Latest News
Safeguarding when using private tutors
We know some parents and carers want to organise additional tuition for their children and we get asked for advice. Most children in primary school do not need a tutor, but they are sometimes used for entrance exams as children approach secondary school. If you decide to do this, please read the following advice about safeguarding your child.
Firstly if the tutor is a qualified teacher and currently working in a school, you can be reasonably satisfied that they are safe to work with children, but there is no guarantee. Schools carry out robust checks at the start of appointments and teachers have to declare annually that there has been no change. However, ask for the school's name and check that the information they provide is accurate and that they are still employed there. The school website usually has a list of staff.
If they are not currently employed by a school, then you should ask to see their DBS certificate. This will show any criminal offences. Be aware that a DBS certificate is only valid at the point the check is done, so look at the date. You could also ask to see evidence of any qualifications they have stated.
Schools should never give open references, so if you are being presented with a reference or personal statement from a school on headed paper, it may not be real. You could double-check with the school. Raglan would never provide a reference for a current or ex-member of staff in this way. If you know of other parents who are using or have used the same tutor, ask for their recommendations.
When lessons begin, think about the location of the lessons. If it is in your family home then always leave a door open or have lessons in an open space. It is a good idea to sit in on the first few lessons so that you are satisfied that all is well. Keep an open dialogue with your child after each lesson so they have opportunities to talk about any concerns.
Finally, if the tutor is supporting your child with entrance exams, you must use your own contact details for any applications to schools or via the local authority.
The use of private tutors is a personal choice and many arrangements are successful and safe. Children in Y2-6 at Raglan do termly standardised tests which give you an idea of their ability in Reading and Maths. If you need more information or an explanation about these results, please come and have a chat with us at school.
Summer in Enfield
There are lots of things happening in Enfield this Summer, so check out this information from the council.
Our community news also has some Summer Camps and activities.
Artz Kidz is open at Raglan over the next few weeks and Raglan Wrap Club will be open on the INSET Day which is Monday 2nd September, £40 for the day. Book via Magic Booking.
Friday 19th July
Thank You
Thank you for all the kind words, cards and gifts shared with staff today, it is very much appreciated. We enjoyed our final assembly today celebrating some Headteacher Award Winners, AR Millionaires and looking back at Sporting successes. We also said goodbye to Year 6 and several members of staff who are leaving us.
101 Word Millionaires!
Raglan Readers!
It's been a great year for reading with Year 3-6 reading an impressive 246 million words! That's 26,233 books in total.
101 pupils achieved millionaire status with 8 pupils reading over 3 million words each. Congratulations to
Ipar (5.6m) , Benji (5.0m), Zuza (4.0m), Oliver (3.4m), Edu (3.3m) Zara (3.3m), Dimitra (3.2) and Imogen (3.0m)
Strengthening Families Programme
Summer health Checks
Wednesday 17th July
End of Term
We are fast approaching the end of term so this is an opportunity to say thank you to all the parents and carers for all your support this year. It has been another successful year and this is down to having that support from our community. On Friday we will be saying goodbye to Year 6 and also to some members of staff. We we wish them well for the next steps. Year 6 will have their leavers assembly on Thursday where they will be gifted the Yearbook which is a lovely keepsake for the future.
Friday finishes at 1.30/1.40pm with Wrap Club closing at 16:30
Have a safe and enjoyable Summer. School reopens on Tuesday 3rd September for Years 1 to 6.
Martin Kelsey-Hatton
(PS Look out for the Summer Magazine which will be published over the next week or so)
PE & Sport 2023/2024
Another great year for PE and Sport at Raglan. 361 pupils from Reception to Year 6 have represented the school in sport and physical activity this year. You can see from the trophies and shields that it was another successful year in local and national competitions.
A huge thank you to Mr Flett for leading his amazing team this year who continually strive to provide as many opportunities as possible. Thanks to our sports coaches Mrs Tungatt, Mr Wick and Miss Duff for all their hard work. Mr Wick will be undertaking teacher training at Raglan next year and Miss Duff has been appointed as the permanent Sports Coach. A big thank you to Mr Hughes, who completed his sports coach apprenticeship and will be leaving us at the end of term. We wish him well in his next role. Thanks also go to Miss Baptiste who has been on a placement at Raglan this year and contributed so much. We wish her well for the future. We have two new sports apprentices Mr Alfie Hemington, who has already started and Mr Declan Linnane, who will join us in September.
Progress Reports
Our reports have been sent by email this term. Please see below the guidance notes to help you understand the data and information provided. If you need to talk about your child's report please get in touch with the class teacher.
Year 6 performed Aladdin this year for their end of primary school production. We continue to challenge our pupils with big west end musicals and each time they deliver! Well done to all the pupils. A big thank you to the Year 6 team and Mrs Campaniello for all their hard work to get 118 pupils involved and engaged.
Summer in Enfield
There are lots of things happening in Enfield this Summer, so check out this information from the council.
Our community news also has some Summer Camps and activities.
Raglan Wrap Club will be open on the INSET Day which is Monday 2nd September, £40 for the day. Book via Magic Booking.
Infant Sports Day
We are once again battling with the weather for the Infant Sports Day tomorrow. There is a weather warning for heavy rain from 15:00 today to 09:00 Tuesday.
We are going to cancel the picnic element of the event so we have certainty about the food ordering. You can order lunch for your child as usual on Arbor or your child can order at registration.
We will try to go ahead with the sports at 1.30 pm if the weather and ground conditions permit. We will text you if we have to cancel.
New times:
1pm Gates Open (you do not need to rebook tickets, the original date/ticket is still valid)
1.30pm Sports Begin
3pm Finish
Please remember that children should come to school in their active uniform and they will need a water bottle. It would be helpful if they don’t bring anything else tomorrow, which will allow us to dismiss from the field at the end of the day rather than going back to school to collect things.
If we do have to cancel tomorrow then we will try again during the remainder of the week, however, it is a busy week with Music Concerts and leavers’ assemblies so this will be a last-minute decision and will therefore not be open to parents.
Good Luck to England!
Monday registration
08:40 to 10:00
I know many of the children and parents will be excited for the England v Spain final on Sunday which kicks off at 8pm. With that in mind, registration for school on Monday will be extended from 08:40 to 10am to allow for some tired children. This means children should be at school no later than 10am. The attendance and lunch registers will close at this point. Raglan Wrap Club will operate as normal. We will be locking down at 9am so after this point, please use the main entrance on Wellington Road
Monday is not a dress-down day, but I have received some requests about England shirts. If it is a day of celebration, then it is ok for children to wear their England top if they so wish.
Please use the absence form to report any illness etc.
Thursday 11th July
We had a positive two-day inspection and so we are looking forward to receiving the inspection report in due course. Due to the holidays, this means it won't be published until September.
The children were great and the inspectors commented on their behaviour, focus and hard work. Thank you to the parents/carers who completed the ParentView survey, this was overwhelmingly positive with 99% of parents recommending the school. You can see the full breakdown below.
A big thank you to the staff who continue to work hard for our pupils and school community.
Next week is the final week and we will have a focus on the Olympics with a focus on art and culture. Each class will adopt a country to investigate and increase their knowledge and awareness.
Reports have been delayed due to the OfSTED Inspection. We will send the reports by email as soon as they have been checked by the leadership team.
Sports Day for the Infants (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) will be on Tuesday 16th from 12pm (picnic) please book your tickets below to help with the security and signing-in process.
The children's final day is Friday 19th July and we will close at 1.30/1.40pm. Raglan Wrap Club will close at 4.30pm
Summer Activities
There are many activities around Enfield this Summer, we have added some to the Community News page for your information. Please note, we share these in good faith and cannot vouch for the quality of the provision.
Visit the Community News Page - Here
Year 6 had their opening night for Aladdin and performed really well. They have worked hard this half term to produce a great show and with a cast and crew of 118, it is a big production. They will perform it again twice today. A big thank you to the Year 6 team and Music Team for their hard work with the rehearsals.
Book Your Tickets
Please remember to book your free tickets in advance which helps with our safeguarding and security and speeds up entry at the events.
Thank you for the donations, supporting our extracurricular programmes and enrichment activities.
Tuesday 9th July
Ofsted INspection
We have notified parents and carers in the Infant School of a two-day inspection by OfSTED. This is a follow-up to the positive ungraded inspection last year.
A guide to the inspection is shared here and parents have been sent a letter with further information
Parent View
Ofsted would like to know your views so please do take a few minutes to log on to Parent View. You will need to sign in or make a new account. Please search for Raglan Infant School.
Sports Day
The Infant Sports Day has been changed to Tuesday 16th July with the same timings. If you have already registered use the same booking as we have just changed the date accordingly.
Thursday 4th July
New Classes
Today was "Move Up" day where pupils met their new class teacher for next year. For Year 1 and Year 4 it was their second visit with the new mixed classes.
Transition can be a worrying time for some pupils so we hope today will have helped children get more familiar with their new teacher and classroom.
Where there is more than one teacher (1AD and 5SB) there is a class share (job share) arrangement and more details of our approach can be found here
Book Your Tickets
Please remember to book your free tickets in advance which helps with our safeguarding and security and speeds up entry at the events.
Thank you for the donations, supporting our extracurricular programmes and enrichment activities.
Most clubs finish this week except for Monday clubs that have one more session next week to make up for the bank holiday. There is also an extra Dance Club for Reception on Tuesday as a catch up.
KEY Dates
9th July - Infants Sports Day (from midday)
10th July - Year 6 present Aladdin, 6pm
11th July - Year 6 present Aladdin, 1.45pm & 6pm
17th July - Music Concerts at 2pm and 6pm
18th July - Music Concert at 2pm
19th July - School Closes for Summer at 1.30pm
Year 3/4 Sports DaY
Year 5/6 Sports Day
We've had two great sports days so far in the Juniors.
Year 3/4 enjoyed a day of sports with team activities in the morning and races and field events in the afternoon. Elgar were the winners on this day.
Year 5/6 went to Lee Valley Athletics Centre and had a great day at the venue with team activities in the morning and a track and field programme in the afternoon. Austen were the overall winners. Over the last 6 years we have kept a record of times and distances over the events and this year. Several Raglan Records were broken this year which was great to see.
A big thank you to the parents and carers who supported this event by dropping off/picking up and for making a conttribution to the coaches and venue hire.
A big thank you to the PE team led by Mr Flett for organising two big events with over 600 parents in attendance across the two days.
The Infant Sports Day is next Tuesday 9th July from 12 noon. Nursery sports days have been oranised with those classes.
Thursday 27th JUne
Unfortunately, we will have to make some changes to our scheduled performances. it has been a very busy period and although preparations are going well with the Y6 production of Aladdin, next week the Year 6 have no rehearsal time due to Sports Day, Music Concerts and Secondary Transition Days. Therefore, to create more rehearsal time for the Year 6, it is necessary to move the Music Summer Concerts
I apologise for the inconvenience, but we would not make this change unless it was necessary. Our productions are large in scale and take many hours to put together. Changes to the sports day and late notice of the secondary dates have added to our issues.
The new schedule is
Tuesday 2nd July - Music Concerts at 2pm and 6pm **CANCELLED**
Wednesday 3rd July - Music Concerts at 2pm and 6pm **CANCELLED**
Wednesday 10th July - Aladdin 6pm **PERFORMANCE AS SCHEDULED**
Thursday 11th July - Aladdin 1.45pm and 6pm **PERFORMANCE AS SCHEDULED**
Wednesday 17th July - Music Concerts at 2pm and 6pm **NEW DATE & TIMES**
Thursday 18th July - Music Concert at 2pm only **NEW DATE & TIME**
We have cancelled all the Music Concert tickets and have added new dates and times, so please book again. Please note there will be only ONE evening performance in the new schedule.
Year 5 have been learning the keyboard this year and this concert showcased the progress they have made. Well done Year 5!
Private individual or group keyboard or piano lessons are availble via Enfield Music Service if you would like your child to continue with lessons.
Upcoming Events
We have now added the Infant Sports Day to the Events so tickets are now available. This event is on Tuesday 9th July from 12 noon starting with the picnic lunch and then into the Sports Day.
Please remember to book your free tickets in advance which helps with our safeguarding and security and speeds up entry at the events.
Thank you for the donations, supporting our extracurricular programmes and enrichment activities.
Monday 24th June
Raglan Wrap Club
Bookings for the Autumn Term will open on Monday 1st July at 6.30pm. Bookings are through Magic Booking as usual. Some prices are rising in September, so please note the changes:
Breakfast Session 07:30-08:40 £3
Short After-School 15:10-16:30 £6
Long After-School 15:10-18:00 £11
Summer Wrap
There has been a steady flow of bookings for our first Summer Wrap Club, however at the moment the numbers make the offer unviable. If you intend to book, please do so or contact if your intentions are clear but you are not ready to book just yet.
RSA Update
The Olympic Walk was a great success and a fun afternoon. The event has raised £15,800 to date, an amazing amount. The online donations page will close this Friday 28th June, so if you have any outstanding sponsor money to add, please do so by then.
The RSA will be meeting on Friday to finalise the spending and will discuss a new pond area, a green wall for Year 5/6 playground and a new set of Chromebooks.
Freezer Fridays have been busy and these will run to the end of term except the very last Friday on 19th July.
Key dates coming up
27th June - Year 3/4 Sports Day
29th June - Epping Forest and Raglan Schools joint concert at St Peter's Church
1st July - Year 5/6 Sports Day at Lee Valley
9th July - Infants Sports Day (from midday)
10th July - Year 6 present Aladdin, 6pm
11th July - Year 6 present Aladdin, 1.45pm & 6pm
19th July - School Closes for Summer at 1.30pm
Please note that we have put three INSET days on the 22/23/24th July, which is why it appears that we are finishing the term earlier than many schools. Typically, when schools finish midweek, attendance is often poor and days are ineffective. Our final full week will be a theme week based around the Olympics including art and culture activities.
Epping Forest Band With Raglan Schools
Pupils from Raglan will join forces with the Epping Forest Band once again in a concert at St Stephen's Church on June 29th at 7.30pm
Tickets are available on the door at £5 for adults. The concert is free for children.
The Raglan Wind Band, Brass Band and Chamber Choir will all be performing.
Y5 Keyboard Concert
Year 5 have been learning to play the keyboard in their Music lessons this year. On Thursday all the children were able to take part in a concert for theiur parents/carers to show what they have learnt so far.
Learning the keyboard includes reading music notation and getting all the fingers in the right place.
Well done to all the children for their hard work.
Sport Update
It's been a busy week for sport at Raglan. The Raglan Rhinos were representing the borough of Enfield in the London Youth Games finals and finished bronze medallists, an amazing achievement to finish third in the whole of London. Some of our athletes were invited to a special event called Athletics for All where British Athletes were present, including Olympic Champion Christine Ohuruogu and Olympian Montell Douglas. Finally, our athletics team did themselves proud in the Enfield Athletics Championships with some impressive individual and team performances including 3 relay gold medals! The team finished runners-up overall. Well done to all.
Wednesday 19th June
Lunch Menu Changes
There are a few special days coming up, so please note the changes
Thursday 20th June - Infants BBQ Lunch
Monday 24th June - Juniors BBQ Lunch
Tuesday 25th & Thursday 27th June - Junior menus are swapped allowing for a take-away lunch on Sports Day (27th)
Community News
We've added a few more community news items including
Play Memories short film - Filmed and Produced by two Raglan Mums, this short film features young people exploring play with older members of the community in Haringey.
Register for Greek School
For the Community News page click here
Swimming is going well and we are coming to the end of the first 8 lessons, so we will be starting swimming lessons with 3KS, 4MW and 4YS starting on Friday. These will run fro 8 days except for 27th June which is Sports Day.
Upcoming Events
We have now added the Infant Sports Day to the Events so tickets are now available. This event is on Tuesday 9th July from 12 noon starting with the picnic lunch and then into the Sports Day.
Please remember to book your free tickets in advance which helps with our safeguarding and security and speeds up entry at the events.
Thank you for the donations, supporting our extra curricular programmes and enrichment activities.
A reminder that our School Shop is available on Arbor and we have stocked up on sweatshirts for the new academic year.
We are currently testing some cardigans and t-shirts to add to the shop in the Autumn Term.
Smiths Schoolwear have an Early Bird Offer on next week with 10% discount.
Uniform guidance can be found here
SUmmer WRap CLUB
Raglan Wrap Club is delighted to launch the first Summer holiday sessions. Booking is now open for the last ten days of the school holiday in August. Sessions run from 08:30-16:00 from Monday 19th August to Monday 2nd September (excluding the Bank Holiday.) The last day is the INSET day with school opening on Tuesday 3rd September.
The sessions will be a mix of fun activities including sports led by some of our PE team. All the usual activities will be available. Breakfast is available from 08:30-09:15; children can bring their lunch and snacks for the day.
Booking is via Magic Booking with a charge of £40 per day. If you have any queries please get in touch with Ellie
Friday 14th June
School Leavers
If you know your child is leaving at the end of the term, please can you let us know. This doesn't apply to Year 6 as we know they are leaving! Please contact the office.
Report your child's absence
There is an expectation that you report your child's absence and the best way is to do that online using this form There is an expectation on schools to follow up missing pupils, which is why we will text or phone you if your child is not in school and has not been reported absent. This is time and money that could be spent elsewhere so please do report the absence by 09:30 at the latest.
BBQ Lunch
There are some special theme day lunches coming up. Due to a busy calendar, the Infant and Junior BBQ lunches are on separate days. Free for all pupils except Nursery. Please book on Arbor as usual or your child can pick this option on the day.
Infants - Thursday 20th June
Juniors - Monday 24th June
Infant - 20th June
Junior - 24th June
Upcoming Events
We have a number of events this term for parents/carers. Please book your free tickets in advance which helps with our safeguarding and security and speeds up entry at the events. Infant Sports Day will be released soon.
This year we have added a donation option which helps us sustain the high level of extracurricular and enrichment activities. A big thank you for your support so far this year as donations have reached £620 across several events including:
Winter Music Concerts (£124)
Xmas Nativities & Plays (£193)
Music Performances, Big Gospel, Violin (£61)
Dance Show (£119)
Sports Day at Lee Valley (£73)
Term DATES 2024-25
Postcards will be coming home soon with the term dates for next year.
Children attend for 190 days
Staff attend for 195 days
The five INSET days are
Monday 2nd September 2024
Monday 4th November 2024
Friday 20th June 2025
Monday 21st July 2025
Tuesday 22nd July 2025
We are waiting on Enfield Council publishing term dates for 2025/26 and beyond.
A reminder that our School Shop is available on Arbor and we have stocked up on sweatshirts for the new academic year.
For pupils/parents who get Help with School expenses, you will receive an email with an offer of two free sweatshirts.
We are currently testing some cardigans and t-shirts to add to the shop in the Autumn Term.
FInally a reminder that there should be no jewellery worn by pupils other than a small stud earring and these should be covered or removed for PE.
Tuesday 11th June
We had no gas in the junior kitchen today, so the menu was changed to ensure we could feed everyone. All is now sorted so we should be back to the menu tomorrow.
Lessons have started in the pop-up swimming pool today. The children were very excited to get in the pool and improve their swimming skills. There are two instructors for each group of 10 so the small groups are great. Year 3 and Year 4 will swim for 8 days in a crash course aimed at their ability level.
SUmmer WRap CLUB
Raglan Wrap Club is delighted to launch the first Summer holiday sessions. Booking is now open for the last ten days of the school holiday in August. Sessions run from 08:30-16:00 from Monday 19th August to Monday 2nd September (excluding the Bank Holiday.) The last day is the INSET day with school opening on Tuesday 3rd September.
The sessions will be a mix of fun activities including sports led by some of our PE team. All the usual activities will be available. Breakfast is available from 08:30-09:15; children can bring their lunch and snacks for the day.
Booking is via Magic Booking with a charge of £40 per day. If you have any queries please get in touch with Ellie
Cardiff SPorts Tour
50 Year 6 pupils went to Cardiff for three days on a Sports Tour stopping at Glamorgan Cricket Club, Cardiff Dragons (Netball), Cardiff Arms Park (Tag Rugby) and Cardiff City (Football). The tour included training with the professional clubs and also a Tag Rugby festival with 13 schools from Cardiff and to finish a football tournament. The children were well behaved and enjoyed the opportunity. A big thank you to Mr Flett for oragnising and the staff who volunteered to support the three day residential.
Tuesday 4th June
Welcome Back
It's the final stages of the academic year, but probably the busiest from a school point of view. Please keep an eye on the parent updates to ensure you are not missing any important dates and deadlines.
A big thank you for your support of the Big Olympic Walk, which has pushed past the £15,000 mark with online and cash donations. We will be able to move ahead with some of our plans straight away.
Some teachers will be leaving at the end of the academic year
Mrs Brown (Class Teacher, part-time job share) will be leaving us at the end of the year to spend more time with family. Amy is currently on maternity leave and will return briefly at the end of the term. Amy has been teaching at the school since 2016 and has previously been a Lead Teacher.
Miss Lasher (Year 5 teacher) will be leaving us after teaching here for 6 years. Chloe will be changing sectors to move into secondary school leading on PSHE which is an exciting prospect.
Miss Arda (Y2 Teacher) will be leaving us to move to another local school to further develop her teaching career.
Miss Kastanias (Y3 Teacher ) will be finishing her maternity leave cover at the end of the year and we thank her for her flexibility and hard work.
We will also be saying goodbye to Mr Hughes (specialist computing teacher) although we hope it is a temporary goodbye. Mr Hughes is taking some time out of teaching to go travelling but has been invited back to his role next year.
A big thank you to all the teachers for their hard work over the years, contributing to the good progress the schools have made.
We have previously shared that the school had a significant shortfall in funding this April, which has led to £250,000 worth of cuts including 6 jobs. We will not be able to replace some vacant positions next year including:
Two Assistant Headteachers (who left in April);
Computing Specialist Teacher;
Site Assistant;
Two Teaching Assistants.
Key Dates in June
3-14 June Y5 Bikeability
3-7 June Y4 Multiplication Checks
5-7 June Y6 Sports Tour to Cardiff
6-7 June Y6 Day trips
6 June Y1 Church Visit (1ND & 1AS)
7 June Y1 Church Visit (1OH & 1ED)
10-14 June Y1 Phonics Screening
11 June Y1 Southend Visit 1OH & 1AS
11 June New Reception Parent Meetings
18 June Y1 Southend Visit 1ND & 1ED
18 June New Nursery Parent Meetings
20 June Y6 Junior Citizen Workshops
20 June Y5 Keyboard Concert
27 June Y3/4 Sports Day
All is going well with the construction of a pop-up swimming pool. We will be able to start lessons with 3DB, 3BH and 3TG next week and this will be followed by 3KS and Year 4 in future weeks. Please look out for an email regarding Swimming with more details and a form for you to complete with the level of your child's swimming ability.
Sports Days
The three main Sports Days are confirmed for
Thursday 27th June - Years 3 & 4
Monday 1st July - Years 5 & 6 at Lee Valley Athletics Stadium
Tuesday 9th July - Infant Sports Day (Yr, Y1 and Y2)
Parents/Carers and family members who wish to attend will need to register in advance and we will send details nearer the time. Nursery children will have their own fun sports events and these will be shared soon.
Those of you who have been to a Sports Day at Lee Valley will know that it is a great day and venue, however, the costs for this are now too high for our school budget and we will be asking for a contribution towards this day for Years 5 & 6. This helps with the hiring of the indoor arena and coaches. If we can get a healthy response to this then we should be able to keep it for future years, but we will have to consider reducing this event to every 2 years or holding the event at Raglan.
Charges & Fees for 2024/25
The Governing Body has agreed on the charges and fees for the next academic year.
A school lunch is expected to remain at £2.50 per day pending a final decision by the caterer. This only applies to nursery pupils as all other year groups are covered by the two schemes namely Universal Infant Free School Meals (YR, Y1, Y2) and The Mayor of London's Universal Free Meals (Y3-Y6).
Raglan Wrap Club
There will be some increases to Raglan Wrap Club
Breakfast session remains at £3
Short Wrap (to 4:30pm) will increase to £6
Extended Wrap (to 6pm) will increase to £11
Nursery fees will increase to £6 per hour to reflect the increase in staffing costs and mirror the increase to funding from the government. This only applies beyond 15 hours and those self-funding or who want additional hours beyond the 30 hours.
After-school clubs will remain at £30 per term.
We will be extending our shop over the next twelve months to reflect the new uniform policy. We currently have the following items that can be purchased through the Arbor App/Portal. Other supplies available, see our uniform page
School Sweatshirt £7.99
Book Bag £3.60
Gym Bag £4.20
Water Bottle (House Colours) £3.60
We had an amazing response to the competition which made it a very hard task to judge the winners. Well done to everyone who took part. The work will be on display in a special exhibition on Wednesday 5th June at 3.20-4.30pm in the Junior Hall, entry through the Raglan Road office.
A new cycle shelter has been installed at the entrance to Raglan Road. This has been funded by the council as part of the School Streets programme. Children and parents are reminded to ensure their cycle is locked especially as this is near to the gate.
Friday 24th May
Target Smashed with over £14,000 raised
We exceeded all expectations with The Big Olympic Walk today, the children were amazing and challenged themselves to get around the route.
Over £14,000 has been raised so far with some more counting of cash and online donations to come! Thank you so much for your support.
There were 4 walks throughout the day with Nursery and Reception starting us off this morning. Years 1 & 2 did amazingly well with some children reaching 5 laps of the estimated 800m course, so around 4km. In the afternoon it was the turn of Key Stage 2 with some children exceeding 6-7 laps or 5km.
Money raised will go towards further improvements to our school including a Green Wall for Y5/6 playground, Chromebooks and a Pond/Wildlife Area. Thank You!
Thursday 23rd May
Big Olympic Walk
Wow! Look at that total already and that's before we have done the sponsored walk! It's been lovely reading all the messages of support from supporters around the country and beyond!
The children are ready to go tomorrow. Here's a reminder of the key points:
The Walk is this Friday 24th May
Dress theme is Olympic Sports
Children to bring their sponsor cards in at any point to collect the stickers
Try to make donations via the Just Giving Page
Mini Marathon
It has been confirmed that 98 pupils completed the London Mini Marathon and we have received a donation of £980 which we will use towards our Sport and PE Programmes. Thank you to all the children and parents/carers who took part.
Term dates and Training Days
We've had a few queries about term dates for the next academic year 2024/2025. These can be found in Information>Term Dates where we have also confirmed the 5 training days. Pupils attend 190 days and staff 195. We will issue the official postcards soon.
Summer Wrap Club
We will be going ahead with a Summer Wrap Club, details and booking will be available soon. The dates will be the last two weeks in August, excluding the bank holiday, but will also include the training day on the 2nd September. School opens on Tuesday 3rd September for Years 1-6.
Year 3 visit
During this half term, Y3 went to visit Forty Hall Farm During our visit, the children learnt about the different animals that they care for as well as the different crops and fruits that they grow. We learnt that they package these crops and fruits and sell them to the residents of Enfield. The children showed great interest and knowledge throughout the trip following the lessons taught in our Geography unit on agriculture. They were a real credit to the school and showed exemplary behaviour.
Tuesday 21st May
You may be aware that there have been several issues with swimming provision in Enfield. We moved away from the borough swimming programme due to the rising costs and regular pool closures. We moved our swimming to St Ignatius, but unfortunately, that pool also had to close temporarily this academic year.
So thinking outside the box, we are trying something different and bringing a pool to Raglan! We will have a pop-up heated 10m pool for 6 weeks next half term which will not only help us provide swimming for Year 4, we will be able to extend this to Year 3. The approach will be different, as the children will have an intensive programme, swimming every day for 8 days. If timings allow we may also have some follow-up sessions for those who need more practice to reach the standard across Y3-Y6.
This is a bold move but we need to try something different as the current system is not working and is too costly. There may be bumps along the way but I am sure we can make it work and get all Years 3 and 4 swimming next half term. We are working with Swim Plus to provide this opportunity and they will teach the lessons and maintain the pool. The pool will be on the field covered with a gazebo with another linked gazebo for changing rooms. We will also have fencing around the whole area to keep everyone safe.
We will write separately to Years 3 and 4 classes with more information and dates for their sessions. We are also working on how we can offer the pool for fun swimming sessions after school for all pupils and we will let you know when we have further information.
The BIG Olympic Walk UPDATE
We've had an amazing response to the sponsored walk so far which has now passed £5,000. Unfortunately we are not able to use the Gift Aid this time.
If you've missed what is happening please scroll down to Wednesday 15th May for the full information.
In summary, this is what you need to know
The Walk is this Friday 24th May
Dress theme is Olympic Sports
Sponsorship cards sent home with spares at the office
Children to bring their sponsor cards in at any point to collect the stickers
Try to make donations via the Just Giving Page
Half Term
Next week is Half term and we are hosting activities run by other providers including Artz Kidz
Our Spanish teacher is holding a 2 day Camp.
Please contact the providers directly to book.
Spanish 2 days
Artz Kidz
Artz Kidz 2
Friday 17th May
The BIG Olympic Walk
The launch of the Big Olympic Walk has been well received and sponsorship is starting to appear on the Just Giving Page passing the £1500 mark already! Scroll down to Wednesday 15th May if you missed the full information.
In summary, this is what you need to know
The Walk is next Friday 24th May
Dress theme is Olympic Sports
Sponsorship cards sent home with spares at the office
Children to bring their sponsor cards in at any point to collect the stickers
Try to make donations via the Just Giving Page to take advantage of gift aid.
Year 4 at The Hive
Year 4 had a great time on their first residential visit to The Hive. The two-day, one-night stay was based around nature and the outdoors including pond dipping and map reading. A big thank you to Mr Flett for organising and to the many staff volunteers who made the visit possible.
More photos to follow.
Walk to School Week
Next week is Walk to School Week which many of you do already. This could also include cycling and scootering. If you do come by car perhaps consider one or two days where you walk instead or park further away and walk the last part of your journey.
Funding from the local authority has led to a new cycle shelter at the Raglan Road entrance. This will be finished next week. We also have a new scooter pod for the Nursery.
We are building up our resources so if you have any of the following that you don't need anymore and are happy to donate we are looking for
dressing up clothes (EYFS)
dinosaur figures
New Nursery & Reception
If you have a child starting in Nursery or Reception, please remember to return your online forms. This will help with our organisation for the new academic year. Meetings for new parents/carers are on
Tuesday 11th June (5.30pm or 7pm) for new Reception
Tuesday 18th June (5.30pm OR 7pm) for new Nursery
The local authority are seeking feedback from parents and carers. They have designed a questionnaire to help them better understand the experience of children, young people and families as they access and journey through the SEND system.
The questionnaire has been anonymised to enable honest feedback and the results will be used to inform decisions made by the SEND Partnership.
The link for the questionnaire can be found here
The questionnaire will remain open until Monday 3rd June 2024
Community News
We have a community news page to post information about local events, support and opportunities. These are not directly related or endorsed by Raglan but we are happy to share things that may be of interest to our school community. The latest updates include
May Half-Term Activities (Artz Kidz & Spanish)
Girls Only Cricket - Enfield Cricket club
Summer Fete - Enfield Town Ladies
Community Litter Picks
ABC Parents - Free First Aid Course, Postnatal Fitness & Breastfeeding Support
Foster Carers Wanted - Five Rivers
Wednesday 15th May
The Big Olympic Walk
The Big Olympic Walk is our Summer fundraiser for 2024. With no Summer Fair this term the RSA would welcome your support to raise further funds for the school. The next developments will be:
A green wall for the Year 5/6 Playground;
New Chromebooks;
A pond/wildlife area in the garden;
Curriculum Resources.
The Big Olympic Walk will take place on Friday 24th May and all pupils will take part, regardless of whether they are being sponsored or not. It will be a fun and exciting event for the children with a course set around the school grounds. There will be 4 different walks so we can safely manage the numbers. Sadly because the day is spread out, we won’t be able to invite parents to watch, but we will ensure we have lots of photos and a video.
We are launching this with the children over the next few days (see video) so they will come home with their sponsor card.
The theme is the Olympics and children are invited to dress in their favourite Olympic sport kit. The choice is wide to make it easy for everyone. They can come dressed for the day. Please remember sensible trainers are needed for the walk and keep an eye on the weather (hats/suncream etc.)
EYFS pupils will walk one lap (possibly two for reception). Years 1/2 will aim for 3 laps and KS2 we will challenge them to see how many they can do in the time.
The children will come home with a sponsor card over the next few days. If they are collecting sponsors they can record the details on the card and bring it back to school. There are Olympic sports stickers for each sponsor they collect.
The RSA has set up a Just Giving page where sponsor money can be donated. There is also an opportunity for Gift Aid where that applies which means an additional 25% from the government. We will accept cash donations but prefer as much to be donated online.
Thank you for your support!
THursday 9th May
Educational Visits
Our Educational Visits programme is a key way in which we bring the curriculum alive for children, however, it is becoming more challenging with rising costs and I am sure as parents/carers you have noticed this. I am pleased to say that the Year 1 planned visit to Southend including the Sealife Centre will now go ahead later this term, following a positive response from parents. We have to look at each trip to ensure it is good value for money, look at the contributions made on previous trips so we can be confident that we can cover the costs through parental contributions.
Class Photos - Last Chance for Free Delivery
Today (Thursday) is the last day for ordering photos if you want to avoid any delivery charges. After this point there is a charge for P&P. Visit: and use the access code provided in email.
New Nursery Parents
If your child has been offered a place in the Nursery starting in September 2024 we have emailed parents today with starting details. If you have not received the email, please contact the school office. The school website features two pages for New Nursery Intake and New Reception Intake
Both Nursery and Reception year groups are full for September. This is encouraging as we know that other schools in Enfield are struggling to fill all their places due to a falling birthrate and families moving out of the borough.
Thank you to those reaching out to the school following news of our funding. The school has been forced to make cuts of £250,000 this April to balance the budget for 2024/2025 following an increase of less than 1% to its core funding. We will be relying on fundraising more than ever as our curriculum budgets for new resources will be minimal. Supporting RSA events including the upcoming Sponsored Walk is a good start.
There are a handful of tickets for next week's RSA Quiz Night. This fun evening of quizzing is hosted by Mr Kelsey-Hatton and will feature a range of quiz rounds. You can bring your own food and drink and your ticket will include free entry into the Red & Black interval game with a cash prize for the last person standing!
Tickets are available on Class List or contact
All money raised will go to the RSA raising money for a Green Wall, Chromebooks, Pond Area and Curriculum Resources.
School Meals by ASPENS
It's coming up for one year since we moved to a new catering company Aspens. This has been a challenging change over due to the universal free school meals being extended to all key stage 2 pupils. We have been keeping in touch with the managers and some improvements to the menu and service have been made as the year has progressed.
You can find out more about Aspens in their information pack.
All pupils (except Nursery) are entitled to a free lunch every school day. Nursery can purchase meals at £2.50
Half Term
We are hosting half-term activities run by other providers including Artz Kidz.
Our Spanish teacher is holding a 2 day Camp.
As yet we have not heard from Pro-Elite on their plans.
Spanish 2 days
Artz Kidz
Artz Kidz 2
Support for Parents
Positive co-parenting can be a challenge. There is support here for parents of neurodiverse children.
Please remember to respect our neighbours and keep all our children safe by parking responsibly in the local area. This means
no parking on corners
no parking across the pavement
no stopping or parking on the zig zags or the zebra crossing or outside the school gates
no blocking the driveways of residents (even for a few minutes)
Should anyone wish to report illegal parking in the future NSL can be called direct on 020 3856 0036 (line available 24 hours for enforcement daily between 8am and 9pm). Alternatively, the Parking team here at the Council can be emailed at or called on 020 8379 6406 between 9am and midday Monday to Friday.
Wednesday 1st May
Staff Changes
Yesterday we said goodbye to Assistant Headteachers Ms Giles and Mrs Pettifor. Unfortunately, the school is unable to replace these roles due to budget cuts. We are expecting a further 4 posts to be cut by the end of the academic year, placing greater pressure on other staff. The school was faced with a £250,000 shortfall this April due to funding not keeping pace with costs.
Mrs Daly (Deputy Headteacher) will be leading in Year 3/4 from today, taking over from Mrs Giles. Parents should first discuss any concerns with their class teacher but the leadership is also there to help, support and resolve any issues.
Any questions or concerns around SEND should be directed to Mrs Plume (SENCo) who will also be the designated person for Looked After and Adopted children. The plans and progress of pupils will be overseen by the AHT/DHT of their phase.
Mr Kelsey-Hatton will be the Designated Safeguarding Lead overall but all members of the leadership team are trained and together form the Safeguarding Team at Raglan. Again please speak with your AHT/DHT if you have any concerns about safeguarding.
NO Smoking and Vaping
This a polite reminder that smoking or vaping is not permitted anywhere on the school site and we would also encourage parents/carers and visitors not to do this near the school gates. Thank You!
Dates for May
It's May already, so here is what is coming up
6th May - Bank Holiday (School Closed)
7th-10th May - Year 4 Residential Visits
13-16th May - Year 6 SATs
13th May - Nursery Farm Visit
14th May - R2 & R4 Lee Valley Visit
15th May - R1 & R3 Lee Valley Visit
20th May - Y4 Violin Concert - tickets here
Friday 24th May - School Closes at 3.10/3.20/3.30pm for Half Term
Monday 3rd June - School Opens for Summer 2
Community News
There are some updates to the community news page. This is where we post events or opportunities that may be of interest to some pupils and parents. This includes
Coffee Morning/Fundraiser at Bush Hill Park Methodist Church
Prayer Meeting for Raglan Parents
Sewing Bee applications open
Visit the Community News here
Attendance is in the news nationally as levels of attendance struggle to return to pre-pandemic levels. At Raglan we have seen a steady rise in attendance back towards levels that are typical for our school.
Some pupils struggle with getting to school and the EP service is running a two-part workshop, which may be of interest to some parents and carers.
Sponsored Walk
For our Summer RSA fundraising event, we will be holding The Big Olympic Walk. This event will be on Friday 24th May 2024. All the pupils will take part in the walk around the school site which will be around 1km, 3km or 5km depending on age! This will be a sponsored event and we hope that many of the children will find some sponsors to encourage and reward them for their efforts. The children can dress up for this event by choosing one of their favourite Olympic sports. Later this term we will have a focus on the Olympics covering Art, PE and Culture.
More details will be shared soon. Money raised will go towards the RSA where we are currently raising funds for
Green Wall for Year 5/6 Playground
New Chromebooks to replace old stock
New Pond area in the Millenium Garden
Curriculum Resources
Early Years Apprenticeship
We are creating two new apprenticeship posts from September aimed at those who want to work in the Early Years sector. This could be a Level 2 or Level 3 apprenticeship and will be based in the Nursery. An apprenticeship is a paid position whilst training on the job.
Education and Sporting Futures will be our provider, who have successfully run our PE apprentices for several years. Visit their website for more information and how to apply.
Thursday 25th April
Class Photos
These are now available for purchase direct from the Churchbury website
Visit: and use the access code provided in yesterday's email.
Orders placed online before 9th May (extended deadline) can be returned to school free of charge, after this date P&P will apply for home deliveries. Orders will enter production together on 03.05.24 and be returned to school in one eco-friendly delivery approximately 2 weeks later.
Infant clubs have now all been allocated and are full.
Junior clubs have the following spaces. Please email if interested
Chess Y3456 (Wednesdays) - 10 spaces (there are two groups so more spaces available)
Table Tennis Y456 (Wednesdays) - 5 spaces
Next Tuesday we will be saying goodbye to two Assistant Headteachers. I'd like to repeat my thanks to Corrine Giles and Jo Pettifor for all their hard work and contributions to Raglan over the years, they will certainly be missed. If any parents/carers wish to contribute to their leaving gifts, please drop any contributions into the office by Friday.
Sue's Friendship Stop
Last term we were devastated to lose one of our colleagues Sue Stone, who died unexpectedly. Around 30 staff attended a moving service for Sue which was a fitting tribute to her life. We have plans to install a Friendship Stop/Bench for Sue in the Year 3/4 playground where she spent many lunchtimes supporting pupils. The bench is for pupils looking for a friend or someone to play with.
Thank you to those who have donated towards this so far, we will be closing this collection on the 3rd May so if you wish to contribute, please do so via the Arbor School Shop. Any money left over will be donated to the chosen charity The National Trust.
Uniform POLICY
Following a review of the uniform policy including a consultation with parents and carers. 79 parents responded to the consultation representing 123 pupils (13%). The proposals were broadly welcomed which aims to simplify the uniform and remove some of the branded and optional items. The governing body approved the policy at the end of last term.
This policy is to be phased in so there are no immediate changes for current pupils with the policy starting in September 2025. However, we will be asking new parents to follow the updated policy.
In summary, the uniform will be reduced to a royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan. The branded polo shirt will be discontinued and whilst there was a small but passionate number of parents wishing to retain the fleece, this will not form part of the uniform from September 2025. There are some minor changes to the Active Uniform.
We will set out a clear summary version in due course, but for now, there are no changes for current pupils until September 2025.
Sweatshirts are currently available for £6.90 in the online School Shop which can be accessed via Arbor. These orders are processed each Friday. We will be expanding the range in the future but we do wish to test out some products first.
The RSA will continue to provide a pre-loved uniform which will be available each term at different events.
Mini Marathon
The sun was shining on 100 Raglan pupils parents and staff who took part in the London Mini-Marathon last Saturday. The one-mile course finished in The Mall just like the famous marathon event.
Congratulations to all the finishers and thank you to Mr Flett for organising and to the parents and staff who turned up to help and support. The runners earned Raglan £1000 which will go towards future PE/Sport activities.
Year 6 Musical
The much anticipated Year 6 musical has been revealed this week. 120 pupils in Year 6 will perform the Disney Classic Aladdin for their end-of-year production. This follows on the back of previous successful performances of Matilda, Lion King and Oliver. Auditions for the main parts start soon.
Tuesday 16th April
Parents and Carers should now have registered and paid for any clubs that have been offered on Arbor. Please do this as soon as possible so we can offer out any remaining clubs.
Clubs start next week from Monday 22nd April and run through to the final clubs on Monday 8th July. We finish on a Monday to catch up from the bank holiday.
Sports Days
The three main Sports Days are confirmed for
Thursday 27th June - Years 3 & 4
Monday 1st July - Years 5 & 6 at Lee Valley Athletics Stadium
Tuesday 9th July - Infant Sports Day (Yr, Y1 and Y2)
Parents/Carers and family members who wish to attend will need to register in advance and we will send details nearer the time.
Nursery children will have their own fun sports events and these will be shared soon.
Those of you who have been to a Sports Day at Lee Valley will know that it is a great day and venue, however, the costs for this are now too high for our school budget and we will be asking for a contribution towards this day for Years 5 & 6. If we can get a healthy response to this then we should be able to keep it for future years but options for every 2 years or returning the event to Raglan are under consideration.
Key Dates In MAY
Other Key Dates include
Monday 6th May - Bank Holiday Monday (School Closed)
Tuesday 7th to Friday 10th May - Y4 residential(2 days, 1 night)
Monday 13th to Thursday 16th May - Year 6 SATs week
Friday 24th May - School closes for Half term at 3.10/3.20pm
The RSA are holding an event next Wednesday 24th April which includes a meet and greet event with some local authors.
Check out the details on the poster.
Quiz Night
Quiz Night had to be rearranged due to illness and this is now on Friday 17th May.
Friday 29th March
Staffing Update
As we reach the end of another term, there are some significant staffing updates. We will be soon saying goodbye to two of our Assistant Headteachers, Corrine Giles and Jo Pettifor.
Corrine has been at Raglan since 2014 and has been a key part of the leadership team as we moved the schools forward. She has undertaken several roles across the curriculum and has been a leading part in several OfSTED inspections. Corrine is leaving to seek new opportunities.
Jo joined us in 2021 as AHT for Inclusion and soon found her feet, bringing a fresh pair of eyes to the Inclusion agenda. Jo has been in education for 30 years and is ready for a phased retirement seeking new opportunities.
I'd like to thank them both for their hard work and dedication over the years and wish them well for the future. Their final day will be the 30th April. If you would like to contribute to a gift, please leave any contributions at the office.
As anticipated we have received less than a 1% increase to our core funding which does not match the rise in costs for the next twelve months. This has left the school with a £250,000 black hole this April. We have spent all our reserves, which were wiped out with the pay rises for the last two years which were not fully funded. We also saw energy costs soar 125%.
We are also hit with an increase in pension contributions this April and the grant provided by the DfE does not cover all the actual costs. National Insurance thresholds are frozen so we are paying more NI contributions. As yet, we don't know what the pay rises will be for teachers or support staff in 2024. So in summary, we are unable to afford the staffing bill going forward.
We have no choice but to reduce the workforce which makes up 75% of our costs. I have discussed this with the Governing Body and we will be unable to fill some of the vacant positions. Therefore we will not be replacing the two Assistant Headteachers leaving in April. Further cuts will also be needed and these will be finalised next term. It's disheartening that we have reached a really good place at Raglan and it is in danger of being undone.
All clubs have now been allocated and added to Arbor. You can scroll down for previous updates. There was a significant increase of busy parents who missed the deadline which emphasises the importance of reading these parent/carer updates. Hopefully, we have been able to find clubs for most pupils who have requested them. Initial figures look like around 700 pupils have a club after school.
We are working through the spaces and waiting lists for Infants and Juniors
Please do look on Arbor and register (and pay) for the clubs offered. If you no longer want the place, let us know as we do have pupils waiting for spaces.
Remember to also email us if you need us to pay clubs for you, especially if your child is in Nursery until 3.30pm or is booked into Wrap Club. Parents who receive help with school expenses (FSM) should see clubs automatically registered and paid but do let us know if that has not happened and it is asking you to pay.
Progress Reports
All reports have been sent by email. Let us know if you have not received one for your child. As the term was short and face-to-face meetings were not long ago there will be no comments, just a data update including attendance, effort and test results.
Raglan Wrap Club
One parent said it was easier to get Beyonce tickets when the system went live last week. I'm sorry if this is causing stress and frustration, but we cannot meet the demand for places. Having extended the club twice already we have brought forward plans to use the Hub as part of the Wrap Club. This means children in Nursery and Reception will use the Hub between 3.10 and 5pm before moving over to the main room. This will help create some more places for next term and we will see if that works. This takes us to around 150/160 pupils. The Hub is ideal for EYFS pupils as the set-up has everything they need. It is a shame to split them away from the older pupils but this is the only way we can safely extend the club to create more places.
Some parents have made suggestions on how best to manage the booking situation, but most suggestions require us to create criteria for which pupils get priority over others and that comes with problems around what is fair. Further discussions will be taking place next term to see how we can best manage the process going forward.
In other news, there was a healthy response to a consultation on whether parents would welcome Wrap Club opening during the Summer break. We are now working on the staffing to see whether we can make it happen this year.
Community Updates
We've added a few updates to the Community News including
Artz Kidz this Easter
Football Camps with Mr Wick
Enfield Cricket Club this Summer
Easter Egg Hunt in Bury Lodge Park
Visit the Community News Page here
Year 1 Trips
This half term Year 1 have been very busy with two trips.
Their first trip was to Rye Meads Nature Reserve, where the children engaged in activities to support their Science topic ‘All about Plants’. They enjoyed being plant detectives for the day - identifying plants from their smell, making plant and herb potions, naming parts of the plant structure, identifying different trees by their leaves, making leaf rubbings and planting their seeds. Despite the weather being cold and wet, it did not dampen the children’s spirits and they all had a fun day and learnt lots! Don’t just take our word for it. Take a look at what Victoria in 1ND has to say about the trip.
Music Magic
Congratulations to our musicians who performed this week. It was great to see the progress they have been making with their instruments.
We also had pupils perform at the Milfield Theatre this week alongside secondary schools. This included a joint piece of music with Kingsmead School.
Sports News
Our journalists have been busy writing up all the amazing sports that have been happening this term and there was plenty of it! Check out their digital newspaper.
Wednesday 27th March
End of Term
We close tomorrow at the normal time. School reopens on Monday 15th April.
Infant Clubs are now available on Arbor, these are the clubs your child has been allocated. Unfortunately, Arbor does not delete old clubs so you need to look closely at the names and dates. We have also added Sum24 to most of the club titles this term. Junior Clubs are being finalised today and should be live tomorrow.
PLEASE LOG ON TO ARBOR TO ACCEPT THE CLUBS OFFERED. This adds your child to the club register. Where there is a fee to pay, it needs to be paid at this point for your place to be secured.
A few points to note
The vast majority of pupils have been allocated their first choice and most clubs are over-subscribed.
If you don't want the place, please let us know so we can offer it out to other children
Dance for Reception has been split into a Tuesday and Friday club to meet the demand
If you receive help with school expenses, we will have paid the fee for you automatically and your child should be registered already.
If your child is booked into Wrap Club on the same day as a club, you do not need to pay the club fee of £30. Please email and we will pay the fee for you.
If your child is booked into Nursery on the days they have a club, your child has been registered and the fee has been paid. If there is an error with this then please email
There are 53 spaces left in some of the Infant Clubs, please click here to see what is available and to request a place. Again we will do this in priority order starting with pupils who have no clubs to those who have already been allocated two.
Progress Reports
We will be sending you a progress report/data update by email over the next two days. This will show you the latest teacher assessments, effort grades (Y1-6), test results (Y2-6) and attendance. As the Meet the Teacher events were just a few weeks ago there will be no comments this term. However, teachers may contact you if there is something to discuss or update. You are of course welcome to make an appointment to see a teacher after the break if you wish to follow up on anything. Guidance notes are below.
Tuesday 19th March
Tomorrow (Wednesday) we will have the photographers in for the class photos. Please send your child into school wearing their uniform. If they have PE, please send in the PE kit separately.
Clubs for Summer
The Summer Term Clubs programme has now been published. There are three steps to the process, which are:
Make your REQUESTS for clubs on the Google form by Monday 25th March (9am)
We will allocate the clubs, and then add them to the Arbor app/portal by 28th March.
You then need to accept the club offer and pay any fee (where applicable)
Some key points to know:
Clubs are not allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. We try to find at least one club for everyone who wants one starting with your first choice.
Music clubs will have the same pupils as this term as they are already preparing for the Summer concerts.
Do not wait for the outcome of KS2 trials this time. Submit your form and if there is a clash we will allocate the KS2 trial place.
There are clubs for Nursery this term at 2.30pm. If your child is still in the nursery at this point, they can still attend a club and there will be no charge. If your child finishes at 11.30am or 2.30pm then club fees apply.
Waiting lists from this term do not roll forward, please make any club your first choice to stand a good chance of getting a place.
The direct links are
Clubs Booklet - click here
Google Form - click here
Craig Park
Please see further information for Craig Park Youth and Family Hub, which offer help and support for families.
Thursday 14th March
In Memory of Sue
A couple of weeks ago we lost our friend and colleague Sue Stone. Her funeral will take place next Thursday 21st March. Around 20 staff will be attending, however, we have been able to arrange cover and the school will remain open on this day.
A collection has been started in memory of Sue. The family have requested no flowers, but donations to The National Trust are welcomed. The school is organising a community collection which will go towards this charity, but also towards installing a Friendship Bench in the Year 3/4 playground, where Sue spent many hours supporting pupils at lunchtime. If you would like to donate, this can be done via the School Shop, so please visit your Arbor portal or app.
A reminder that all school clubs finish this Friday 15th March. We are ready to launch the new clubs for Summer so look out for details. We will again try and allocate all the clubs before the break. Next week will be the junior trials and information has been shared on the arrangements.
Raglan Wrap Club
Bookings for the Summer Term open on Monday 18th March at 18:30. This week, whilst the system was being prepared and tested, some parents saw the system was open and made bookings and then shared this with others. These bookings have all now been cancelled so the procedure is fair to everyone. We will always notify you when the system is open for general booking.
Musical Collaboration
Musicians from Kingsmead School joined our wind band this week as they prepare for an upcoming concert. It was great to see the school schools together especially as many pupils now go to Kingsmead for their secondary school.
Parent Workshop - Behaviour
On Tuesday 26th March at 9am My Young Minds Enfield (MYME) will be leading a parent workshop about behaviour. The aims of the session:
To understand what we mean by behaviour that challenges
To understand what factors can impact on your child's behaviour
To have an understanding of the strategies that you can use to support your child's behaviour
To learn strategies to support your child's sleep
The Workshop will take place in The Hub and is open to all parents. Please use the google form to sign up.
Running Order: 03:30 - Year 1; 09:40 - Year 2; 15:40 - Year 3; 20:35 - Year 4; 25:54 - Year 5; 31:33 - Year 6; 36:28 - Junior Dance Festival Group; 39:00 - Finale
A night at the movies
Here is the promised video of the dance show from last week. The video does not run in order as we have grouped each year group for ease of watching.
Congratulations to our first GOLD AWARD winners for 2023/24. This has been awarded for their achievement in Run for Raglan!
Junior pupils can run from 08:30-08:45 and KS1 pupils can run at playtime. Bronze and Silver awards are presented also.
Monday 11th March
Clubs end on Friday for this term and the process begins to sort clubs for next term. Next week will be trials for KS2 pupils and we will be moving to Summer Sports including athletics, cricket and rounders. Further details will follow.
There were many positives using Arbor for clubs last term, but it wasn't without glitches and of course we were all getting used to a new app and software. Hopefully some of those issues will be better this time round. The process remains the same in three steps:
You make requests for clubs via the Google Form
We allocate the clubs and add them to Arbor
You accept the clubs offered and where applicable pay the fee.
We allocate as fairly as possible with the aim that everyone who wants a club can attend at least one club. Often we can do more than one but this depends on your choices and how popular each clubs is. Some clubs will roll over from this term especially in Music where children are already preparing for concerts.
The fees will remain at £30 for the term which will give you between 8-10 weeks over the Summer Term.
Ramadam & Fasting
If older pupils are fasting during Ramadam, please let us know in writing to the school so we can support them through this period.
Term Dates
This term ends on Thursday 28th March as the Friday is a bank holiday (Good Friday). We return on Monday 15th April at the usual times. Other key dates for Summer and beyond:
Monday 6th May - School Closed (Bank Holiday)
Monday 27th - 31st May - School Close (Half Term)
Friday 19th July - School Closes for Summer at 1.30-1.40pm
Tuesday 3rd September - School opens for Autumn Term
World Book Day
Raglan celebrated World Book Day on Friday 8th March which included a number of book activities.
The theme was "Read what makes you happy, wear what makes you happy!" and pupils came together to share books and talk about them.
Families and staff had generously donated over a 1,000 books which meant that every child went home with a pre-loved book.
Reading remains the number one priority and research clearly shows that children who read often make more progress across the curriculum.
Over 30 pupils have reached a million words in Key Stage 2 measured through the quizes they take on accelerated reader.
The take-away message: KEEP READING!
Year 2 at Celtic Harmony
Year 2 travelled back in time to the Stone Age when they visited Celtic Harmony Camp - an Iron Age village in Hertfordshire. The children and adults had a fantastic day building dens, learning how to be hunter-gatherers and learning how Stone Age people made tools. The day finished with a Stone Age story in a Celtic roundhouse by the warm, open fire. It was a great day!
Thursday 7th March
World Book Day
Our World Book Day is tomorrow (Friday) with many activities planned. The theme is "Read what makes you happy, wear what makes you happy!" There is also a pre-loved book sale so everyone goes home with a book. Thank you for your kind donations of books, we have a great collection for the children tomorrow. We welcome a donation of £1 towards the book sale. All this will go back into replenishing library stocks.
Quiz Night Postponed
Unfortunately, we have had to postpone tomorrow's RSA Quiz Night. This has now been rescheduled to Friday 17th May. The RSA will be in touch if you have already booked tickets.
Red Nose Day
We will not be participating in Red Nose Day (Comic Relief) as a school this year, but if you wish to support the charity as a family, please do so by visiting
Coffee Morning
There will be a Coffee Morning led by Lorraine Bennett (Outreach Support Manager, Waverley School) discussing Personal Care and Toilet Training. Lorraine has been running outreach support to schools and families in Enfield for many years. Aimed at families in Nursery/Reception or those families with children due to start school in September who are finding this process difficult. The coffee morning will be Tuesday 23rd April 9am in The Hub
Please use the Google Form to sign up.
Dance Show SUCCESS
130 children performed amazingly well at our dance show "Night at the Movies" The children have been working with a guest dance teacher and choreographer, giving up their lunchtimes to rehearse. The show as upbeat and full of energy. Two dance groups will represent Raglan at the Enfield Dance Festival later this month.
There are a small number of programmes available. These can be bought at the office for £4 (credit/debit card only)
It's very noticeable that we get an increase in issues when the weather is poor. Please remember to respect our neighbours and keep all our children safe by parking responsibly in the local area. This means
no parking on corners
no parking across the pavement
no stopping or parking on the zig zags or the zebra crossing or outside the school gates
no blocking the driveways of residents (even for a few minutes)
Should anyone wish to report illegal parking in the future NSL can be called direct on 020 3856 0036 (line available 24 hours for enforcement daily between 8am and 9pm). Alternatively, the Parking team here at the Council can be emailed at or called on 020 8379 6406 between 9am and midday Monday to Friday.