th March. Parents are able to book by visiting their website (see link). Their FAQs provide up-to-date information on all their services and their friendly team is ready to help anyone having issues booking if they email us before the deadline at

language of the Month

This Month the language is Mandarin. 

LotM - Mandarin

Discounted London Zoo Tickets

As part of their Community Access Scheme, reduced price tickets for London Zoo are available for pre-booking at £3 per person, if you are receiving Universal Credit, Pension Credit, Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support or Jobseeker’s Allowance. More on the link.

Friday 24th February 

Strike Info Letter to Parents 240223 (public)

Strike AcTion

Strike action will again close part of the school next Thursday 2nd March unless there is a deal over the coming days. 

Please see the letter for the arrangements that are in place. More classes are open this time which depends on whether the teacher is taking part in the action. 

Remember that teachers are not obliged to tell me (but all have) and they can change their minds between now and Thursday so we will update you with any changes. I understand there may be further negotiations between now and Thursday with the NEU and the Government.  

Thursday 23rd February 

Strike Action

We will be sharing details tomorrow of which classes will be open next Thursday 2nd March which is the next strike day. Fewer teachers are joining the strike next week so around half of the classes will operate as normal. Teachers have been letting me know what their intentions are so we can in turn give you time to prepare for next week. 

Car Key Found

 A single car key was found in the KS1 playground and is held at the office. 

Pre-School Activities

Our programme of pre-school activities returns this term with three different choices. Aimed at children 3 and under it is open to prospective parents/pupils and those in th local community. 

The session are led by school staff including our Assistant Headteacher for Early Years and our specialist teachers in Music and Art. 

Spaces do fill up quickly so booking opens Friday 24th Feb at 8am on the links below.  As places are limited please only book if you intend to attend all the sessions. 

Messy Play

Mondays at 08:45 

starting 27th February

Music & Rhyme 

Thursdays at 08:45 

starting 2nd March

Stay & Play

Fridays 08:45 & 10:30 

starting 3rd March

Buckingham Palace Delight

You may recall that two pupils from Raglan won a national portrait competition for the Queen's Jubilee last year. 

Sadly with the death of the Queen, their visit to the palace last year was cancelled. Thankfully it was rearranged and Skyler and Kirsten along with their parents and Mrs Ashall had an exciting trip to the palace to see their work.

They also had a special private guided tour of the staterooms including the throne room (where they were invited to lie down on the red carpet and look up at the beautiful ceiling!), the music room where Prince William was christened and Elton John played the piano, the drawing room where President Obama was received, the room where people are knighted, the marble gallery and the picture gallery containing priceless art treasures by Reubens, Canaletto and Vermeer (amongst others).


There has been a growing number of complaints and incidents of late with inconsiderate parking and behaviour.  Please remember to respect our neighbours and keep all our children safe by parking responsibly in the local area. This means 

Should anyone wish to report illegal parking in the future NSL can be called direct on 020 3856 0036 (line available 24 hours for enforcement daily between 8am and 9pm).  Alternatively, the Parking team here at the Council can be emailed at or called on 020 8379 6406 between 9am and midday Monday to Friday.


Please also encourage your children not to throw their litter and rubbish in the street and local gardens. It was disappointing to hear from a local resident who witnessed rubbish being thrown into their garden. We will also follow this up with the children.  

Tuesday 21st February

Welcome Back

A warm welcome back after the half-term break, it is hard to believe we are halfway through the school year already! It was lovely seeing parents at our Meet the Teacher evenings and the turnout was good from parents wanting to know and see how their child is progressing. If you did miss your meeting please do get in touch with your class teacher. 

Strike Day - Thursday 2nd March

At the time of writing, there is little progress in the dispute between the NEU and the government and so we are preparing ourselves for a second strike day on Thursday 2nd March. It is likely arrangements will be the same as last time but I am currently asking teachers to let me know their intentions for next week. I will be sending parents and carers an update on Friday as to which classes will be open and which will be closed. 




We are holding this on Friday 3rd March. Please note we are still welcoming book donations for our Book Fair. If you have any children's books you no longer want, please do dontate them. 

Friday 10th February 

Thank You!

The Raglan community has been very generous and supportive of the Earthquake Appeal and we have received many donated items to send. Thank you so much.

We also collected £3,455 today on the dress-down day which was amazing. This has been sent immediately to DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee) where the Government has pledged to double the donations. 

Thursday 9th February


Friday 10th February is a dress-down day at Raglan and we will be collecting cash donations. We will be sending the money to the DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee) as this organisation brings together 15 charities and is being match-funded by the Government. If you wish to donate to an alternative charity we have made some other suggestions on our Appeal Page

Thank you for the kind donations of items which are starting to come in. A big thank you to Big Yellow Storage who have kindly donated some packing boxes. Also thank you to the parents who have been helping out and sharing information. The items will be given to local organisations organising transportation to Turkey. 


School closes tomorrow for half term at the usual time. We look forward to seeing the children again on Monday 20th February at 08:40.

Tuesday 7th February

Earthquake APPEAL

I am sure many of you are shocked by the devastating news about the earthquake that has hit Turkey and Syria. Some of our families at Raglan are directly affected and we are looking at ways we can help as a school community. 

Appeal for Supplies

I met with some parents this morning who are in touch with local organisations organising transportation of supplies and we are launching an appeal for the following items:

If you would like to donate items please bring them to school this week and we will have a collection point near to the school office. Please note we are not collecting clothes. 

Dress Down Day - this Friday 10th February 

We will have a dress-down day on Friday and welcome any donations to the  Earthquake Appeal. We will be researching charities over the next few days as to where best to send our collection. So children can understand,  we will be talking about this in school and I am sure you will do the same at home. 

Half Term Activities

The school is hosting two half term activity groups, further information is available on their websites

NURSERY applications - deadline 

Applications close soon for applying for a Nursery place for September 2023. Our Nursery has spaces for 90 pupils up to 35hrs a week. The deadline to apply is 15th February via Enfield Council  - click here 

Monday 6th February

Meet the Teacher

Please remember to book your appointment for Meet the Teacher which for most classes are taking place this Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th February. Click here to access your Magic Booking account.

Please note 

Strike Day

The strike day last week was disruptive for school but arrangements were in place and anticipated in advance. In the end, 32 teachers took industrial action and 24 classes closed. 7 classes did open where the attendance was 79%. Pupils with EHC plans and those who were adopted were also invited to attend and 44% attended. 

The next strike date for London is 2nd March and we will let you know more information nearer the time.  

Romuald Hazoume Art Challenge Spring 23 (public)

Art Challenge

Here's the Art Challenge for the Spring Term set by Mrs Ashall. 

Take a look at the slides which aslo includes a video explaining the challenge. 

Year 2 Great Fire of London Art





LotM February- Bengali

Language of the Month

Our language of the month for February is BENGALI

Have a look at the slides and do some exploring of this language 

Tuesday 31st January

Strike Action

There are no changes to the planned strike action for tomorrow, Wednesday 1st February. 

Only the following classes can attend school tomorrow 

R2, 1DM, 1BD, 3CB, 4SS, 5DH and 5DC

I appreciate this presents many challenges and disruption for those at home and in some cases where siblings are split. This is the first of four days (the next one is March 2nd) so we will see how tomorrow goes and review our approach if necessary. 

Pupils who have an EHC plan or are adopted or in a special guardianship arrangement can attend school although this may look and feel different for them if their class is not in. 

We will not be marking absence as unauthorised tomorrow as we recognise the disruption and challenge this will bring. Please see the letter below for the full details. 

Meet the Teacher

Our next two evenings are planned for Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th February. There are ten-minute appointments are available to meet with the class teacher and discuss how your child is progressing. 

You can book your own appointments online via Magic Booking and these will open tomorrow Wednesday 1st February at 8am. 

Most parents will now have access to Magic Booking so simply log in and the Meet the Teacher will appear there TOMORROW.

If you are new to Magic Booking, we have already set up your account ready to activate. Follow these steps to set your password:

Please note that searching for Magic Booking on google will not find the right website, please use the link above. 

Teachers will do their best to stay on time but timetables can be thrown by meetings extending beyond ten minutes. If after ten minutes you need more time then the teacher will offer you a follow-up meeting.

Year 4 Residential - hold the date

We are pleased to share that the Year 4 residential trips will be taking place in May this year and we will be holding an information evening for parents on Tuesday 7th February at 5:00 in the Junior Hall.


More information about the trips will be coming out to pupils and parents at the end of this week and we hope you'll be able to join us next Tuesday.

Friday 27th JanuarY 

Strike ACTION Arrangements

Please find linked a letter regarding the planned strike action next Wednesday. The school will be partly open and the letter sets out the arrangements. 


Teachers have helpfully given me notice of their intentions but this is subject to change over the coming days. 

Strike Info Letter to Parents 270123

Thursday 26th January 

Strike Action Latest

Strike action is planned to take place next Wednesday 1st February and the school will be significantly affected by the action as a large number of teachers are members of the NEU. I will be writing to parents and careers tomorrow (Friday) with the arrangements for the day. Any information shared is subject to change as staff can change their mind. 

neu parents leaflet.pdf

Why are teachers striking?

Teacher members of the NEU have voted to strike and I am sharing a parent information leaflet from the union that explains the reasons. The leaflet refers to pay rises that were not fully funded in 2022. This is correct and for Raglan that meant we had to make £120,000 of cuts to the budget in September to make up the difference. 

Learn English at Raglan

We are pleased to offer a beginner's course for parents who wish to improve their English. The course runs every Tuesday during term time and will be from 09.00-10.00am at the Hub at Raglan Schools.  The classes will be free of charge.

If you are interested in coming to the English classes please can you complete the link below to reserve your place. Due to limited availability, it will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

THURSDAY 19th January

Strike Action 

You will have seen in the news the planned strike action by members of the NEU. The dispute is around pay and also the lack of funding for the pay rises that were awarded in 2022/23. 

We do have a significant number of teachers who are members of that union at Raglan so we are likely to be affected by the strike action planned over the next two months. At this stage, I am unable to say how we will be affected but will advise parents in due course. Union members are not obliged to tell the Headteacher until the day itself whether they are striking which in turn makes decision-making and communications with parents very challenging. We will be getting advice from our HR providers and the LA over the next few days. 

The dates for London are Wed 1st February, Thurs 2nd March and Wed15th and Thurs 16th March. 

Y4 Swimming 

Year 4 swimming has been cancelled for the last two weeks due to a problem at the pool, which is out of our control. The organisers have been in touch to offer some additional sessions and once arranged we will let you know. Thankfully we have not been charged for the coaches despite the late notice. Year 5 who swim at St Ignatius School are unaffected. 


As usual, our programme was heavily oversubscribed but we managed to assign first choices to the vast majority of pupils. We are now in the process of adding these to ParentPay where fees apply.

There are spaces still in the outdoor football on Friday run by Pro-Elite which is for Years 2, 3 and 4. If this is of interest please email to request a place. 

Health Update 

As anticipated we have a small number of cases of chickenpox (5) and Group A streptococcus (1) and so we are sharing the latest letter from the UK Health Security Agency and the advice issued for both. Please do keep us updated if your child has either of these conditions. There is a greater concern for those children who have both at the same time and parents should seek medical advice if this is the case. 

402193 NENCL_Scarlet_fever_chickenpox_school_letter_for_parents.pdf

Letter to Parents

Group A Streptoccocus factsheet_20221216_final_ Dec 2022.pdf

STREP A   Scarlet Fever

UKHSA PHE_chickenpox information sheet (1).pdf


SchooL Council

Representatives from the School Council and Parliament met Mr Kelsey today to update him on what they have been doing. They have been very busy this year including 

Book Packs

As part of our support for pupils in receipt of free school meals we have been providing book packs for pupils to build their own library collection at home and share some great books at bedtime etc. Some pupils in Reception pupils will be receiving very soon followed by Year 1 and Year 2.

Raglan Spanish & French.pdf

Bonjour! HOLA!

Spaces are still available for this term, especially KS2 French on a Wednesday.

Speak Like A Native is all about fun with languages and we're delighted to open our French & Spanish clubs at Raglan so that your children don't miss out on the opportunity to learn a language. Get 2 FREE Activity Packs and a session-by-session break-down with your booking.

Go to  type in your postcode and click ’search’ to book your place!

Watch our video to find out more about our method and to play 2 fun language games: 

Tuesday 10th January

STart Time

Most children are on time at Raglan but we do have a consistent number of late children, so do aim to be at school for 08:40 when the doors open. We do close them promptly at 08:50 which is when the register is taken.

Reception Places for September 2023

This is a reminder that the applications for primary schools closes on 15th January. Pupils at Raglan Nursery do not get an automatic place in Reception so you will need to apply. Please do not miss the deadline as your application will not be considered until after the first round of allocations and we will likely to be full after the first round. More details - click here

NURSERY place for September 2023

Applications close for Nursery places on the 15th February. More details - click here 

Curriculum Maps

We have updated our Curriculum Maps for Spring 1 so you can see what the children are doing this half term.  

Nursery Curriculum Map Slides 2022 (public)


Reception Curriculum Map 2022 (public)


Year 1 Curriculum Map 2022 (public)

Year 1

Year 2 Curriculum Map 2022 (public)

Year 2

Y3 Curriculum Map 2022 (public)

Year 3

Y4 Curriculum Map 2022 (public)

Year 4

Y5 Curriculum Map 2022 (public)

Year 5

Y6 Curriculum Map 2022 (Public)

Year 6

Pre-School Activities

Our programme of pre-school activities returns this term with three different choices. Aimed at children 3 and under it is open to prospective parents/pupils and those in th local community. 

The session are led by school staff including our Assistant Headteacher for Early Years and our specialist teachers in Music and Art. 

Spaces do fill up quickly so booking opens Tuesday 11th Jan at 8am on the links below.  

Music & Rhyme 

Mondays at 08:45 

starting 16th January

Messy Play

Wednesdays at 08:45 

starting 11th January

Stay & Play

Fridays 08:45 & 10:30 

starting 13th January 

Raglan Spanish & French.pdf

Bonjour! HOLA!

Speak Like A Native is all about fun with languages and we're delighted to open our French & Spanish clubs at Raglan so that your children don't miss out on the opportunity to learn a language. Get 2 FREE Activity Packs and a session-by-session break-down with your booking.

Go to  type in your postcode and click ’search’ to book your place!

Watch our video to find out more about our method and to play 2 fun language games: 


New Devices

Some general reminders about staying safe online.


Social Media TIPS

12 Social Media tips for staying safe online 

Wednesday 4th January 2023

Welcome Back

A Happy New Year and welcome back to school as we begin the Spring Term. 

Health Advice & ABSENCE  

The government issued advice to parents this week. This is not a major change but a reminder that children should stay at home if they have a fever/high temperature. Flu, COVID-19 and Scarlet Fever are expected to increase again over the coming weeks. The school is also aware of chickenpox and impetigo circulating. 

Please report all absences on our ONLINE FORM by 09:30 each day. 

"Flu and coronavirus (COVID-19) are currently circulating at high levels and are likely to continue to increase in coming weeks. High numbers of scarlet fever, which is caused by group A streptococcus, also continue to be reported. It’s important to minimise the spread of infection in schools and other education and childcare settings as much as possible. If your child is unwell and has a fever, they should stay home from school or nursery until they feel better and the fever has resolved.

Helping children to learn about the importance of good hand hygiene is also key, so practice regular handwashing at home with soap and warm water. Catching coughs and sneezes in tissues then binning them is another simple way to help stop illness from spreading."  UK Government Advice, January 2023

As a general rule, these are our expectations for common illnesses at the moment.  

Fever/High Temperature - remain at home until feeling better and the temperature has returned to normal

Chickenpox - children remain at home for at least 5 days and can return to school once the LAST spot has crusted over 

COVID-19 - If positive, remain at home for 3 days and then return if no high temperature and feeling well 

Scarlet Fever - If confirmed and feeling well, children can return 24 hours AFTER the first antibiotic is given

Vomiting/Diarrhea - remain at home for 48 hours after the last episode

Impetigo - remain at home until 48 hours after the first medication is given

Please do follow this guide so that together we can try and minimise the spread within classes and beyond. 

TERM Dates 

Clubs and Activities Spring 2023 FINAL (public)

CLubs - Spring 2023

This is a final reminder for clubs.

Please read the information booklet carefully before making your requests. As usual please make your requests online on the link below. This form will close on Thursday 5th January (12 noon)

The KS2 gymnastics trials postponed before the break will now take place on Monday 9th January in the Junior Hall and will finish at 4.30pm. Collection is from the Amberley Road gate.

LotM - Japanese (Jan)

Language of the month - Japanese

Each month we feature a language and this month is Japanese. 

Wednesday 14th December


Thank you for working with our restrictions in place. These will continue on Thursday so an extended registration from 08:40-09:15. 

Key Dates 

Clubs and Activities Spring 2023 FINAL (public)

CLubs - Spring 2023

We are pleased to launch the Clubs for next term. Please read the information booklet carefully before making your requests. As usual please make your requests online on the link below. This form will close on Thursday 5th January (12 noon)

Progress Reports

Progress reports will be sent home over the next two days. These provide a short update on progress and build on your face to face meeting in October. The guidance for the reports is below.  

EYFS Report Guidance Autumn 2022


Year 1 Report Guidance 2022

Year 1

Y2-6 Report Guidance Autumn 2022

Years 2-6

Monday 12th December 

Snow Day Fun! 

An unexpected downfall of snow brought some challenges today but the children had a fun time in the snow. 

Year 2 also performed their nativity I'm Gonna Shine to a packed out hall. They did really well with all the last minurte changes. 

We will assess the weather again tomorrow and whilst there is no more snow in the forecast the ice will be an issue as many of the roads remain unclear or untreated. 

Monday 5th December 

Health Advice 

We continue to have a small number of confirmed cases of Scarlet Fever and Chickenpox. I am sure many of you are concerned about hearing the weekend news regarding Strep A infections. We are in touch with Public Health regarding the cases of Scarlet Fever at Raglan and continue to follow their advice. Please do look out for the symptoms of Scarlet Fever. I am resending the public information but the main advice is to seek medical advice on 111 or with your GP if you are concerned. 

I have also attached the information for Chickenpox which is also around at the moment. Please remember that your child should stay off school until the last spot has crusted over. 

If your child is ill, please keep us updated on your child’s condition using the online form. 

2019 FAQs_Scarlet_fever_symptoms_diagnosis_and_treatment.pdf

Scarlet Fever

UKHSA PHE_chickenpox information sheet (1).pdf
