Latest News


Tuesday 19th December

Clubs for Spring Term

We have now allocated ALL clubs for Spring 2024 and added them to the Arbor accounts.

You must now register your child for the club on the Arbor portal/app and pay any fees before the club starts in the week of the 15th of January. 

As usual, the demand has been high for clubs, but we have hopefully managed to find a club for everyone who wanted one and the vast majority of pupils have their first choice club. We are also starting a new waiting list procedure (see below). There was high demand for Reception Dance (48) so we have managed to create a second club on a Friday. 


To see which club(s) your child has been allocated:

Please Note:

Terms and Conditions 

By registering a club place and paying a fee, please note the following T&Cs

The fee for clubs is now £30 for the term for 7-10 weeks (depending on the length of term)

Please note

New Waiting Lists

We know some clubs are oversubscribed and children can be disappointed. We will operate a new waiting list system if spaces become available following the allocations or if children drop out up to Week 3. 

To be added to a waiting list, complete the following online form - click here (Infants)  and click here (Juniors)

Raglan Wrap Club

If you have already booked a Wrap Club place each week on the same day as a club, you do not need to pay the after-school club fee. Please let us know on this form below or email

If you no longer require a wrap booking, please complete this form or email Please remember that clubs finish two weeks before the end of term. 

Send any questions/queries about clubs to

End of Term

St Stephen's Church

Our final assembly took place at St Stephen's Church today, we braved the drizzly rain but had a lovely Christmas assembly. Thank you to Reverand Claire who welcomed our school to the church today. 


The last of the performances are now online. You can see the full collection in our gallery

Nursery Songs

Year 4 - Bah HUmbug


Telephone Support for Parents

Enfield EP service offer parents and carers telephone support, please see the information. 

Wednesday 13th December

Club Fees this Term

Club fees have been added to Arbor for this term. There have been a few technical issues as we move to a new system but these should be ironed out in Spring. Please ensure you have paid any fees due for clubs this term, which you can do on the Arbor portal/app. We may not be able to allocate new clubs if there are outstanding amounts owed. If you have been charged incorrectly please get in touch

Crackers & Friday

We have enough crackers for Friday's Christmas Lunch so thank you for your kind donations. Children can wear a different jumper on Friday and we also have an extra Santa Run for Raglan if they want to join in with a festive hat at 08:30 (KS2) or playtime (KS1) 

Christmas Assembly at St Stephen's

We have traditionally taken the whole school (YR-Y6) to St Stephen's Church for our final Christmas Assembly next Tuesday 19th December. This includes a retelling of the Christmas Story with songs from this year's nativities and musicals. The Reverand at St Stephen's will offer a prayer for those who wish to join in. If you do not want your child to attend this assembly please complete the online form to let us know - click here

Unfortunately, due to space restrictions, this is not open generally to parents. 

Grotto - final two days

The Grotto will close on Friday and there are a few remaining tickets if you have yet to book. Click here

End of Term

School closes on Wednesday 20th December at 1.30pm (Infants) and 1.40pm (Juniors). Raglan Wrap Club closes at 4.30pm

School opens on Monday 8th January at 8.40am

Year 2 Superstar

Year 2 performed a great show called Superstar, you can see it here. 

A big well done to Year 2 and all the staff involved. 

Progress Reports 

Reports are being sent by email this term. This is happening class by class with the aim of having them all sent by Friday. 

Guidance can be found below or on the Parent Support Page. There is also a short Bitesize video on Star Tests and Standardised Scores. 

Reports Explained - Parent Guide for EYFS 2023 (public)

EYFS - Autumn/Spring 23/24

Reports Explained - Parent Guide for Y1-6 2023 (public)

Years 1-6 - Autumn/Spring 23/24

Tuesday 12th December

Clubs Reminder

Tomorrow is the last day for requesting clubs for the Spring Term, the form will close at 12pm on Wednesday and we will start work on allocating the clubs. As previously explained we will be adding clubs to the Arbor portal/app for you to accept or decline and also pay any club fees due. This is a change to previous arrangements with the use of Arbor and a later payment. If you have yet to download the Arbor app please do so soon. 

Progress Reports

We will be emailing progress reports for all the children this week. These are a short update on how things are going after the first term. A trial run of emailing 3BH and 2LR reports went well, so we are good to go with the rest of the school. Reports will be sent over the next few days (not all on the same day) and no later than Friday, so look out for an email. You will need to enter your child's date of birth to access the report. 

Santa Run 

The will be an extra Run for Raglan on Friday this week, children are invited to bring a Santa hat (or similar) and take part in the morning run. This will be at the same time -  08:30 for KS2 and playtime for KS1. This is the same day as Christmas Lunch and Jumper Day.


We have seen some lovely performances so far and we will post the recordings when they are ready. Over 1,500 tickets have been issued for 13 different performances and donations on the new ticket site raised just over £300, so thank you for that. We will be using the money to support extracurricular clubs and visits. 

We post performances in our Gallery for future reference. 

The Twinkly Nativity

R1 & R3

December 2023


R2 & R4

December 2023


Matinee Performance

December 2023


Evening Performance

December 2023

Y4 Violin

December 2023

See how the Year 4 pupils are getting on with their first term of learning the violin. 

Hamper Draw

The Christmas raffle has been drawn with over 50 hampers and other prizes to be won. Thank you to everyone who took part and contributed. The RSA are contacting the lucky winners this week. 

Raglan Spanish & French clubs.pdf

Speak like a native 

This language company offer groups lessons separate to our clubs progamme. Please see the details and book direct with them. Next term there are clubs for French and Spanish

Monday 11th December


Around 75% of parents are now signed up. We do need to get to 100% so please activate your account if you haven't already. Clubs will be posted on Arbor next week. We will still have the drop-in sessions at the office between 08:30-09:00 Monday to Thursday for anyone who needs help. 


It's Christmas lunch and jumper day on Friday (15th Dec). Lunch can be booked in advance on Arbor or on the day in class. Thank you if you have donated some Christmas Crackers, we have around 700 so far which means we need another 230. If you would like to donate sone crackers please leave them at the office (you can't miss the display) or send them in with your child.  


Clubs for Reception to Year 6 were launched last week and the online form closes on Wednesday so we can allocate clubs before the break. These will be posted on Arbor parent app. Please note there has been a change to the Spanish Club (our club, not Speak like a Native) this has been moved to a Thursday. The form has been amended. If you have already submitted your form and selected Spanish for Wednesday, please email or complete another online form to let us know what you would like to do. 

FSM Vouchers 

If you qualify for the free school meal benefit, the council will soon be issuing you with a voucher for £55 to spend on food this holiday period. Look out for an email. Please note this is not for the universal Infant meals or the Mayor of London KS2 scheme. If you think you qualify please visit this page 

Letter to Families Autumn Term 2023.pdf

Letter from the Mayor of LoNdon

Update on the Universal Free School Meals programme. 

Thursday 7th December


There was an incident outside the school in Raglan Road this afternoon, which involved a cyclist and a car. This led to the road being closed for several hours. No pupils or staff were involved, but staff supported the injured cyclist and assisted police with their investigation. If you witnessed anything that may be useful to the police, please call 101. 

Clubs 2024

We have now published our clubs for the next term. Please note the change of procedures for letting you know which clubs have been allocated. This will be done via the Arbor parent portal or app. So please ensure you have activated your account. 

New for Spring 2024

Visit the clubs page on the website to read more information and make your selections - click here 


Monday 4th December

Arbor Update 

By the end of term we aim to sort all the clubs and upload them to the Arbor parent portal/app. This means if you have yet to activate your account, you will need to do so to accept and where applicable pay for your child's allocated club(s). 

71% of Infant parents and 63% of Junior parents have now activated their accounts and downloaded the app. If you have yet to do so, see the information below (Monday 27th November). We will still have the drop-in sessions at the office between 08:30-09:00 Monday to Thursday for anyone who needs help. 

Year 3 Exhibition 

The children in Year 3 have been inspired by the art and artefacts of the ancient Egyptians in their art lessons this half term. We would like to share their fabulous artwork with you so you are invited to an exhibition in the junior hall on Tuesday 9th January after school from 3.20-3.45 pm. Please pick up your child as usual then come in through the Raglan Road door and make your way to the hall to enjoy viewing all of their colourful clay scarab beetles, delightful drawings, and fabulous figures. We look forward to welcoming you into the Pharaoh's tomb in the new year.

Weather and Playgrounds

We have started to encounter colder weather and on some occasions, we may need to restrict access to the playgrounds for safety reasons. Please note the following:

Should we encounter more severe weather that restricts our ability to open and run a safe school with enough staff, then we will advise you via a text message and email as well as post it on our school website 


Please remember to report your child's absence by 09:15 if they are not at school. The best way to do this is on our online form - click here.  This can also be found on our website and in the parent/carer update email. You must keep us updated if the condition is lasting over several days. Schools have a duty to safeguard children so we will follow up on missing children, however, it is a parent's duty to inform us of absences and help with the process. 


This rather amazing bear will be Santa's special helper in the Grotto this year and he needs a name and a new home. Every child visiting the Grotto will be entered into the competition to name the bear as part of their ticket. 

The Grotto opens on Friday. Click on the links to book a ticket at £5


The procedure for clubs is changing. We will be releasing the clubs information tomorrow (Thursday) slightly later than planned. The procedure is now 

Sunday 3rd December 

More Tickets 

We have relaxed the restrictions on some performances allowing up to 4 tickets. This applies to the following performances 

Unfortunately, the space in the Infant Halls is not as generous so they remain restricted to 2 tickets. There are a few tickets left for those who have yet to book. All our events can be found on the Events Page 

A big thank you for the donations pledge with the tickets. Money will be used to support our extra-curricular activities including clubs and trips. 

Arbor Latest 

Parents and carers are continuing to sign up to the Arbor portal and app and we have passed the halfway mark just one week after the launch! 

64% of Infants and 57% of Juniors have now signed up. 

You will need an account to see and update your child's details, pre-book lunch, pay for clubs and make contributions to visits etc. For next term's clubs, we will be allocating these before the break and these will be on Arbor instead of a letter. See below (Monday 27th November) for how to sign up 


Grotto Tickets

Work has started on transforming the Hub into a Winter Wonderland with the Grotto opening on Friday 8th December.

Tickets are now available.

Sports Update 

The Raglan Sports Cup Trials are taking place next week.  You can find out more information here including the dates of the trials.  Mr Flett has created a Raglan Bitesize video to help parents understand a bit more about the Raglan Sports Cup.  Included in the video is a section on managing expectations which may be useful for parents wanting to prepare their children for the trials.   Please provide your child with lots of warm layers for the trials.  Woolly hats are highly recommended.

Raglan Sports Cup - Bitesize 

A huge well done to our Raglan Gymnasts at the Enfield Gymnastics Competitions this week.  Four Raglan teams came in medal positions!  A huge thank you to Mrs Tungatt and Mr Wick who have worked tirelessly to enter every category in the competition this week.

Infants Team - Silver Medalists

Y3/4 Team - Gold Medalists

Y5/6 Intermediates Team - Bronze Medalists

Y5/6 Advanced Open Team - Gold Medalists

A huge well done to our boys' football teams at the Enfield Football Tournament last week.  Both the Rattlesnakes and the Ravens reached the Semi-Finals, with the Ravens losing their semi-final 1-0 and the Rattlesnakes losing out on Penalties in theirs.  Once again Raglan showed its commitment to providing opportunities for our pupils as we entered 4 teams into the competition.  Of the 86 primary schools in Enfield, only 19 entered a team.

A huge well done to our Raglan Rhinos who were crowned Enfield Tag Rugby Champions in November.  All three Raglan teams performed brilliantly on a sunny afternoon at Enfield Ignatians Rugby Club

Wednesday 29th November

Arbor Parent Portal & APP

This week we launched the Arbor Parent Portal and App where parents and carers can see all the information for their child(ren) in one place. So far around 35% of parents/carers have signed up. On the portal or app, you can 

Please see below (Monday 27th November) to get started. All parents need to activate their accounts. If you need help there are links below or we have a drop-in each morning this week 08:30-09:00 to see if we can help. 

RSA Update 

Secret Gift Room this week.  If you have returned a form your child will visit the room this week on Thursday or Friday - please send in a carrier bag to get the presents home. 

Santa's Grotto - tickets are live and there are plenty of spaces for you and friends.  (open to children outside of Raglan). Tickets here

Hamper Raffle - a reminder that next week Friday 8th December is non uniform day and we welcome donations of a luxury item for the hampers. Last year over 50 hamper prizes were made. Please remember to sell raffle tickets to friends and family. There are spare books available at the office and there is a class prize for the most tickets sold. 


Next term the procedure for clubs will change slightly, now we have Arbor. We have moved the process forward, with the aim of letting pupils/parents know about the clubs allocated before the end of the term. Key dates are 

If your child is waiting for the outcome of a sports trial, please wait for this before completing the form for other clubs.

Club Fees - We have kept the club fees (£25) low since 2018 in order to encourage a high take-up of clubs.  However, we are no longer covering the costs due to increased staffing costs and children dropping out of clubs, which reduces the income. 

The school's financial position has been good up to this year, so we have been able to absorb these costs and maintain a good offer. Unfortunately, the financial position is in decline due to funding not keeping pace with costs. Therefore fees will rise to £30 from January and a further rise is likely in April. This is still great value with privately run clubs charging £70-£120 per term. A large number of clubs remain free as we use a grant (PE premium) to cover the costs. However, the government grant has not increased in 6 years. 

Please ensure you have paid any club fees on Arbor for this term, this will allow us to allocate your child a club(s) for next term. 

Flu Catch-Up

If your child missed the flu vaccinations last week, there is a catch-up session at Raglan on Friday 8th December. You must contact the school immunisation team on 0208 702 3499 to book and give your consent. This can not be done via the school office. 

Raglan Wrap Club

The club remains very popular and even though we have extended the number of places, we are unable to meet the demand. Bookings for the Spring Term will open on Monday 4th December at 18:30 via Magic Booking. Please only book for essential childcare.

Children in Need

Thank you for supporting the charity day we had for Children In Need, we raised just over £1,500. We had a fun dress-down day and the pupils all attended the Children's Fayres run by the children themselves. 

Monday 27th November 

Tickets for Performances 

Visit our Events Page to see all the performances this December. Our events are free to attend but we do ask you to book a ticket and answer our security questions. We are now using TicketSource to provide our tickets and this will provide you with an e-ticket which we can scan and sign you in when you come into school. In almost all cases tickets are limited to 2 per child due to limited space in the halls. 

This year we have introduced an optional donation which will help us to maintain and develop the range of extra-curricular activities, visits and residentials and enable us to support all pupils to access them. We welcome your support with this. 

All the links for the performances can be found on the Events Page. Please note that the start time for the Reception performance has been brought forward to 2.15pm

Welcome to the Arbor Parent Portal and App

We have a new Management Information System (MIS) at Raglan called Arbor. This is where we keep all our parent, pupil and staff details and where we can communicate and organise any payments etc. 

Arbor is now ready for all parents to log in and set up their accounts. You will be able to see some basic details about your child and there is also a new way to update your details (eg. telephone number etc.) when needed.  This is also where you will see clubs, trips and book meals going forward. 

Parents have two choices, the Arbor portal which is a web-based portal or you can download the Arbor app which may be better if you are on the go and also want to receive push notifications to your phone. Parents who have parental responsibility have access to their child's account. 

To register - Go to

Select Forgotten Your Password and add the email address that you use with the school. You cannot use or set up another email address as the system will not recognise who you are. Follow the instructions online and set up a password so you can log in for the first time. 

If you want to use the Arbor App, set up your account on the website (as shown above) then download the app from your phone (eg. Apple, Playstore etc.) and log in with your email and the new password you have set up. 

If you have any issues and would like some help, this help page may be useful. We will have a drop-in at the school office from 08:30-09:00 every day this week. 

Things you can do on the portal/app

Clubs - For this term, we have only added the clubs to the ones where a fee is due, which will allow parents to pay the club fee. From next term, all clubs will be seen whether they are free or with a fee. 

Trips - Contributions to school visits and visitors will now be made through Arbor and they will appear in the trips section. At the moment only Y2 (history workshop) Y3 Temple Visit and Y4 (deposit for The Hive) are showing. Others will be added in due course. 

Meals - You can pre-book your child's meals in advance which will be synced with the teacher's register. If the meal has not been picked in advance then it will be done at registration as usual. 

Child's Details - You can let us know about any changes to your child's or your own personal details. This sends a notification to the office where it is checked before being accepted. We may need to contact you to confirm some changes. 

Consent - We will be using Arbor to check your consent for photos and trips so you can update your preference on the portal/app. 

For photos, this gives us consent to post a photo on the school website, in our prospectus, information booklets and magazine. We also post on our social media account (X, formerly known as Twitter). 

For school visits, you are giving consent for your child to go on all visits other than residentials. This means we don't have to chase consent for each trip which is very time-consuming in a big school. However, we will always let you know when and where a visit is taking place so you can opt your child out of a visit if you choose to. 

Arbor have a useful page with a quick Introduction - click here

Thursday 23rd November 

Behaviour & Anti-Bullying

The consultation closes tomorrow so if you do have any comments please see the information below (Fri 17th November)


We made an error with the date in the last update - Flu vaccines are tomorrow Friday 24th for those who have given consent. 

RSA Updates

The RSA is meeting virtually this evening. Come along and hear how plans for Christmas are moving along and how you can be involved.  Also, bring your ideas/suggestions for other fundraising activities.

Tickets for the Winter Wonderland Santa's Grotto will go live, tomorrow Friday 8pm on Classlist

RSA Meeting



Tickets on sale Friday 24th November at 8pm

Street Dance at Raglan

The London School of Dance is sounding out interest in a Street Dance club which would be held at Raglan on a Monday at 4.30pm. Please respond to the email if this is of interest. 

Wednesday 22nd November 

Christmas Roast Dinner

This will be on Friday 15th December. To make it a special lunch we would welcome donations of Christmas Crackers from parents/carers/friends/staff which will help lunch go with a bang! 

You can drop them off at the school office from now or send them in with your child. 

Children can also wear a festive/winter/Christmas jumper on this day. Please note this is not a charity fundraiser or collection. 


As things get busy over the next few weeks, here are a few reminders of things coming up. 

Y2 Workshop

This week, Year 2 stepped back in time during a fantastic Great Fire of London workshop. The children fully immersed themselves into this hands-on experience taking them on a captivating journey through life in London in 1666. They were able to experience what it was like and have a go at a variety of jobs including being a Barber Surgeon, Chandler, Tanner and a Scrivener. They finished off their day with an archaeological dig looking at artefacts that might have been buried in the aftermath of the Great Fire of London. 

This was a fantastic opportunity for the children to really show how much they had learnt in school in their History and Literacy lessons - they really did wow us all with their knowledge and incredible costumes!

If anyone would like to donate their costume to school, which will help others in future years, please drop them at school.

Online Workshops

The NHS is running some local online workshops around anxiety and wellbeing aimed at parents of primary school pupils. You can check out the details on the flyer. 

MYME Autumn 2023 Online Parent-Carers Workshops.pdf
Y5/6 Christmas Card Design Challenge 2023

Mrs Ashall has given some ideas for Year 5 & 6 so please do encourage your children to have a go! 

MP Christmas Card Challenge

Our local MP, Kate Osamor has invited Raglan to provide a design for her Christmas Card this year so we have challenged Years 5 and 6 to come up with a great design. 

Kate will be visiting on 1st December to select a design. We will also take the opportunity to ask her a few questions as Years 5 and 6 cover democracy at a local and national level as part of their learning. 

HOliday clubS this december

Enfield Council is running holiday clubs for 4 days over the next holiday. 

These are FREE to pupils who are in receipt of the Free School Meal Benefit (Not universal FSM or Mayor's Scheme) For other children the charge is £27

If you think you might be entitled to HELP WITH SCHOOL EXPENSES - visit our webpage  or watch the Bitesize Video

Friday 17th November


Many of you will be ordering the school photos that have recently been taken. The order deadline is 27th November including free delivery to school. After this date, you will have to pay for delivery to your home. 


Attendance at school this term has been good overall with 95.8% in the Infants and 96.5% in the Juniors. However, there has been an increase in lateness. Doors open at 08:40 and close promptly at 08:50 so lessons can start on time. Being late regularly can unsettle some pupils and it also means they will miss the start of the day activity and in some cases the key teaching of the first lesson. 

Behaviour & Anti-Bullying POLICY

This week there has been a focus on anti-bullying as part of our ongoing work to support children as they go through school. Our two policies have been revised and combined into a new single policy. The are no major changes to the procedures of how we manage behaviour, however, the policy has been updated in line with more recent guidance and legislation. 

The policy is now ready for consultation with parents and staff, so please take a look and share your views on the policy via our online form. The consultation is now open and will close on Friday 24th November. Any suggested amendments will be considered at the Governing Body meeting the following week. 

Behaviour DRAFT for consultation 1123

New Policy

This has combined the previous behaviour policy with the anti-bullying policy. 


This is now open and will close on Friday 24th November


Keep in touch with what's happening at school. You can also visit our Events Page for all the links to tickets for events. 

The calendar has been updated which you can always find on the front page of the website. 

Tickets for performances will be available soon via TicketSource.


Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland is back this December with the Grotto open from 8-15 December.

Before we can release the tickets we still have some volunteer spaces to fill. If you are able to spare some time to help, please sign up. You can check which dates and times are needed on the link below.

Tickets for the Grotto will be released once we have all our volunteers in place. Thank You! 

Wednesday 15th November 

TTRS Workshop 

Calling all Y2-Y6 parents. We are pleased to announce that on Nov 29th at 2:15 we will be running a Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) parents session in the Hub. This session will cover all the different activities that your child has access to and also advise on how to use it at home to ensure that your child gets the most out of it. If you want to come along to the session, please click here and fill out the online form so that we can get an idea of how many people will be attending.

DATE Corrections 

Last week I shared the dates for events in December which can be seen on our events page. Please note that the date for the Dress Down Day for Hampers is the 8th December (not the 1st as stated). We have also now stated for Reception which days the classes will be performing, as they split into two groups. 

The Hub

There are still free places in the pre-school sessions in The Hub, so do take a look if you have a child 3 or under

Music & Rhyme 

Sessions for pre-school children and parents on Mondays 08:45 - 09:15 am

Messy Play

Sessions for pre-school children and parents on Thursdays 08:45 - 09:45 am

Stay and Play

Two sessions on for pre-school children on Fridays 08:45-10am 10:45-12pm

Children in Need THIS FRIDAY

To raise money for Children In Need we will be running our annual 20p fayres on Friday 17th November. Pupils (Reception to Year 6) will get the opportunity to visit the fayre with their classes during the school day. Please bring in your 20p's in a labelled envelope/ purse. Children are also invited to come into school in non-uniform in exchange for a £1 donation. 

Funny Faces YR 2023

Reception ArtWORK

Take a look at the work from our artists in Reception who used clay to make Funny Faces as inspired by Picasso.  

Thursday 9th November

Dates in December

We have set out the dates for December on the Events Page. Tickets are not yet available for performances as we try out a new booking system. This year, we will return to our original performance plan having been playing catch up over the last few years. Reception, Year 2 and Year 4 will lead the performances. Nursery will also sing some songs and Year 1 will record a video called Sing & Sign. We also have four Music Concerts with around 150 performers, so lots to look forward. 

Flu Reminder 

There has been a good response to the Flu vaccine letter (see below - 1st Nov) so this is just a reminder to respond either yes or no so we can support the school health team to get organised. Remember only pupils who have consent will receive the nasal spray. 

Lost property

We already have a big collection of lost items and these will be on display in the Infant Hall next Wednesday 15th November from 08:30-09:00. Please remember to name your child's clothes which then stand a good chance of being returned. 

Anti-Bullying WeeK

Next week is Anti-Bullying Week which throws a spotlight on the issue. The work is ongoing throughout the year and through the PDW curriculum and school values and rules, but it is good to have a sharp focus on the issue. Sometimes this can build confidence in children to speak up and bring some issues to the surface. Please do contact the school to discuss any issues or concerns. 

Children in Need

To raise money for Children In Need we will be running our annual 20p fayres on Friday 17th November. Pupils will get the opportunity to visit the fayre with their classes during the school day. Please bring in your 20p's in a labelled envelope/ purse. Children are also invited to come into school in non-uniform in exchange for a £1 donation. 

Thursday 2nd November


The school council will be selling poppies (donation) and slap bands (£1) next week. All proceeds go to The Royal British Legion. 


Year 6 had a fun time at PGL in October and here you can see the video highlights. We will soon be launching the 2024 PGL visit for current Year 5 pupils.  View the video by clicking here


We have made some changes to the teaching of languages which is a requirement for pupils in KS2. All year groups (Y3-6) will have Spanish lessons over the year and class teachers will be supported by Ms Almazan, a qualified Spanish teacher from Habla Spanish UK. We welcome her to Raglan and look forward to the new lessons. Year 4 and 6 will have lessons this half term, moving to Year 3 and Year 5 in Spring. 

The Hub 

Our pre-school activities will start again next week and run for four weeks through to the start of December. Afte this date the Hub will be transformed once again into Santa's Grotto! 

There is a change to the booking for these activities. Eventbrite is now charging for all events so we have moved our bookings to TicketSource. This is the first time we are using this website so hopefully all will run smoothly!

Don't forget that we also have English lessons for adults on a Tuesday morning for those who are learning to speak English. Please contact the office if you would like to attend a beginner or intermediate class. 

Music & Rhyme 

Sessions for pre-school children and parents on Mondays 08:45 - 09:15 am

Messy Play

Sessions for pre-school children and parents on Thursdays 08:45 - 09:45 am

Stay and Play

Two sessions on for pre-school children on Fridays 08:45-10am 10:45-12pm


English lessons for parents/carers new to the language on Tuesdays 

ask at the office

Y4 Water 2023

Year 4 Art

Year 4 have been exploring colours, lines, shapes and patterns in their artwork.

Take a look at the gallery inspired by David Hockmey.

Year 5 Romeo & JUliet

Year 5 enjoyed the Young Shakespeare Company's interactive performance of Romeo and Juliet. They are going to use the experience to support their Literacy work this half-term. 

Wednesday 1st November


We had to reschedule the Infant photos due to a technical issue last time, so these will be this Friday 3rd November. All family photos taken last time are saved so you do not need to repeat any family photos. 

If you missed the opportunity for a family/sibling photograph you can drop into the Infant Hall on Friday from 08:00 to 08:45

Individual Care Plan 

If your child has had an accident and has some restrictions (eg. broken arm) then before they go to class there will need to be a meeting to write an individual care plan. This is where the school and the parent agree on what care and guidance is needed when the child is attending school. This may include restrictions to break time and PE lessons for example. A child may also need a care plan after a medical procedure where again restrictions are in place. These plans are then shared with the relevant members of staff. Please contact the office when needed.

FLU  Vaccine

It's that time of year again when the NHS Nursing team will visit Raglan to administer the flu nasal spray to those pupils who have been registered by their parents. No vaccine is given unless parental consent has been received via the online consent form. 

The date is Friday 24th November 

Please read the letter and information below and give or decline your consent following the instructions. 

Raglan Primary School Flu letter 2023-24 (2)
UKHSA-12652-protecting-your-child-against-flu-information-for-parents-and-carers (1).pdf
Quiz_poster_10_NOV (1).pdf


The annual quiz night returns for a fun evening of quizzing and merriment! Bring your own drinks and snacks we will provide the quiz and the interval game Red & Black with a cash prize! 

Tickets via 

Open to all including parents/carers, staff and friends of the school in the local community. 

TESCO appeal 2023.pdf


Raglan has been successful in being part of the blue token scheme at Tesco Ponders End. Customers deposit tokens with the cause they want to support and the school will be one of the options. We intend to spend the money on supporting pupils with residential visits. If you or your family and friends shop in this store, please lend us your support. 

Monday 30th October

Welcome Back 

Welcome back to school, we look forward to seeing the children tomorrow, Tuesday 31st October for the start of Autumn 2 which finishes on Wednesday 20th December.

As previously mentioned, we have changed our MIS (Management Information System) to Arbor over the break. This is where we hold all our pupil data, take registers and communicate with you along with many other admin functions. This doesn't affect you at the moment, but over the next few weeks, we will be rolling out the Parent Portal (Website) and Parent App where you will be asked to activate your account. The portal/app will allow you to

This means that we intend to stop using ParentPay, as payments will be made via the new Arbor portal/app.

We will continue to use Magic Booking for Raglan Wrap Club as we require the single booking system that the system offers. As Raglan Infant and Raglan Junior are officially separate schools with different DfE (Department for Education) numbers we have to operate two MIS systems, which is why you may receive separate emails from the schools if you have a child in both.

THURSDAY 19th October

RAGLAN Top 16% of all schools AT KS2

Data received today confirmed that Year 6 Raglan pupils in 2023 finished in the top 16% of all schools for their test results in Reading, Writing and Maths combined. Progress from KS1 to KS2 was also significantly above average, placing the school in the top 20% in all three subjects. This is a great achievement against the backdrop of the last few years. Achievement in Reading and Writing at KS1 and Phonics in Year 1 were also significantly above the national average. 

You can view more about our achievement data here. 


We are expecting to end our use of ParentPay next half term, so if you have any remaining payments to make please do so as soon as possible. Thank you to the parents in Years 1, 2 and 4 who have been contributing to their recent school trips. We welcome the remaining contributions before we close the account. Currently, there is a shortfall of around £2000 from these three visits. Unfortunately, we may not be able to run all the trips planned this year due to cost pressures on parents and schools. 

Half-Term and TRAINING DAY

Next week is half term and we also have a training day on Monday 30th October which means the children will return on Tuesday 31st October. The remaining 3 training days are 22, 23 and 24 July 2024. 


No changes to the menu after half term and we will start with WEEK 3. We have managed to accommodate the 60-80 additional meals in KS2 with the Mayor's FSM Project. This has meant starting lunch 10 minutes earlier on rotation in order to get all the children through in time. The school is now making around 750 lunches a day across the two kitchens. A huge thank you to the teams working hard to deliver that every day and managing the changes to a new company. 

Quiz_poster_10_NOV (1).pdf


The annual quiz night returns for a fun evening of quizzing and merriment! Bring your own drinks and snacks we will provide the quiz and the interval game Red & Black with a cash prize! 

Tickets via 

Open to all including parents/carers, staff and friends of the school in the local community. 

Tomorrow is the RSA Coffee Morning and Annual General Meeting at 9am

RSA AGM 2023.pdf

Monday 16th October

Meet the Teacher

A reminder that we have our Meet the Teacher evenings this week and most parents/carers have now made an appointment. Please help the teachers stay on time by sticking to the ten-minute appointments and being on time. Where longer discussions need to continue, please make another date and time to discuss this with the teacher. Entry for these meetings is through the main office (Infants), the Millennium Garden door near Year 3 (Juniors) and also the Raglan Road door (Juniors). Staff will be on hand to guide you. 

Unfortunately, due to staff absence, R4 and 5DC appointments tomorrow have been cancelled. Another date will be established in due course.


There was a technical hitch on the day of the Infant photographs, all the pre-generated tickets that matched the pupil with the online ordering website were incorrect, so the process had to be stopped. All individual photos will be taken again for Infant pupils on 3rd November. We will also run the family photo drop-in between 8am and 8.45am on this day. Please note that all family photos taken on the two days were not affected by this problem. 


We have updated our community news which includes:

WhatsApp Groups

Many parents set up WhatsApp groups which are not school-operated or moderated, however, we often have to pick up the issues that can arise from these groups. Parents are strongly advised to keep these groups about school matters which can provide useful reminders or a way of communicating between parents. 

Parents are strongly advised not to name or shame pupils or staff or spread misinformation or gossip. It is also advisable to avoid political issues. Please refer to official channels for information about school events including this news page, the website and the year group pages. 

If you have concerns about a child or a member of staff or a general concern then please raise it with your class teacher or Assistant Headteacher. 

Half-Term and INSET DAY

Next week is half term and we also have a training day on Monday 30th October which means the children will return on Tuesday 31st October. The remaining 3 training days are 22, 23 and 24 July 2024. 

Rana Begum: The Winners!

Art challenge and exhibition

Well done to everyone who entered the Art Challenge this term. You can see some of the amazing entries on the presentation. 

Parents/Carers and pupils can also see the work dispayed in the junior hall at the two Meet the Teacher evenings at the following times 

Tuesday 4.30pm to 6.30pm 

Wednesday 3.30pm to 6.30pm 

Tuesday 10th October 

School Photos 

Churchbury Photographic will be in school this week to take your child's individual school photograph.

Infant children will have their photos taken on Thursday 12th October and Junior children will have their photos taken on Friday 13th October.

Please ensure your child attends school in full school uniform. If your child has PE on the day of the photo, they should come to school in full uniform and bring their PE kit in a named bag.

We will not be taking sibling photographs during the school day. However, the photographer will be available between 8.00 and 8.50am to take a family photo. If you wish to do this Thursday morning, please enter via the Wellington Road entrance and queue outside the Infant Hall. On Friday morning please queue by the Raglan Road door as the photographs will be taken in the Junior hall. You may attend either day.

Year 6 at PGL

Year 6 returned from a successful long weekend at PGL in Suffolk. Set against the backdrop of Bawdsey Manor the children took part in ten outdoor adevnture activities including climbing, archery, canoeing, zip wire, problem solving, challenge course and others. 

108 pupils attended and for some it was definitely a challenge being away from home and managing those emotions. 12 members of staff volunteered for the weekend to support the children and overall the visit went very well with some amazing achievements. 

It is also fair to say that it is a challenging time for some parents too, as children go away and sometimes it is for the first time. 

Raglan has three residential visits in Year 4 (The Hive), the start of Year 6 (PGL) and a spcialist sports tour to Cardiff at the end of Year 6, for those pupils who engage with sport at school. More details can be found here


Year 6 had the opportunity to take part in a Maya workshop. They walked into an amazing display of Maya artefacts and had the opportunity to explore some of them. They learnt some of the Maya language and all took part in a special chant and procession. They learnt the origins of chocolate, how special it was to the Maya people and how the Maya turned Cacao into a chocolate drink. Year 6 built on their History knowledge about the Maya civilization by learning about their culture, clothes, gods and cities. It was a fantastic morning, thoroughly enjoyed by all. A thank you to parents for their contribution to this workshop. 


Don't forget that we have a selection of videos as part of our Raglan Bitesize collection. Today we feature the BigBite on Phonics for those in Nursery, Reception and KS1. This is intended to support parents in their understanding of phonics and how children can be supported at home. Check out the other Raglan Bitesize videos here 

FridaY 5th October

Meet the Teacher

Bookings have now opened and have been busy today. If you have not signed up for an appointment please log on to Magic Booking and book a slot.

If you are new to Raglan or have forgotten your account details, then click on the link to Raglan's Magic Booking Page and select FORGOT PASSWORD where you can reset. We have set up an account for all parents using the email address you supplied to the school.

Art Challenge Reminder

The Art Challenge finishes on Monday so please submit any entries by Monday

. Check out the details featuring the artist Rana Begum

Rana Begum Art Challenge - Sept23
RSA AGM 2023.pdf


Health experts are saying that London is at serious risk of a measles outbreak this winter due to the significant number of children who are unvaccinated.

Please see the letter from Public Health, encouraging all parents and carers to check whether children have been vaccinated with the MMR vaccine. 

MMR Vaccine Letter (Parents) Final.pdf
NHS-UKHSA MMR Leaflet.pdf

Wednesday 4th October 

RSA Coffee Morning & Meeting 

A reminder that the RSA will be meeting on Friday 20th October at 9am for coffee, cake and their annual general meeting. After a successful Summer Fair which was a great event and also raised £9000, they will be planning ahead for the rest of the year. See below (Thursday 26th September)

Some Reminders


if your child has a high temperature, please keep them off school until it improves. COVID is about at the moment which is affecting staffing and cover. 

Cycles and Scooters

Whilst we welcome children cycling and scootering to school, please ensure your child is walking their cycle and scooter on the school premises. Very small children who are being guided by an adult are fine. The drop-off and pick-up times are very busy and this will reduce the number of accidents and incidents.

Please also note that electronic scooters are not permitted on the school site. 

Mobile Phones

In light of new government guidance, this is a reminder that we banned children from bringing mobile phones to school several years ago following a consultation. 


The only jewellery items allowed in school are stud earrings. Please ensure all other jewellery is kept at home. On Active PE days, it is best that there is no jewellery worn to school.


School is closed for Half Term from Monday 23rd to Friday 27th October. We will be hosting Artz Kidz and Pro-Elite who are both running Holiday activities. Visit our community news page or their websites for details. Please also note that Monday 30th October is a training day and the school is closed. Children will return on Tuesday 31st October.

Meet the Teacher

Our parent evenings are called Meet the Teacher and are face-to-face in school over two evenings. These are for most classes on Tuesday 17th October and Wednesday 18th October with appointments from 3.30pm-6.30pm.  We will be using Magic Booking for parents/carers to book their own appointments and this will be available soon. If you do not have a Magic Booking account then we will send you details on how to sign up.   

Year 2 at the TOWER

Year 2 had a fantastic day at the Tower of London this week. The children explored the historic White Tower, delving into the stories of kings, queens, and famous prisoners. They marveled at the Crown Jewels and listened to engaging tales from knowledgeable guides. It was a day filled with history and fun.

Aspens job advert.pdf

Jobs at AspeNS

Aspens are the catering company that runs our lunch service and they are currently advertising for staff to work in the kitchen teams. Please see the details if this is of interest. 

Thursday 26th September 


The Summer Fair raised an impressive £9,000 this year, a great achievement and thank you for your support! 

The annual general meeting and coffee morning for the RSA will be on Friday 20th at 9am in the Infant Dining Hall. All are welcome!

RSA AGM 2023.pdf
Sponsorship Posters.pdf

Monday 25th September

Clubs and Activities Autumn 2023 (Public)

Please note that charges for clubs will not be made until after half term as we are making some changes to our MIS and Payment systems. 


Our clubs programme begins this week for most clubs, please remind yourself of the finish times and pick up points. 

To help our clubs run more smoothly, please

RSA SUmmer Fair

A big thank you to everyone who supported the Summer Fair and even though we had a heavy downpour it didn't dampen the spirits of most and we made it to the end! Thank you to the RSA Committee for their organisation and running of the event and to the parents and staff who volunteered to run the stalls and activities. These events are only successful when we have enough helpers on the day. 


We have not issued any new accounts for ParentPay as we are finalising a change of provider which is expected to take place during half term in October. Our Management Information System (MIS) is changing from Scholarpack to Arbor which also comes with its own payment facility. This means we are likely to end our contract with ParentPay later this year. Until this is finalised we are not setting up any new accounts. Payments for clubs will be requested after half term. We will be contacting parents who have children in the Nursery separately regarding payments for school lunches. Where parents still have an active account they can continue to make payments such as contributions towards trips and workshops. 

WEDNESDAY 20TH  September


The fair is fast approaching this Friday and final preparations are being made. We are still short of volunteers which means some stalls will not be able to run, which will be a great shame. Please do look to see if you cam spare an hour on Friday to help out. Keep your fingers crossed for a dry day on Friday! 

Thursday is the last day for ordering and buying TOKENS. We are trying to reduce the amount of cash on the day and tokens will make things easier for you and for the RSA so please consider buying those in advance. 


Infant club allocations have been sent home today so please check for the letter which confirms the places offered. Please let us know if you don't wish to take up any places so we can offer to others. Almost all clubs were over-subscribed. 

We are currently finalising the Junior Clubs that will be issued tomorrow (Thursday)

Hockey for Year 5/6 on a Friday has not had full take up, so we are extending this club to Year 4. So if your child in Years 4,5 or 6 would like to do Hockey club on a Friday 3.20-4.20pm (£25 for the term) then please email 12 places are available.

Security Reminder

No parent/carer should enter the school building (other than the office) without being accompanied by a member of staff. We work hard to keep everyone safe so please speak to a member of staff if you need help. 

Raglan Primary School Flu letter 2023-24


The annual flu vaccination will take place on 24th November at Raglan. Pupils in Reception to Year 6 are eligible for the nasal spray in school. This is only given where parents have given consent and details are on the letter. 

Wednesday 13th September

Absence & Illness

Please report your child's absence via the online form by 09:15 - click here This is our preferred method for reporting your child's absence. If we do not hear from you we will send you a text to remind you. This does cost the school (per text) so please help our budget by reporting absence on the form by 09:15

We have created a page on the website for the latest advice on illnesses to help parents decide whether their child should attend school or not. This includes COVID and the advice is that children should stay at home if they have a temperature. 


In light of new guidance issued by the government, the school and governing body will be reviewing the uniform policy. A consultation will take place so parents can share their views. The aim of the guidance is to reduce the number of branded items and simplify requirements. We have instructed supplies to run down stocks of items (other than jumpers and cardigans) while we finalise the policy. This means that some items (such as the fleece) may limited or unavailable. 

Secondary School Admissions

Below are the slides used at the meeting this week to support parents in choosing a secondary school. There is also a video by Mr Kelsey for parents who want a recap or couldn't attend. You will find all the documents and links to the local authority on our website here

Parent Presentation. Secondary Transfer 2024 (1)

Secondary Admissions

Slides used at the parent/carer meeting for secondary admissions


A video (30 mins) by Mr Kelsey talking through the process of applying for a secondary schools.

Clubs and Activities Autumn 2023 (Public)

Clubs - Autumn Term

We are pleased to launch our clubs programme for this term, please read the information in the booklet carefully before submitting your requests. 

Overall there are 50 clubs across the week with a mixture of open clubs and those selected by trials (sports teams) or those invited to music ensembles and groups who have reached a certain standard. 

Allocation is not done on a first come first served basis. We start with first choices and try to find a club for every child who wants one. The form will close on Monday 18th September at 12 noon. We will confirm clubs by letter after this deadline and clubs start the following week Monday 25th September. 

Visit the clubs webpage here

RSA Summer Fair

The RSA Summer Fair is fast approaching and we need your help and support to make it a success. Please see the flyer below on ways to help over the next week or so and at the Fair. 

RSA Upcoming events2023 .pdf
Autumn 2023 RSA newsletter-2.pdf

Art Challenge

The latest ART CHALLENGE has been shared. Check out the details featuring the artist Rana Begum

Rana Begum Art Challenge - Sept23

Language of the Month

This month's featured language is Arabic, see if you can learn something new! 

LotM - September 2023

Monday 11th September 

Parent Information videos and Drop-Ins

Please find below Information Videos for each phase. Reception and Nursery will have received similar information at their parent meetings last term. This week on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th we have our informal drop-ins for Years 1-6 where you can pop into the classroom and meet the teacher etc. These are from the end of the day to 3.50pm. Children will be brought out to the playgrounds and dismissed as usual before parents are invited into the classrooms. 

Years 1&2

00:00-19:55 - Headteacher Intro

19:55-24:21 - AHT intro to Y1/2

24:21-29:14  - Year 1 

29:14-end - Year 2

Years 3&4

00:00-19:55 - Headteacher Intro

19:55-25:46 - AHT intro to Y1/2

25:46-34:36 - Year 3

34:36-end - Year 4

Years 5&6

00:00-19:55 - Headteacher Intro

19:55-33:46 - AHT intro to Y5/6

33:46-40:22 - Year 5

40:22-end - Year 6

Curriculum by Year Group

You can view an overview of the Curriculum for each year group by clicking on the slides below. Further information on each subject can be found on our curriculum pages.

Nursery Curriculum Map Slides 2022 (public)


Reception Curriculum Map 2022 (public)


Year 1 Curriculum Map 2022 (public)

Year 1

Year 2 Curriculum Map 2022 (public)

Year 2

Y3 Curriculum Map 2023 new (public)

Year 3

Y4 Curriculum Map new (Public) 2023/2024

Year 4

Y5 Curriculum Map 2022 (public)

Year 5

Y6 Curriculum Map 2023/24 new (Public)

Year 6

Learn English - a class for parents and carers 

We are pleased to continue to offer a beginners and intermediate course for parents who wish to improve their English. The course will begin on Tuesday 19th September and will run every Tuesday during term time. Timings are: 

Classes will take place in the Hub at Raglan Schools.  The classes will be free of charge.If you are interested in coming to the English classes please complete the link below to reserve your place as soon as possible. Places are on a first come first basis. 

If you know someone who would benefit from this, please let them know.

Raglan Sp&Fr.pdf

French and Spanish Clubs

We will once again host language lessons from Speak Like a Native. These are French and Spanish for Years 1-6. 

Please note that arrangements and payments are made directly with the provider. 

Wednesday 6th September

Drop-In Sessions (Y1-6)

To start the year we will be once again opening the classrooms for two short drop-in sessions next week, which are opportunities for parents and carers in Years 1-6 to see the classroom and teacher. These will be open on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th from the end of the day to 3.50pm.

To support parents with the year ahead we will be sharing our Parent information videos which are currently being finalised. Leading Teachers will also be updating the Year Group websites, where they will post information and updates for their year group. 

We also have a section of the website called Parent Support and this year we launched Raglan Bitesize which are short videos on a variety of topics. Do check out those pages. 

End of the Day

Finish times for the school are 

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 finish at 15:10 (Year 1 will come out slightly ahead of time to help with the playground flow)

Years 3 to 6 (Juniors) finish at 15:20 (Years 3 and 5 will come out slightly ahead of time to help with the playground flow)

Nursery finishes at 11;30, 14:30 or 15:30 depending on the length of day for each pupil as arranged with our Nursery team. 


Our Clubs programme information will be released next week and there will be trials for any children in Key Stage 2 (Juniors) who want to try out for the teams. Further information will be coming home soon. Clubs will start on Monday 25th September. 

Run for Raglan

 Junior pupils can join Run for Raglan from 08:30 Monday to Thursday on the school field. Staff will be around to supervise and pupils gain a token for each lap completed which is part of a class competition each week. This is a great way to get pupils active in the mornings ready for learning. 

Year 1 and 2 pupils can join in with Run for Raglan at playtimes in the morning and again collect a token for each lap completed. 

RSA Fair - Friday 22nd September 

The postponed Summer Fair will be taking place on Friday 22nd September from 3-6pm. Please do get involved where you can whether that be volunteering some time, donating some prizes or attending the Fair itself. This year the RSA Fair is moving towards being CASHLESS, so you can purchase tokens in advance (recommended) or on the day of the fair. Cash will still be accepted this year. Look out for more details from the RSA

Community Events & Activities

We regularly receive requests to send out information to parents from 3rd party companies and organisations about local events or clubs etc. We have now created a page on the website to share those we believe are useful for our school community and also fit with our values. The latest activities include

The Hub - pre-school activities

Some of our pre-school activities will start next week, these are intended for children aged 18 months to 3 years old in our local community. Stay and Play will return later this term. You can book a place for all 6 sessions from 18:00 on Wednesday 6th September

Music & Rhyme Time

Mondays at 08:45

6 sessions 11th Sep to 16th Oct

Messy Play

Wednesdays at 08:45

6 sessions 13th Sept to 18th Oct

Friday 1st September 

Welcome Back

School opens as planned on Monday 4th September for Year 1 to 6. Children in Reception and Nursery will have their own individual start dates as we stagger the pupils to start their school journey. 

I would like to reassure parents that the Raglan Schools are not affected by the recent concerns around the safety of school buildings. The schools were built in 1928 and 1934 respectively and do not feature the concrete used in the buildings that are now under review. 

Below are the menus for the next term and please see the Summer Magazine which features some reminders for returning to school on pages 20-22. 

Raglan Menu Sep23.pdf


There is a change of menu for this term but the three week pattern continues. Children can order the meal at registration each day with the exception of Nursery whose parents can do it on a google form.

Raglan_New_No.3_Summer (1).pdf

Summer Magazine

Our Summer magazine has now been published, with a look back at the last academic year including 

Nursery Curriculum Map Slides 2022 (public)